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Hiya, I'm Drybear!


Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
Hi all! I'm Drybear1998, preferably called drybear (calling me wetbear is also ok I guess ..)
I thought I'd tell you my MCSG story since I haven't done that before and then a little about myself!

MCSG story
I joined MCSG in late August last year and the forums like a month later. MCSG was the first PvP server I ever played on so I was obviously awful at PvP :p
After like 2 months of being of being a nub I had enough of loosing, I was really close to quit MCSG. Desperate of help I tried to get some tips on youtube and I found @nate252s Survival games tips video, I tried to fight like Nate did and I actually started to become better and better. (A huge thanks to Nate for making that video, I would probably have quit MCSG a long time ago without it)
I started winning a lot (I kinda played a lot too :p) and I was really loving MCSG.

I didn't really go on the forums at all until like februari, at first I posted nooby comments and all that since it was actually one of my first times going on a online forum, but I started learning the forums and I really started loving it on there!
Time went by and I posted more and more on the forums, I was gaining about 100 wins a month and everything was great!
On April the 2nd I was browsing the forums as usual and I saw that they lowered the age of becoming a moderator from 15 to 14, (at that point I was 14 with my birthday coming up in 1,5 month) I got very excited and I wrote my application in about 2 hours and then I posted it right away. The days after I kinda realized that I should have worked a little more on the app and I kinda regretted that I posted it without really going through it a few times. Time went by and on the 24th of april when I woke up and checked the forums as usual I saw that Dave had replied to "Interview" Drybear1998 - Moderator application" I couldn't believe it, I never thought my (imo) not that well made app would ever be accepted. I had my interview on the 26th and I was actually barely nervous before the interview, idk why, I just wasn't. The interview went well and as you can probably tell, I became a moderator : D
Since then I've been on the teamspeak a lot, I've been playing a lot, I've been posting quite a bit and I've been generally happy :3 Since a while back I haven't been playing for the wins at all, I've been plating just for the fun of it (I still kinda wanna reach 1k wins by the end of summer) and I've been trying to talk to a lot of people on the teamspeak :) I hope you enjoyed my story even though I'm not good at writing ..
My MCSG story doesn't end here, and I don't think it will in the near future <3

Me :3
So now a little about myself, I'm 15 years old, Swedish and a damn sexy polar bear x3​
I like to play Football (soccer), Sleeping until 5pm and playing games :) I usually don't talk that much on teamspeak but I will try do fix that ;) Not that much else to tell you about me, if there's anything else you wonder I can have kind of ama in this thread too xD (look at me keeping the forums clean and putting everything in one thread : p)​
Thanks for reading!​


May 6, 2013
Reaction score
Dude you wrecked me on mcswish, your pretty good m8.

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