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Geeky9's Minecraft Story part 1

Is my man awesome?

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Aug 4, 2013
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Hi guys this is my first ever post so I decided to start it with my Minecraft story since I've seen a lot of these lately and have always wanted to do my own. Let my just say before we begin my nan LOVES gaming ( just thought i should tell you that cause you might wonder why my nan plays Minecraft) Now back on topic, I was visiting my nans house when I saw her slaughtering pigs and pushing them into carts. The game looked pretty funny and amusing so I decided to have a go. She showed my her epic rollercoaster and boy was I jealous, how had she built all that it was a mystery to me. It was all legit too since she was playing in 1.7 and creative mode wasn't out yet. As soon as I got home I knew I had to get that game so I could build a better rollercoaster than my nan. I started thinking of a username and after a while geeky9 was born the 9 was cause I was 9 at the time. I soon started work and after about half a year I made a pretty epic coaster, this had to be better then my Nan's! Then a few days later my 7 year old brother wanted a go so I set him up a world and all that and left him. After an hour I came back to see how was doing when he was hovering the cursor above the delete world button and he wasn't deleting his world, he was deleting my world! Then, before I could stop him I heard the click if the mouse nooooo! I was sad and furious at the same time so I just left the room.. (continued in part 2 tommorow) Edit: I meant nan in the poll.

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