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Goodbye MCSG (For Now) My Story


Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
Well. Hello, my name is Lebron12. I have had a blast of a time here on MCSG/ MCGamer and I am here to share my experiences with you like many others do.

This may very well be my parting story as I’m drifting from the game, and my ping has shot to 180ms to the MCGamer network indefinitely unless something happens.

This is gonna be a VERY LONG story with some grammar and spelling mistakes. BE PREPARED FOR THE JOURNEY OF A LIFETIME. <3

It all started for me in May-June 2012. I had recently read the first book of the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. I also enjoyed playing Minecraft, so i hopped onto the internet and searched up (From memory) “Minecraft Hunger games 24 person server” on Google, where it directed me to this wonderful place! SG2 and Version 1 of MCSG had recently come out and it was brand new almost, so I joined the first server I could find by using the servers link on the website.

I can also remember my first game. Dear lord was it embarrassing! I rang straight away from the cornucopia and found myself in a vast array of buildings. As i opened my first chest, someone took me from behind and I had a little rage to myself. xD

Time progressed and I learnt new skills and became a better player, but I decided to throw it all away and downloaded the hacking client Nodus and abused all the commands I possibly could. I thought it was funny at first. Me and farani22 would go and hack on servers to get some wins, but then I was banned shortly after SG3 came out when I was playing SG1 where I killed a team of 4 moderators using Forcefield and Aimbot. Seems legit right xD.

I then took a HUGE break from MCSG. I shifted over the MCTIMV network and payed on their US servers. For people that do not know, MCTIMV is Minecraft’s version of TTT (Trouble in Terrorist Town). This is before Hive came out. I met lots of cool people and became good friends with almost everybody on the teamspeak itself. I was a blast, we would spend days screaming at each other that we were innocent. I considered myself a good friend to the server. Ah the good times. I did lose interest after Hive came out thought because of the EU ping times from NZ.

When I returned to MCSG, SG4 and Breeze Island had come out and all these people i didn’t recognise were quickly climbing the leaderboards. These people included darkrai202, Kytria @Gustav_Mahikano, Billa. I met new people at that time like Simonwilson123, PickYourFaceOff, Badbob, N1NJAMANPRO, SuperGoatsCheese, Wertea, Boomyay and others . I joined Unique which was run by Simonwilson, and I quickly became friends with the other members of the clan.

Clan Wars Season 1 had come where we were to play Phoenix in the first round. We got completely annihilated xD. I did manage to kill ausparady though :3.

Several months later, I joined @thedorkyd1’s clan Pegasus. I became a prime member of the clan as my skill level was peaking at this time. I was winning game after game, FFA after FFA. Our roster looked devastating so, for once another time, I found myself in a clan battle against Phoenix. I played okay, although we only won one of the 6 rounds we played.

Pegasus disbanded shortly after the battle when fastfish left to create UnDead. I decided to use the TeamSpeak more often and got to be friends with Billa, Damoisawesome, Tyrelle_117 and others. (If your’re reading this we miss you :c)

Unfortunately an unfortunate event occurred causing the disbandment of Phoenix, creating Biffs (Created beforehand), Void and Singularity. I join Biffs and people eventually migrate over as Singularity died. We had a blast. Everyone got involved in clan related things including Clan battles.

Phoenix was reborn when Nick (darkrai202) resigned from mod, I was accepted c: I started to drift away from MCSG as LoL became more and more fun for me. I play with @Gustav_Mahikano (Mike/ Kytria), darkai202 (Nick), Ninga, Mattando97 and WitheredGold c; we have lots of fun :).

Well, I am running out of things to say, so I’m just gonna cut to the end and give you the reason for my departure. Don’t get freaked. If this is resolved I will return, however this could take as long as it takes. I don’t know. I am getting an internet issue connecting to Minecraft servers where it thinks the domain of the server is in a completely different location. So since i live in NZ, i normally get 45ms to AU MCGamer network, but I am getting 180ms making it impossible for me to play, well at least in my opinion. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated on how to fix this!

Amazing people <3 (Sorry if not on here. Most people will be those I have know for a while)

All of Phoenix! <3: Has been a complete blast playing with you guys on MCSG, will still have fun playing on LoL with you guys :).


Last edited:


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
so I 'kinda' had reason for calling you a hacker. nevertheless, let's put all our differences aside. good luck in your future endeavors and I hope you come back soon


Dec 24, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah I quit too mang only have like a couple games a week if that, ill see you on league when you jump on brother :]


District 13
Nov 19, 2012
Reaction score
Heh, I remember raging at you because I thought you were hacking, good times :p

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