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hello; i need help with my game


Jan 3, 2015
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Hello. My name, from what've you seen in the most recent posts, is CohoneSausage. You'll find out why this name below, along with a long-ass story about why I decided to register, why I play the game, What happened to my life, etc.

I used to be a big fan of Minecraft (not so much of Hunger Games/Survival Games tho) But because of this slight addition (aka the twitchin streamin) I can't pass the more than 3 fps test it seems. I still play older versions, but very rarely; I'm more interested in the Doom Community nowadays, because they tend to do all sorts of awesome stuff. That's not to say this community doesn't do awesome stuff, just not as many.
I don't have a Minecraft account; yet. I am planning to buy one soon, along with a brand-new all-blown-on performance. For now, I use a temporary account I share with one of my friends, We do this all the time; on any server. This is what good friends are supposed to be, and he is more interested into this more "peaceful" side of this game, while I'm more interested in this side of "HARDKORE PVP GRIEFDONG VOTE TO GET 682 DIAMEONGS", as he calls it. Yes, Diameongs. MEONG.
I stated my points why I think it's superior, them being "You can do almost anything on those servers, also, It's a personal preference." I like those kind of game modes, and I found out today about those so-called Survival Games. Having seen Hunger Games, and having loved that movie, I thought I would love this gamemode...
But no. Since my friends hates this gamemode, He changed the password of the account we share. Even since then, I lost interest in the game. I started playing this nice oldie called "Ultimate Doom." The father of all First-person Shooters. I played the sequel, Doom II, which was also fun. I've got yet to play Doom 3, or Doom 64, which ofcourse is for the Nintendo 64. I grew a fan of those games, and decided to find some cracked Minecraft servers that are like it. I have found this interesting game, called "Team Fortress 2". It was a cartoonish First Person Shooter, which I know everybody knows already, and to my surprise, it does/did run on my old computer. I had tons of fun playing this game, but sadly, it ate a lot of memory, so it had to go.
Recently having found about this and MCTF2, I am interested in taking part in this community, after, ofcourse, I get my computer and account. I also want to record videos, but because I live in a rather poor country, and I have the accent of Dr. Wily, It will not happen. My life has begun on 1995, where I was turned on by some human beings, that I have to thank for, since without them, you probably wouldn't have seen this post at all (Well unless I somehow got a laptop in a fetus), and also my creators, who I am no longer dependent on. Oh, and not to mention, my english obviously isn't perfect, but I try. I will never get this language perfectly, because of some weirdness in it's language, seriously, if you call a bunch of goose, GEESE, then why do you call a bunch of moose, MOOSE? You know, next time I see a bunch of moose, I'll shout out "Look at all these MEESE." Don't tell me it's not a real word either. I just said it. It should be on a shirt, honestly. Comic relief aside, I look forward to make a lot of friends here (which will probably not happen; I am socially awkward), and probably nobody will look at this post at all, maybe except the moderators who review this thread. If you actually read the thread until here, I am amazed you have this extreme patience. If you want to drop me a message, use this site's PM function (if it exists).
Thank you for reading; Now, we will conclude with a warm Goodbye, if you don't plan to post (or see anything from me at all.)

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