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Hackers and Plugins

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May 14, 2012
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I was wondering if mine craft survival games was going to do anything about all of the people hacking because in every game I play there are at least two people who i see running straight towards other who are halfway across the map or defeating someone with a diamond sword when they only have a wooden sword. It infuriates me that people need to cheat to win and, it ruins everyone else's enjoyment of the game.

My second question is if there are public plugins you can install to make your own server and if there are private will they be releasing them anytime soon?


May 9, 2012
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I was wondering if mine craft survival games was going to do anything about all of the people hacking because in every game I play there are at least two people who i see running straight towards other who are halfway across the map or defeating someone with a diamond sword when they only have a wooden sword. It infuriates me that people need to cheat to win and, it ruins everyone else's enjoyment of the game.

My second question is if there are public plugins you can install to make your own server and if there are private will they be releasing them anytime soon?
Thing is that there are explanations for the issues you have here. The two people running towards each other from across the map might be doing it on accident, are skyping, or maybe they might have a spectator helping them. And yes, a guy with a wooden sword killing a guy with a diamond one might look a tad bit ridiculous, but you have to take into account things like lag and how good the guy the the diamond sword actually is, and how much health he had. You could say that the guy with the wooden sword might be using a hack to increase his damage, but you really can't be sure of that unless you were the victim.
For your second question, I think the developers are already looking into getting some anti-hack plugins installed.


Apr 28, 2012
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I agree, There are far to many cheats.
However, I found it funny today.
I ran at takman with an iron sword and about 6 chestsplates of armour (Icons) He was in what i would assume to be equvilant armour and had a diamond sword, I had been spotted..No turning back besides i saw what i thought was his teammate hiding in the distance. So i charged and as expected died, However to my suprised pycho (The kid hiding) Had a wooden sword and a leather chestplate came running out and attacked tak, and as tak (So he said) had 2 hearts left he was slaughtered before he knew what hit him (He was looting). This was in my eyes hilarious.
Moral of the story is, Not everyone has full health or hunger or the ability to heal or even sprint.


Apr 20, 2012
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Right now they're working on creating a 'naughty list' while they finalize the plugins and sort through mod apps. Once the plugin is ready and they have enough moderators, they'll start handing out the ban hammer left and right.

For your second question, the plugin is currently privately developed and closed source, so currently you can't download it for your own use. I'm not sure if they're planning on releasing it in the future.
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