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Guess I Will Introduce Myself :/


Aug 30, 2013
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Hello everyone my name is General_Ender and I have been playing on mcsg for about a year.I know I have been playing a while but at the same time no one really knows me unless being a psychopathic killer in chat counts. So I though why not introduce myself. This is sort of going to be like how mods introduce themselves except some different questions.So with out further a do,this some stuff about me.

Name,age,where I live-I prefer not to tell

A fact someone might know-I will sometimes act like a psychopathic,a guy with multiple personalities,or sonic.exe on this site or on minecraft servers(explanation to today)

A fact no one knows-smile dog gave me nightmares for 6 days ;(

An embarrassing fact-I can't think of one :p

Favorite video game character-Sonic

Favorite video game- Sonic Colors

Favorite animal-snakes(you thought I was going to say hedgehogs didn't you D-:<)

Favorite song-Sandblast by Fox Stevenson

My youtube-Nah not going to advertise

Favorite MCG game type-mcsg

Favorite food-Cheeseburgers

Favorite Drink-Coca cola

Favorite sport-tennis

Would I kill chadthedj in game-he would be dead before I find him ;)

Will I apply for mod-maybe in the future

So that is just a bit about me. Hope you enjoy and DIE!!!!!!!!!!!

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