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Gianteye123's MCSG story :)


Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hello everyone and welcome to my MCSG story. I have been at MCSG for a year now and I think it's the right time to right my story.
It all began on The 8th of October 2012 when me and my Irl friend @kevs64 got minecraft, We thought we where geniuses when we figured out how to FaceTime with 3 people, It was me, Kevs64 and Ranga321. We would make a plan at school everyday to come on at this time, We were insanely addicted to minecraft and were looking for more than your average server. I just finished reading The Hunger Games series, The 3rd book being a disappointment. So when I was thinking of something to type in, Minecraft Survival games popped up. I found a couple search results, The first one being Minecraft Survival Games (MCSG), I quickly jumped onto a server and learned some basic commands, The maps back than were SG1, SG2, SG3 and Breeze Island. I was failing the parkour when in the bottom left corner a msg spammed do /join game to enter the arena (They did this back in the day ;)), Me and kevs64 jumped on our pedelstal preparing like it was the real thing. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, The Survival Games have begun! May the odds be ever in your favour. We jumped into the water of the breeze island corn racing for the middle. When we got there we slowly dragged the items out of a chest, I will never forget what I got. It was a fishing rod and a leather helmet, I equipped it as soon as I could. Than trying to find Kevs64. We ended up meeting near the Bridge and ended up at the Parkour tower, After fails and fails we both finally made it. I found the first chest in one of the rooms, Only getting food. We did this until we had gotten every chest we could find in the tower. I ended up with leather boots, a helmet, a wood sword, a rod and some food. We could see people dying in chat, The lightning coming from corn. We rushed there and hid in a corner until to heavily geared players fought to the death, We managed to get a few hits on him yet he still killed us both. I felt excited from the start to my death.

It wasn't one of those servers I would stay on for a month than leave, This was more! I managed to get 100 wins in 2000 games played. Thats when I started watching @Billa 's youtube videos, And one that intrigued me was ''Fisticuffs with Phoenix''. I watched it about 3 times before realising Phoenix was a clan. At the time it was lead by @darkai202 and the officers were @Kytria and @Billa. I looked around the forums eventually after misspelling Phoenix for 5 minutes. I filled the application and was declined 5 minutes later by @Kytriaor at the time ''Gustav Malkhano'', I pm'ed every Phoenix member telling them they had someone on there thread declining people. I than realised that he was Kytria :p. So after playing some MCSG games I met @AlLuc, I asked him if he had skype but he said he could only talk to his in real life friends. I remember one day I joined a random server and sponsored him the whole menu, In return he wrote me this poem :p

Gianteye has a very beautiful and gracious eye,
It sparkles in the day and seeks in the night,
With his iris shining a bright gold colour,
Shaming even the most cute of eyes,
Making them feel small under the mighty Gianteye!
He is a beast!
Its Gianteye!
He will not cease!
Its Gianteye!
The one and only!
If you see him in a game you better run, because its Gianteye!
He'll destroy you with his eye, and stare you to death, because his the one and only....

He was a player who influenced me to get better, Whenever I met him in-game I would try to follow his tactics and end up dying in a 1v1 to him in death match. At this time I had racked 200 wins. I than applied for Phoenix and was once again declined. I realised I needed to talk to the members and that's how I found teamspeak. I joined a channel by myself and just played as per usual, Than I heard, User has joined your channel. Someone said hello, You there? I stayed quiet hoping he would leave, And it worked. That was the last time I went on teamspeak until a week later.

Than I was playing when I saw Artistic_Walrus mention the Phoenix build team in chat. I had no idea what it was and didn't know how to build. But searched it up on the forums. I joined the server and was Greeted by @ShaunDepro, He asked why I was here? With my poor spelling I wrote, '' i wnt 2 join'' He said ok, Lets have your trial build. I remember building a castle with no interior our exterior design. But luckily by this time Shaun had got off. I was told by members of the team what I should improve and do, I was done with the build and than got t'ped to Kytria, Who was in a TnT house.... I than got off for the night. When I came back from school the other day I instantly went back on the server and found my build was gone, I raged in chat until I realised next to my name it said [Member], I thanked Shaun and started building. At this time I saw that @Ninga had left Phoenix. So I had a chance if I applied. During this time I remember getting into a call with @darkai202 @Billa and @ausparady. I think I left a first good impression, but I didn't know. I was on the teamspeak when Billa joined it. We talked for an hour before I got off, I also met @xWeary_Catx after talking to Billa, Who was a nice guy and I remember one night we talked until 1 am :). I saw that Darkrai had been accepted as moderator so the new leader was Billabongboy98, I applied and I remember getting accepted during I was specing won of there clan battles, They had just won against a rival Au clan, Pegasus. Phoenix disbanded after that and 2 members of Phoenix.

@FossilBricks and @SideMullet had started a new clan, Biffs. Most of the old Phoenix members returned and I remember having fun in clan battle with @Damoisawesome and @badbob555, Darkrai ended up joining in on the fun, And during this time we became friends, I also started becoming more popular in the Au community. Darkrai ended up resigning from mod to re create Phoenix, Most of the biffs member joined back and I also met @DinoMcsg. We've had many successful clan battles and also love to have fun as a clan, I've also met other people who I get along with and enjoy playing with. I have had a great time with a lot of great times with you guys and look forward to some more great times. :D

A list of awesome people:

@darkai202 You're an awesome guy and a great clan leader :) You're also very supportive of your members who have problems in real life

@Billa Thanks for being there when I need someone, Your someone I know I can trust.

@AlLuc You're a funny guy who is great to play with ;)

@marotta66 By far the funniest guy i've ever met and it's always good to talk to you :)

@badbob555 So many great times with you, I remember when we each had 20 wins <3

@Kytria Great guy and my favourite mod ;) But stoppppp playing lol ;)

@duckluv321 Thanks for bring a nice and helpful person :)

@Damoisawesome You're a funny lad and it's always good talking to you ;)

@Lululioness You're a newb ;) Always fun to team and play with you

@Carz I remember the first time you killed me, Good times <3 ;)

@NyanCaatt You're a funny and out going person, Always laugh when I talk to you :)

@LanderHasSweg Great guy and love to talk to you some day :)

@Ninga Nearly forgot you ;P Great times we've had and you're the only guy I know who sends Lasers from Bali ;)

@fastfish14copy You're a funny bloke and I love talking to you :)

@HAZARD Hey Harry ;) Been fun talking to you and playing with you :)

@xWeary_Catx We don't talk much anymore but It was always fun staying up late with you ;)

@Gunnishone You're a cool guy and I really enjoy your youtube, Your also a supportive mod! :)

If I forgot someone I deeply apologise and please tell me if I did!

Cheers to MCSG!
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Gustav Mahikano

Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
Hah, just so you know Nick disliked you back in the day xD Remember pming me asking for advice of how to get into Phoenix? Dat was only cuz Nickrai was a newb :/ Anyway, I'm glad you're in Phoenix now :) I knew fighting for you was a good thing! Thanks for mentioning me in your story giant! Glad you and Nick are good friends now :)


Mar 19, 2013
Reaction score
Giant your such a sweetie, you will always have a special spot in my heart. xoxo <3

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