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Get to know me - KappaKK


Nov 25, 2015
Reaction score
Alright, so I would like say that I have come back from a break for about a year now (I changed my name and created a new forums account, because people hated me, and I'd like to get a fresh start on the community)
so yeah, I took the template (quite useless for me since most of it on there I don't either remember or do have anymore, so yea) from the meet the community thread.
1. Name: My Name is Jordan
2. Nickname: People irl call me Kappa, I guess kappa is fine
3. IGN:KappaKK
4. Age:15
5. Which region do you play on?:US
6. What is your favorite aspect of the MCGamer Network?: Just the memories I used to have of this server
7. One embarrassing moment in your life?:it still happens. Tripping up the god damn stairs at my school
8. One cool fact about yourself?: I am very musically talented (i suck at singing tho) I play Saxophone, Flute, piccolo, drumset, and Piano. I am with my schools jazz program
9. Which are your best friends in the Community?: Lost em, and if I want a new start better not say
10. When did you join MCGamer?: like 6 months after the first update for V1 was out
11. How did you find out about MCGamer?: Scrolling through google and looking up hunger games servers
12. PvP Strengths & Weaknesses?: Everything, I lost it
13. What is your favorite Gamemode?: SG obviously
14. How long have you been playing Minecraft?: about 5 years now
15. Who's your favorite Staff member & VIP?: Never was fond, or got to know much of the staff
16. What is your favorite SG map?: I would say Solar Frost
17. What are your top three goals in the MCGamer Network?:Have fun, get to know the community, and thats about it
18. Who is your favorite MCGamer YouTuber?:Idk, JustAHotDog I guess
19. What is your favorite MCGamer TeamSpeak Event?:never went to them
20. What is your favorite MCGamer memory?:scriming with one of my favorite clans while I was a trial member and getting the winning kill on the last map (I know its not much, but Its all I can remember for now)

So yeah. If you see me in game, make sure to say hi, I'm a nice guy, PM me if you would like to play some games sometimes as well. I do wish to get back into playing this server.

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