I believe you cannot change your nickname in-game as that is not stated in the platinum donor perks. Here is a list of perks you get:
- All perks of the previous ranks.
- Scramble your points! If you have lots of points and get targeted, use /scramble to get a lower disguised/scrambled number. To return your points to normal, do /unscramble.
- Fly in the hub! (/fly)
- Use (most) chat color codes! (Example: &a, &c, etc.)
- Exclusive Wardrobes!
- Pets! (BETA)
You might be talking about disguising yourself to appear as another player which you can do with the command /d. Do undisguise back, simply do /undisguise. Take note that you will not be able to pick a disguise name; these will be random.
To have a colored chat, simply use one of these codes before your message. Although, please take note that you can use not all of them.
"&1 Platinum rank is amazing!" for a dark blue text that reads "Platinum rank is amazing!"
Question answered; thread locked.