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Hai, i'm DQ :3

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District 13
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys, i guess i was supposed to do one of these when i got mod in order to introduce myself to the community, but Dee Cue forgot. So here we go.

Lets start off with a little bit about me:

Im 17
I live in Kansas
I hate kansas
I used to read books on a daily basis
Dragon Ball Z is the shizzzzzzzzzz
My first name is Michael
I shower on a daily basis jk, we dont own a shower lol

Both my parents were born in the Dominican Republic, after i checked a map, google searched it and asked 5 of my teachers, i figured out that the Dominican Republic is Not in the U.S.A. Crazy right? After my parents met, they moved to the US together, and found a small place in new york (and yours truly was born), but they really didnt have enough money to get anywhere. So even though my dad didnt want to, he joined the army. Not too long after that, we had our own house, i had my Tweetie bird doll (i dont care what any of you say, i loved the hell out of tweetie bird and im manly as hell because of it), and we were living in good condition. Then we moved down to Missouri, where my little brother was born, no one cares about HIM though. Anywaaaaaays, my dad got stationed about 3 years later in Kansas (Fort Riley), and since my parents got divorced, ive been stuck here pretty much my whole life.

Im now a junior in high school, and im loving high school. I dont get why people say: "Oh high school sucked, i got 3 swirlies in 1 hour". Well i myself have never been bullied (Which surprises me since im 5'2". its probably these rock hard abs, jkjk i play minecraft all day) once during my entire life. Now you know how there are social classes in school? you got the

Preps (Jocks fit in here)
The "Lame" Kids
Goth (I guess Emo could fit in here)

That all determines on whether or not you have a fun time in High School. Now that i think about it, i have a lot of friends who are "Popular" or who are "Preps", even though i look like a 3rd grader in a high school. (Im that short)

On that note, i keep my Internet life and my (Non internet life?) seperated, because if anyone found out that DQ did teh youtubes (http://www.youtube.com/user/DQIX1 , yes. Shameless self promotion.) or played Minecraft for that matter, i think id die.

Anyways, i cleared up most of this stuff in my MCSG story, which was horribly told <---- does horribly told even make sense?

-Took a quick break cause i forgot i hadnt opened up cookie clicker.-Speaking of cookie clicker, im addicted. http://imgur.com/4P9iuY8

Anyways on to MCSG.

When i came back to MCSG, no one really knew me cause most of the players were knew and i was here back in the good ol' days (Beta transitioning into V1) But had to leave due to IRL issues. So i sat in the hub, played games, tried to meet people, never really worked out. I think the ONLY reason I know as many people as i do, or have as many friends as i have is because im a Moderator now. Not gonna lie, but its a lot easier to get peoples attention with that fancy blue text. Had i not gotten moderator, i probably would've quit MCSG because i was getting bored of it. After i got mod though, and i met more people, i started having more and more fun. So here are some people who helped me, erm, not quit MCSG.

@cctlcats <--- Why are you on this list, you dont play no mo gurl
Definitley @marinanycole <3333
@MineGal007 even though we dont talk no mo
Definitley @VeeZa

Ok ok, im done tagging people. Actually, a few more.

@KellieBreanne - You use to scare the crap out of me, but once i got to know you better, you were pretty cool ^-^

K im done.

Thanks for making every day an absolute delight guys :D
Last edited:


May 14, 2013
Reaction score
I should be on that list. I've bugged you like... 6 times.


Discord: prettyyinpink
Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
You forgot to capitalize the I's in your sentences.

I think I messed up too, but whattevs


Jul 12, 2013
Reaction score
I am coming to your school and I am sorting these kids out nobody touches my DQ <3
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