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Goodbye mcsg.


Jul 24, 2013
Reaction score
So after about a year now it's sad to say but I'm leaving the mcsg community. It's been such a blast finding some cool people, youtubers and an AWSOME community. It's been one of the funniest things I've ever been privileged enough to be a part of. I've accomplished a lot such as
  • 400+ Wins
  • Every donor rank
  • Making some pretty stacked chest routes
  • Getting my first win with a cast on my right hand (ALL LUCK)
But the saddest part is leaving behind so many cool people wether it's friends or YouTubers. I have some things I'd like to say to those people.

SellingJustin / SoNotJustin :
No words to describe how cool you are man. It's hard to believe that it's been about 6 or 7 months since we met. I remember you getting a 100th win like every other week and I'd be like "I got my hundredth :/ ". ironically enough since I've met you I've gotten maybe 350 of my wins :3. I hope we can still remain friends because I'd consider you my best minecraft friend. So you don't really need to even read this cause I have a lot more to say :3.
sfgiantsfan1 : I still find it funny how you like ACTUALLY added me and justin to that call when you were recording. Also I'm pretty sure it was during a Creeperfarts stream because him and a bunch of donors were there but whatever. Although 9/10 times you killed me and one of the maybe 3 times I've killed you on mcsg was when justin randomly called you during a fair fight. You're AWSOME at making texture packs as well.
destructivedonut : MY SON! Lel. I truly don't know how I remember that at all. I don't honestly know why but the way it is when I fight Sam is the way you fight me. You never win (on mcsg. You're still a god with F&s in my opinion). For some reason when you tell me something on Skype the first thing you say is "Andrew". Also tell Mr.Jenkins I said hi and also tel him tacos are yummy.

Also here are some youtubers I want to mention that are cool who I'll still watch.

cscoop : Along with making my skin and uploading so I have something in my subscription feed to watch that I care about in the mornings you're a cool wolfy :)

Branbob83 : you're a really funny YouTuber I enjoy watching especially with cooper with you. You're so funny together my stomachs hurts from your funniness :)

Da_Goose22 :
I haven't watched your videos for long but you are very funny to watch and your commentary is good as well.

Most of all if like to thank the moderators, admins, devs, and chad for making this all possible.
Also I didn't mention why I'm leaving. I'm leaving for two reasons. 1.) Since I've started mcsg my grades have been very bad. So I need to focus on school.
2.) I'm also becoming bored a little of mcsg. Hopefully one day I'll return but for now see you all later! -Andrew


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Bai fellow lover of Cooper :c

Homo fully intended. Hue.

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