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General Ignorance

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Aug 15, 2015
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This is a rant / summarization of the current staff situation. I'm just pretty much going to be relayed what Tenebrous12321 and Atu said as I find that extremely accurate. Let's talk. (sorry for awful grammar I'm on my phone ;-; )

First, I want to talk about something that's been bugging me, the fact that you can have literally 10 posts on the forums, have played MCGamer for 1 month and be completely new to the concept of moderating one of the largest Minecraft Survival Games servers and get MOD. Being a moderator is a HUGE reponsibility and I feel that Senior Staff are not being selective enough with their moderators or being thorough with the interviews. If you aren't familiar with the server, how can you moderate it? The only way that I PERSONALLY would make an exception for this is if the person had moderated other large Survival Games servers such as The Hive or Badlion.

Next, there is the fact that some moderators know next to NOTHING about hacked clients or cheaters in general (notice how I said some, not all). I mean, if you don't even know what Triggerbot pr Smooth Aimbot is, how in the hell can you detect a player who is using this? It doesn't take Einstein to know that the kid hitting you from 10 blocks with his head looking at the sky is hacking is balls off, but you need some knowledge to know about Triggerbot and hacks that come with a Ghost Client.

Lets move on to our wonderful developers
(note the intense amount of sarcasm). They ask for comstructive criticism, we give it to them. They take our constructive criticism offensively and say "Well, if you're going to be rude, then we wont make a new AntiCheat." According to a certain Archybot (Owner of Badlion if you didn't know) the first version of anticheat was coded in 60 minutes, that patched fly, autoclick, killaura, aimbot and all your other standard hacks. MCGamer's AntiCheat can't detect autoclicker or triggerbot to save itself. The Badlion developers are a great team, but if it takes just 60 minutes to patch ALL of those hacks, surely it's not that hard.

Finally, Ceroria STILL HASN'T GOT SENIOR MODERATOR. He dedicates so much time to this server and everyone just seems to take that for granted, so nere's a little shoutout to Cerorinub. You are (in my opinion) the best mod on the server, keep doing what you're doing man! I know moderators don't get paid, but that doesn't mean that you get on the server every 3 weeks! Some moderators use the MCGamer ts to talk to friends in private rooms, in my opinion, the public TeamSpeak should be a place where moderators actually help others, instead of sitting there woth "Do not poke" or "Do not message" or finally "DONT EVEN COME NEAR ME SCRUB IM PLAYING CS:GO".

Please fix this. Rant over, I'm out.
Apr 15, 2014
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To be honest, these tryhard 1 month mods are most likely VERY familiar with the server. I don't know about you guys but to me, Vanth didn't seem normal. I suspect he was some kind of perm banned alt who made a new account, changed his ip, completely altered his background and his future. There's no way you can join and in a few days be moderating the CRAP out of a server and say "I can see a perfect community, it's just beyond the horizon". This is all complete bs. My good friend was actually talking with Vanth on skype and making a 3rd party trade involving minecraft accounts and art. Vanth began to rage and was very hostile towards my friend. This leads me to believe that these new mods just want the rank, they are merely hiding behind a mask while on the ts and server, when in reality, they are just an abusive, stuck up prick.
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