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Hacker Treatment

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Jun 5, 2012
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Hello Forum Members,

Today I am here to urge players of the survival games towards a more family friendly attitude to suspected hacked client users. Recently I have been accused of using a hacked client, after defeating a two man team with superior armor, unfortunately the two parties generously slung profanity and anger. To my bewilderment, these accusations did have merit, I myself was stunned by the strange turns and lag that was allowing to attack them. More to the issue, after repeatedly apologizing for this impression, very hateful, and very racist comments (towards my Irish nationality) were used. Even after explaining to them the steps to report the recorded video in hopes of a hasty resolution a malevolent atmosphere was conveyed. To address the issue, I feel that when a hacked client user is suspected not only is the chat room thrown into the dismal chaos of far more mature content then PG13, but also the values and moral convictions to promote a more welcome server is forgotten. I do not wish to complain, nor do I see to disrespect involved parties, I simply want to address this issue which is by far the most heated of any on this magnificent server. If a simple guide is followed by reporting said suspected hacked client user, without breaking the chat profanity/PG13 rule then it will encourage a happier and more productive aura. My only intention is to help improve and expand this marvelous server that I have the privilege to inhabit. Thank you for your time.

Alex J. McGersey
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