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Global Warming


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
Global warming is indeed, a very huge issue, and the problem still arises and gets worse every year. For those who still are yet to understand the potential of Global Warming, it is something to where the Earth's temperatures increase at a certain level due to certain reasons, such as waste, atmosphere, and Sun radiation/heat in general, as well as the Ozone layer, this could also include certain financial greed and resource extraction, as well as processing causes a lot of Carbon Dioxide to emit in to the atmosphere. The ocean is known to have been the largest energy storage, in some sort of way.

We usually understand the temperature of the world by calculating its average, and to this day the temperature still increase at a vast amount. The place that is most affected towards this situation is the North hemisphere, or the North pole. From the late 90's to around 2013, the North Pole lost over 10% of its ice, and every decade it loses at least 3%. The numbers usually increase overtime due to the increase of production rates, and or population, as well as plenty other reasons.

Another reason Global Warming is occurring is usually due to a vast amount of oil extraction, and the rates keep increasing. Recently, there has been a lot of havoc going on around the Amazon rainforest, as businesses go as far to cutting down trees, ruining cultures and destroying homes of animals and people because they have the main intention of oil extraction, and to gain only one thing out of it. Money. There has been charities and causes and movements to prevent these sort of situations of occurring, and it was known that we must keep at least 50% of our oil, as well as other certain resources within the ground, as the extraction, the processing cause a lot of bad situations. Here is a video for more information:

Another reason for such havoc is that lots and lots of trees are being cut down every day, and more than 2 square kilometers of the Amazon rainforest is cut down every few months or so, all this so we make production on paper, and mostly money. Our trees use Carbon Dioxide to produce Oxygen for us, so we can breathe and live a little more healthily, and the fact that the Amazon rainforest is the known as the heart of air, and life in general makes me think how awful and inconsiderate us human beings can be. As the Amazon can produce so much oxygen, and help us find cures for diseases within plants, as well as making more reliable and renewable resources for us.

Also, a long time back, we have done the impossible and went as far to ripping a hole in the Ozone layer, which exposed us to the Sun's radiation and heat even more, due to an accident, or release in dangerous chemicals that caused it to be that way. I'm unsure of which... And this video here also explains of the situation we had to deal with:

Every day the North Pole slowly loses more and more ice, and every day, people waste more resources we could use for future references, unfortunately that includes me, of course we are not perfect human beings, but we can't get any worse, it is indeed possible to make a change for the world, Carbon Dioxide rates increase slowly overtime, right now it may not seem like much, but sooner or later mass extinction would occur, and we need to change that, change may take time, but as we continue wasting, or let greedy people in power continue making the world worse, then of course something bad is bound to happen.

No one wants Global warming, we need to change that, we need to prevent things like this from occurring, people are going to go in a worse situation, if we continue cutting down trees, where will we get our air? Where will we breathe? How will we live?

Also, did you know that in Yellow-stone park, there is a dormant super-volcano that could erupt soon, still unsure of the exact time, and it is theorized to cause serious global cooling, as well as producing mass casualties.



Nov 24, 2013
Reaction score
Global warming is indeed, a very huge issue, and the problem still arises and gets worse every year. For those who still are yet to understand the potential of Global Warming, it is something to where the Earth's temperatures increase at a certain level due to certain reasons, such as waste, atmosphere, and Sun radiation/heat in general, as well as the Ozone layer, this could also include certain financial greed and resource extraction, as well as processing causes a lot of Carbon Dioxide to emit in to the atmosphere. The ocean is known to have been the largest energy storage, in some sort of way.

We usually understand the temperature of the world by calculating its average, and to this day the temperature still increase at a vast amount. The place that is most affected towards this situation is the North hemisphere, or the North pole. From the late 90's to around 2013, the North Pole lost over 10% of its ice, and every decade it loses at least 3%. The numbers usually increase overtime due to the increase of production rates, and or population, as well as plenty other reasons.

Another reason Global Warming is occurring is usually due to a vast amount of oil extraction, and the rates keep increasing. Recently, there has been a lot of havoc going on around the Amazon rainforest, as businesses go as far to cutting down trees, ruining cultures and destroying homes of animals and people because they have the main intention of oil extraction, and to gain only one thing out of it. Money. There has been charities and causes and movements to prevent these sort of situations of occurring, and it was known that we must keep at least 50% of our oil, as well as other certain resources within the ground, as the extraction, the processing cause a lot of bad situations. Here is a video for more information:

Another reason for such havoc is that lots and lots of trees are being cut down every day, and more than 2 square kilometers of the Amazon rainforest is cut down every few months or so, all this so we make production on paper, and mostly money. Our trees use Carbon Dioxide to produce Oxygen for us, so we can breathe and live a little more healthily, and the fact that the Amazon rainforest is the known as the heart of air, and life in general makes me think how awful and inconsiderate us human beings can be. As the Amazon can produce so much oxygen, and help us find cures for diseases within plants, as well as making more reliable and renewable resources for us.

Also, a long time back, we have done the impossible and went as far to ripping a hole in the Ozone layer, which exposed us to the Sun's radiation and heat even more, due to an accident, or release in dangerous chemicals that caused it to be that way. I'm unsure of which... And this video here also explains of the situation we had to deal with:

Every day the North Pole slowly loses more and more ice, and every day, people waste more resources we could use for future references, unfortunately that includes me, of course we are not perfect human beings, but we can't get any worse, it is indeed possible to make a change for the world, Carbon Dioxide rates increase slowly overtime, right now it may not seem like much, but sooner or later mass extinction would occur, and we need to change that, change may take time, but as we continue wasting, or let greedy people in power continue making the world worse, then of course something bad is bound to happen.

No one wants Global warming, we need to change that, we need to prevent things like this from occurring, people are going to go in a worse situation, if we continue cutting down trees, where will we get our air? Where will we breathe? How will we live?

Also, did you know that in Yellow-stone park, there is a dormant super-volcano that could erupt soon, still unsure of the exact time, and it is theorized to cause serious global cooling, as well as producing mass casualties.



Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Global warming is indeed, a very huge issue, and the problem still arises and gets worse every year. For those who still are yet to understand the potential of Global Warming, it is something to where the Earth's temperatures increase at a certain level due to certain reasons, such as waste, atmosphere, and Sun radiation/heat in general, as well as the Ozone layer, this could also include certain financial greed and resource extraction, as well as processing causes a lot of Carbon Dioxide to emit in to the atmosphere. The ocean is known to have been the largest energy storage, in some sort of way.

We usually understand the temperature of the world by calculating its average, and to this day the temperature still increase at a vast amount. The place that is most affected towards this situation is the North hemisphere, or the North pole. From the late 90's to around 2013, the North Pole lost over 10% of its ice, and every decade it loses at least 3%. The numbers usually increase overtime due to the increase of production rates, and or population, as well as plenty other reasons.

Another reason Global Warming is occurring is usually due to a vast amount of oil extraction, and the rates keep increasing. Recently, there has been a lot of havoc going on around the Amazon rainforest, as businesses go as far to cutting down trees, ruining cultures and destroying homes of animals and people because they have the main intention of oil extraction, and to gain only one thing out of it. Money. There has been charities and causes and movements to prevent these sort of situations of occurring, and it was known that we must keep at least 50% of our oil, as well as other certain resources within the ground, as the extraction, the processing cause a lot of bad situations. Here is a video for more information:

Another reason for such havoc is that lots and lots of trees are being cut down every day, and more than 2 square kilometers of the Amazon rainforest is cut down every few months or so, all this so we make production on paper, and mostly money. Our trees use Carbon Dioxide to produce Oxygen for us, so we can breathe and live a little more healthily, and the fact that the Amazon rainforest is the known as the heart of air, and life in general makes me think how awful and inconsiderate us human beings can be. As the Amazon can produce so much oxygen, and help us find cures for diseases within plants, as well as making more reliable and renewable resources for us.

Also, a long time back, we have done the impossible and went as far to ripping a hole in the Ozone layer, which exposed us to the Sun's radiation and heat even more, due to an accident, or release in dangerous chemicals that caused it to be that way. I'm unsure of which... And this video here also explains of the situation we had to deal with:

Every day the North Pole slowly loses more and more ice, and every day, people waste more resources we could use for future references, unfortunately that includes me, of course we are not perfect human beings, but we can't get any worse, it is indeed possible to make a change for the world, Carbon Dioxide rates increase slowly overtime, right now it may not seem like much, but sooner or later mass extinction would occur, and we need to change that, change may take time, but as we continue wasting, or let greedy people in power continue making the world worse, then of course something bad is bound to happen.

No one wants Global warming, we need to change that, we need to prevent things like this from occurring, people are going to go in a worse situation, if we continue cutting down trees, where will we get our air? Where will we breathe? How will we live?

Also, did you know that in Yellow-stone park, there is a dormant super-volcano that could erupt soon, still unsure of the exact time, and it is theorized to cause serious global cooling, as well as producing mass casualties.

sorry but like everything that can be said just was.
its for posts like these that we need to be able to use the Like button multiple times


Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
Global warming isn't neccesairely bad for all of us.
Yes of course, the sealevel will rise, severely. As long as technology has advanced enough to stop the sealevel from rising OR we have found something to keep the huge amounts of water on a safe distance from our living areas there isn't that much of a problem.
It will be warmer indeed, and countries around the equator will probably be impossible to live in, on the other hand, countries that are currently packed in ice and/or too cold to live in will be warmer and we could possibly start life there.
The climate will change, a lot, and we will have to adapt but judging on how fast technology is advancing we shouldn't struggle too much.

I do not like Global Warming and I'd rather not have it happen, but it will, people are trying to be more eco-friendly, I am too, I take shorter showers. Always turn my pc of when I leave etc.
But there will always be ignorant people out there that don't care, and will continue destroying this world.

So I want people to think about what they use, and how they can be more Eco-Friendly, saving electricity is an important one, cleaner electricity would help a bunch and also, making pollutive machinery less/non pollutive.

On the other hand, I think it will happen anyways, due to these ignorant people.
So I also want scientists to look into what to do If/when it happens, because I'd rather have it happen and be prepared than trying to stall the process and being destroyed by it because we were only thinking of ways to prevent it.

Now don't get me wrong, I strongly dislike global warming and wouldn't want it to happen, but it will.. and I think we should be thinking about what to do then, where to go, how to keep our supplies coming and how to keep everything running.

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