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Hey Guys! I'm FalcomerG


Aug 20, 2013
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My name is Gianluca Falcomer. AKA: Gian, Luca, or FalcomerG. Thanks for taking time to read my introductory thread! I'm glad some of you want to know a bit more about me, it means alot!

Firstly, I've been playing Minecraft since early BETA, and have enjoyed every moment since. I've always liked playing around with redstone, building simple, and complex creations. Like, a day/night sensor (before they were added), a working calculator that goes up to 10x10, and an automated count down timer. But, that's not all! Now (since 1.8), I really love building in a medieval style in creative, but I hate doing it in survival, weird eh? Having said that, it doesn't mean that I don't enjoy playing survival, I do, more than anything, It's my favourite thing in the game! And, I've had a world since 1.7.3, I must say, my skills have improved! Below is an image of my 1.7.3 building style XD

Moving along, out of Minecraft. Some of my hobbies include website design/coding. I have always enjoyed coding, since I created my first HTML website last year. Unfortunately, that was a school project, so I can not show that. I can, however, show you something that I'd recently done. If you'd like to see it, please click here. It's still a massive work in progress, but I'm getting there!

Finally, I also enjoy GFX design (even though I feel I'm not good enough). I don't have a portfolio, as I'm afraid to show my work, as I'm scared of what other people think. However, I'm not afraid to show my intros, which counts as GFX, so that's a bit weird.. You can view my intros here.

Sorry!!! One final thing! I've never been banned from any Minecraft server! Proof below!!

This has been my intro! I look forward to a great stay in the MCSG community! Feel free to contact me at any time! Luca out!

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