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Mar 14, 2016
Reaction score
For starters... This is just me telling my MCSG story. For no reason!

It all started back in like 2013 when I first joined the community as "Doilet". I know... Best name ever right?
Anyways... I was young, and loved the server to death. I played everyday and teamed with a bunch of randoms all of the time. I wasn't any good at the game, just having fun! :p
My journey started when I found out that I could start a YouTube channel and upload videos on MCGamer. So of course, I named the channel Doilet, which you can still find on YouTube. The videos were decent for someone who was very new to all of this. The channel grew slowly, and I began to meet new people, who I still call friends to this day! We played MCSG a lot together. This was when my channel began to grow. I hit 50, then 100, then 200, then 300. By now I was a lot more mature then when I started, and I saw that I wanted to go a more professional route on YouTube. At this point my name was ItsEnder. I know... Another great name hey?
I grew out of this name fast, and got a new computer in January of 2014. I still use that computer today! I decided to go by a new name... JustHyper!
Wait wait, lets back up almost a year.
When I still went by the name Doilet, I started to look into clans. It fascinated me, being able to battle others in a match like that. So me and a friend started a clan. #Intensity!
This clan wasn't that good, but we were young, remember.
This clan helped me meet most of my friends today, and grow my channel. Matthewgh, Weirdnooters, Apple, Toyguy1, Sonr, Pxnther, and so many more.
These people stuck with me throughout my journey, and have always looked up to me. That helped me mature. I took a leaders position and dedicated myself to make this work. My friends look to me as their leader. And it's not that I didn't share any power, it's that they became so used to me helping them solve problems, that I became the only one who could for them. We know eachother so well. Anyways, this helped me begin to realize problems not only in our clan, but in the community. I grew my own opinions that I stick with to this day. This made me the kind loving and knowledgeable person I believe I am today. I think I would've ended up as one of the toxic players if this hadn't happened. Now I wouldn't dare say something rude during a game, or anywhere else. There's really just no point.
Anyways, the clan moved on to #Impact.
This was where we got better at pvp, and together as a team we pushed through to become one of the longest standing MCSG clans ever. It was a good 2.5 years together as a team!
We are still good friends. This is besides the point. In January 2014, I took the name JustHyper, and made a new channel. (I have a problem with switching channels) I gained 450 subs on this channel, and made a total of 175 survival games episodes on that channel. The time came where I wasn't enjoying the way the channel was going... And I switched again. Now here I am as Zertix.
Wait... Sorry, uhhh, we need to go back again. About a year ago infact. I applied for MCGamer moderator, after Impact disbanded, because I felt I had matured so much that I would for sure make it. And what do you know? I got to the Interview stage! Well, maybe I could've made it further, but my progress was completely destroyed when I was banned for 7 days, for using UHC Essentials. "But wait, UHC Essentials is allowed?" Yeah it is now, which is why someone finally decided to let me know I can apply for moderator again...
A couple weeks ago I reapplied for moderator. I got my first response to be pushed up to the Pending stage.
Just today, I got back to the Interview stage of moderator!
To just think that one year ago I was waiting buddies with yannr00s who is now an administrator!
That's my MCSG Story for you guys! Hope it was good! Talk to you guys soon! Hopefully I will be a moderator! <3

- Jaden (Zertix)


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
Hello, nice to meet you!

Really good story. Good to see old timers hanging around.

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