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Goodbye for good.


Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
I need to clear my head. There will be no "coming back" after a break or somethibg. In all honesty this game has f*cked up my life in such a horrible way that I have no choice but to grit my teeth and stop COLD. No exceptions. There won't be any tagging because I wasnt particularly close to anyone on the forums. Anyways, here's my whole story. From my very first of day Minecraft. If you start reading it at all, I urge you to read the whole thing.

It started sometime during the 1.2.5 update. My best friend intorduced me to Minecraft while I was over at his house. He let me use his account and I created my first survival world. It was a small little valley with a pond and A waterfall. My house was a mix of cobblrstone and wood planks. It was two stories high and even had a minecart system in the basement. But enough of that. About a month or two after that my friend showed me multiplayer. I mostly just played on his private server. After that, I looked up "Minecraft hunger games" on Google and joined the first thing I saw. (Btw, this is all on my old acc. Diamondpick511) I remember joining as a spectator and, although I didn't know it yet, I was standing in SG2. I couldn't figure out how to actually play so I just left and forgot about it.

A month or so later I joined again and figured out how to play. I played every once in a while but not really all that much. I just kinda wasn't interested, and I wasn't very good either.

Then, around January is when I started to play for real. I got my new account, FireizedMC, and I actually got pretty good. I maintained a 1/4 ratio for most of that time.

What I havent told you about is where things went wrong. around the beginning of 6th grade (I'm 13 right now, going into 8th grade) I started becoming addicted to it. I started lying to my parents about how long I had played and started playing more than I was supposed to. What Minecraft did was transform me from a smart, obedient kid, to a complete scumbag, ungrateful kid. this went on for TWO YEARS. But my parents kept giving me more and more chances, because they thought I would be able to pull out of it. At least until January.

January is when I started getting back into MCSG. And that's what just about did it. That's what practically destroyed things between me and my parents, me and some friends, and A lot of other things. I started lying INTENSLY, like nothing before. Unfortunately for myself, I became pretty damn good at it. My dad has been working with computers and networks for 30+ years, and he knows his Good. Buy every time he changed the password on some account, every time he blocked something I ALWAYS found a way to get around it. It felt like I had been hijacked sonetimes. All those times when I sat up at midnight, hiding a laptop under my covers to play or literally hacking my parents computer accounts, there was always a tiny little voice, the OLD me. Saying I shouldnt be doing this, only for that voice to be shoved into the deepest, darkest corner of my body and not be heard again. Finally about two months ago, it seemed like there was no way for me to have ANY computer access, I had thought of all my old tricks, and I had actually spent hours trying to formulaate a plan that would allow me to log on. But nothing worked. But then, I remembered something. Something a friend once taught me, a way to bypass the logon screen of any windows 7 computer. And it sure as hell worked. Took me less than 15 minutes. I used that for a month or so, and my parents finally found out. For the billionth time, they found out. They always found out in the end. Then I decided, it had to stop. Now.

If this didn't seen all that bad or didnt seem like a big deal to you, trust me. You're wrong. I left out a Good ton of stuff that I didn't bother typing. Goodbye.

I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes as this was typed entirely on mobile
Last edited:


Feb 17, 2014
Reaction score
Even tho I didnt know you, I wish I did. GL With you're life <3


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
Oh, I'm so sorry to see you to man, especially seeing as we didnt get to work on SG Plaza together :(

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