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Hello, I'm Frondome... (My MCSG Story)


Sep 12, 2013
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WARNING: This thread might be too long but, I'm not forcing you to read this ;)

Hello, I'm Frondome, I'm a friend here at MCSG, Scottish, and pretty amazing actually. I just wanted to introduce myself due to the fact that not much people know who I am anymore and, I really want to be recognized by the community again so this is my first step to get to that point. I thrive to be a friendly and helpful person. Being that person matters a lot to me so I try as hard as I possibly can to befriend people and help others in need.

My hitory with MCSG is a long one. I started playing on the servers early June 2012 and, everything was so very different back then. Whole different community and the gameplay has adapted a lot since then. I loved it though. MCSG was the first server I ever went on on Minecraft. Originally found it by simply googling "Minecraft Hunger Games" and I've been here if since. I started off my interaction with the community over Skype. I would basically ask people on the server if anyone had Skype and see who I ended up with. Sometimes you end up with some people that are really hard to talk to and then you get that one friend that you're lucky to find. That friend for me was Wronsiski. Neither of us were really big in the community at the time so, we both formed a great friendship and played quite a few games together. I really learnt how to play from him. I still remember that he told me about the different chest tiers. I would have got nowhere without that. Wronsiski and I are still friends today and, if you didn't know, he is now a moderator here. During this time I applied for moderator...

I actually forgot about applying for moderator. I was too distracted I suppose but, my application got accept July 2012. This is where I really started getting involved in the community. Seeing as I got accepted for interview, I had to get onto the MCSG TeamSpeak for the first time. After being given the waiting rank, I was left waiting in the waiting room with three others. Those people were darkfiretorch, Valethar, and Guggex. We waited in the room for quite a while and we struck up quite a nice conversation. After waiting, we had finally been invited into the interview room. During that time, more than one person got interviewed at a time. I was so nervous during that interview. I was really unprepared and, at that time my confidence level was minimal. The question that really hit me was "Tell us something interesting about yourself". That question really hit me because I didn't know what to say, I didn't know if what I wanted to say was too personal or if it wasn't interesting enough so, I just ended up saying "I like playing Mineraft with my friends". To my surprise, I got accepted as moderator (woo!) along with Guggex and Valethar. Unfortunately, darkfiretorch didn't get accepted and, we unfortunately didn't hear anything from him since.

I loved my job as moderator. It was the first time I felt like I was who I wanted to be. People looked up to me, they relied on me, they came to me for help, and a lot even saw me as a friend. This made me feel absolutely magnificent. The role gave me the chance to help out the community I loved. Isn't that the only reason anyone would ever want moderator? Being a moderator, I also made quite a few good friends with the staff team including the now senior mod Mr. Key (You guys probably know him as JoshKey), Roseria and Saar (mynameissaar). Very few of the old community/staff are about nowadays which makes me fairly sad but, it's a new community with mostly new staff and it's still as lovable as it used to be in my opinion. A few people left because, it wasn't the same and I see where they are coming from, it's really hard to let go to what the community was but, I believe I had to get give it up so I can see the brand new beauty which is MCSG.

During my time as moderator, I was recognized by a very important man in the community whom most know as Bicentennial_Man. As brilliant as he is, he decided that I would make a worthy senior moderator and , after discussing it with the other admins, I was invited to join the senior staff team. I was happy about this not just because I got promoted but, because it had shown me (and surprised me) that I had been doing a good job as moderator. Being moderator made me happy enough but, being promoted just made me feel good about the work I had done. Though, I stepped down once because I didn't feel like I deserved the position, I decided to go back into the position and thrive to do more and better as a senior moderator. I just though, if I could do well as a moderator, what's stoping me from being a decent senior staff member.

Unfortunately, that wasn't to last. Though I had received (and still do) many compliments on how good I was and how much people relied on me, I had to leave the staff team. I was having many personal issues at the time and, I had quite a few disputes with the other senior staff. Quite a few people were upset about this decision but, I believe that it had to happen. KellieBreanne is very notable here... She was pissed off! After I had got her into the community and, he was basically my best Minecraft friend, I understand why she was annoyed. So that left me a friend of MCSG's.

Unfortunately, my story doesn't end there (Don't feel the need to carry on reading but, this is the most exciting part). I had my problems with the community and staff at that time, I fond it necessary to create a thread addressing my problems with the senior staff. This was a huge mistake. I ended up just insulting all of them. The point of the thread was really to share my thoughts and have the communities support whilst doing it. It did not turn out that way. It ended up as an attack on the MCSG senior staff with the community to defend my corned. I ended up getting banned for this reason. After a good chat with Graymayne (The father of MCSG), I realized that I was really in the wrong so, I decided to post an apology to all the senior staff and luckily, they forgave me.

I'm just going to end the story there because, this is getting a bit long but, if you have any question, feel free to ask. I really hope integrate myself into the community fully again and hence, I have applied for mod and my applictation is now pending! I hope you enjoyed reading this thread and that I'll see you guys around. I love you all! <3


Jul 22, 2013
Reaction score
Plz tell Senior staff Purewelshboy1 about the ban that i got


District 13
Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
I remember a long time ago being on TS with you, and kept asking who the hell were you xD
Thanks for being an amazing mod!

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