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Goodbye - spudtatoe

Nov 7, 2013
Reaction score
Well... I've been putting this off for a long time, about 2 months now.
I've not really been wanting to play games anymore and most of the time I just went on the computer to talk to people and hop onto ts or something. I have been around for about a year now its been a rocky road but its been worth it. Its been hard for me to word this as i'm not the best at writing :p

Thank you Caleb Mann for showing me the server; He messaged me on Facebook and was like "do you wanna play Minecraft" so we added each other on Skype and we played mcsg for ages and ages and we just played it everyday when we got home for months and months to about a week or two ago. We found this new game called Rush team and now that's what we kinda play. I don't really want to make this every long so yeah, I would never have come this far and had a good time with out community here. This is by far the best community I have every seen. I just wanna say thank you to a few people :)

JacksonReaction my boo, good luck with Ariana c:
Jodimo <3 good luck with everything
Caleb Mann Thanks for introducing this to me bro
le quack m888 we need to talk more
Yoobie your a skrub xD
xWriterx We haven't talked for a while but you were such a nice person!
Sean mate, w haven't talked much but you're so nice.
cadbane4321 landowicked thank you for making one of the best maps!
ARB1T3R Good luck in the future man! we need to talk more :p
RelentlessForce you're a ping abuser. ily<3
DracoHD Thank you for being the best sr mod!!! and gl!
duckluv321 best gfx designer eva! gl
iSilverr we need to talk more man
CPSparklez only talked once of twice but your nice az
milolove99 samjoshday hahah m8 ur a noob get good goml
serena2212 XoCindayoX you 2 are my baes <3
If i add anymore this will get mayhem, i'm sorry if I've missed out anyone c:

Good luck to you all and remember to eat spuds <3

*if you see spudtatoe around its not me*

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