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Guide: Posting/Presenting Your Map

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Jun 22, 2013
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There are so many maps which are posted it is hard to make sure you and your map stands out from the crowd. So many maps which are good maps fall off the first few pages due to not being advertised well and poor thread design.
The objective of this guide is to show you how to give your map the best possible chance of being accepted.

Before You Post Your Map On The Forums:

1. Think of a title! When thinking of the name for you map try to think along the lines of the theme, terrain and the period (time setting). Try to ignore words which make your map seem generic eg lost, forgotten and your name followed by the word 'games'.

2. Now you have title its time to get some screenshots. The screenshots are the first way people will view your map so they are extremely important.

  • When taking your screenshots it is a good idea to install a nice texture pack and get the latest version of the GLSL Shaders mod.
  • You should also take screenshots in vanilla minecraft (default texture pack and no shaders) as the people on the forums want to see what it will look like when they actually play it.
  • Don't take screenshots at night unless the area you are taking a screenshot of is well lit because it makes it hard for people to see what is in the shot.
  • To take the screenshots use the print screen button and not the in built minecraft screen capture button as it has the text saying you have taken a screenshot on it.
3. Make a video (not necessary). A video is a great way to give another view of the map and can help show off your map.
4. Make sure that when you save your map you save it so that both the file name and the in game world name of the map makes it clear that it is you map. i.e.

To rename the world you have to go into minecraft and click rename when your world is selected.

5. Create a back story for you map. It may seem pointless but it helps to give context to your map and draw the theme together so that it is clear for everyone to see. Write this up in a text editor and then save it for later


1. Upload your file. To upload your file you have to put it into a compressed zip folder and the upload it to a service like MediaFire.

2. Upload your screenshots. The best way to upload your screenshots is to use imgur and then post the Linked BBCodes on the forum page. For your screenshots in vanilla minecraft put them into an imgur album.

3. Upload your video. Use youtube to upload your video and then copy the URL onto your forum page and it will automatically embed it.

Now It's Time To Create Your Thread.

Thread Presentation:

1. Name your thread with the map name.

2. At the top of your thread put your title in large bold letters or use something like http://cooltext.com to generate a cool title.

3. Credit any builders and helpers now.

4. Type in map specifications like radius and chest number.

5. Paste your back story in below the credits and specifications.

6. Paste your video URL in now.

7. Take the Linked BBCodes from your screenshots (with shaders and texture packs) and paste them below the video.

8. Now post a link to the imgur album containing your screenshots in vanilla minecraft.

9. At the bottom of your post place your download link.

10. Make sure your map has a poll, this helps staff to decide whether to accept your map or not, so it is very important.

11. It's time to format your text. The formatting is personal preference but try to avoid using white text as mobile users cant read it.

Other Important Things:

1. There may be users who post suggestions of how to improve your map. Just because you have posted your map in the finished section doesn't mean that you can't tweak and adjust your map so have a go at implementing their suggestions and see what you think. When you are happy re-upload your map to media fire and put the changes in a change log at the bottom of your post using the edit button.

2. The poll can't be changed after the map has been uploaded, without asking a mod to change it, so make sure you get it right.

3. Be nice to people who comment!



(These are examples of bad posts, I'm am not referring to the quality of the maps)
(DO NOT POST on the maps labelled bad as it would be necroing!!)
Last edited:

DJ Kitty

Jun 10, 2013
Reaction score
How to get a good screenshot of a map with the cat

1. Get a beast computer
2. Shaders
3. Get into a good position
4. ...profit?


Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Chest wise do I have to place the chests and say what tier they are or how to I do the chest set out?


District 13
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
Really helpful! Thanks!!!

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