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Too Many Hackers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 25.0%

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Aug 21, 2014
Reaction score
Hi there, im Ba19 / Vuhzi. You probably don't know me.
I am here to express my feelings and thoughts about modern day SG.

SG is now the most painful thing. You can't go one game without meeting at least 2 hackers.
What I am suggesting is a new staff program is released.
I recommend that staff are more commonly recruited, and they have to be good.
MCSG needs staff that really care about the community and the people of the server.
SG has been recently pissing me off. I think with more staff there will be a lot less hackers in our games. Of course you can't fully get rid of every hacker, I know that.

What I am meaning by this is, with extra staff, there will be less community ruiners - hackers, targetters, ridiculous number teamers - and the game will be a lot more fun for us to play.

When recruiting these staff pay attention to how much they care about the server, whether they have been previously banned, and do generally more research into the people who are going to be moderating our servers.

I believe this is a good place to start to making MCSG a lot more enjoyable for us to play.
SG is now so much worse than its previous state.

I also recommend bringing extra coding/developers into play.
Try to code against certain popular hacking programs eg. Huzuni, WeepCraft etc.
IK this will take time but it will really improve the server and will attract more people to the MCGamer network.

I think all of us agree that this server is becoming more painful and painful by the day.
A pro ratio used to be: 1/4. Now: 1/8. Its actually stupid and I really need these hackers to
scarper. Without these I, and the MCSG community will enjoy the server so much more.

Thanks for reading. I hope you agree with my statements made.
If you could help MCSG by recording and reporting hackers, thats even better. I really hope soon this server can be reset to its natural state.



Apr 6, 2014
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I do understand your frustration on the matter with those who continuously break the rules and go against the boundaries and hack in the network, and by golly does the community want to rid of them, which is something I would completely agree with you upon. However, with the terms stated here, I would consider it slightly exaggerated, I do not have the intention of causing any flame or begin any arguments, but a majority of the points claimed, are points that I will disagree upon.

I would like to begin upon towards the staff team, the community's team literally works every single day, and not one day passes without a ban, mute, or kick. But do keep in mind that the community has over 80 staff members working towards improving the community every day. Unfortunately increasing the employment rate for the MCGamer network, and as well as making them perform well, is something that is quite virtual, in other means, extremely difficult to achieve. We must take to account towards the application process of being accepted as a moderator, the network is looking for intellectual, tolerant, kind, hard working, mature, and dedicated individuals, or volunteers towards the attempt towards improving the community, and regulating the network's activity.
The staff application process is supposedly known to be difficult due to the high standards the requirements are, which is vital, since it lets the employers to know whether that specific individual is going to be corrupt or not.
It was already acknowledged through the history of MCGamer that there have been corrupt staff before, however, were appropriately dealt with. The network wishes to hire people worth hiring, so they prevent any further damage and abuse to the network, otherwise the risks could potentially lower the reputation of the staff team drastically.
Despite the fact that it is indeed true, more staff members, or more intensive activity among the community's staff team could lead to lowering the amount of rule-breakers. Also, the recruiters already look upon the applicant's history and reputation within the server, which provides more ease to letting them know whether they have the potential or not to moderate a server without causing such hassle.
In a matter of fact, the network strongly encourages people to continue aiding the server, to continue regulating its activity and improving the network overall, they have even conveniently provided a guide towards making a successful application towards becoming a moderator, which is easily found here

You have also regarded the suggestion towards producing systems which can easily detect someone's illegitimacy. Rest assured that the developers have been working towards producing an anti-cheat system that can actually prevent people from playing if they have any prohibited clients installed. But do note that the developers have been intensively busy the recent weeks, or even months, trying to improve the newer version of MCGamer, which has been released quite recently. And due to its release, a lot of spam, and a severe amount of hate and discouragement had been going on around, and had taken at most a week to lower. Bugs and glitches within the network still go around to this day, and fixing the games is a top priority to the developers. Therefore we mustn't take the hard work and dedication of the staff team for granted, as everything changes slowly; the developers have been working extensive hours, and various cases, for even the administrative position, decided to skip work or class so they can regulate the activity.
Sooner or later, the system which had already been acknowledged by the staff team, will come around. And the system itself still has glitches yet to be fixed, thus it needs to take more time to code. But I do guarantee you, they already are working on a system that is to try and regulate the activity a little more easy.

Also, regardless of how many people working as staff members for the community, there will still be issues that will unravel. But it is also encouraged that the community itself to doing the best they can to report rule-breakers to the staff team, and to make attempt towards improving the community as well. It isn't a priority, but yet again, every single day, reports come flooding in for staff members to process. But considering that staff members are to moderator three different networks, with huge amounts of work, as well as dealing with in real life situations, can be difficult.
The community, in a matter of fact, is not getting worse, but it is thriving. But it will not get any better without your help, or without the help of the community as a whole.
You yourself can apply for moderator, I don't see the problem with looking at your name with bright red on! ^-^


Nov 8, 2014
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So basically what you're saying is,

"We need more staff! But be more careful about picking staff so that less people who apply will be recruited, meaning less staff!"
i.e. "More staff, but less staff"


Aug 20, 2012
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Hackers are a "no-no suggestion" on our forums. This means that making threads to complain about hackers, or make this network's "hacker problem" the main point of your post is against our forum etiquitte. We understand that there are a lot of hackers out there, it is this way on every major server.

Thread locked, feel free to PM me with any further questions.
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