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Gecko's 2 Year Thread

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Old Timer
Jul 13, 2012
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Okay so it took me over a month to make one but eh, 2 years doesn't get any shorter!
Since I never wrote an 'about me' thread when I came, I'll just as well do one now.

Part 1: About Me
So yeah, here goes...

I am 14 years old, and I'm an active member in the MCGamer community. I've taken part in The Community Games a few times, as well as other community events. As a veteran, I prefer V1, over V2, so I'm one of those SGClassic guys, and a previous #1 at that. I've never been real hardcore at the games, I usually just give out wins to random people and /kill when it gets to the final 2, with only 70 wins to show for myself, I can be a serious worldwide contender if I really needed to. I have my own style of fighting that I don't share with others, and it uses eggs instead of fishing poles (fun :D ).
My real world hobbies include running and baseball. So I am currently in the Cross Country season, and our team is hoping to win the state championships. With baseball, I'll be jumping into a high school team that has done exceptional in the past 4 years. I am also at the top of my class with 8th Grade valedictorian and a 4.0 GPA. Fun fact: I can solve a Rubik's Cube :)
Some may be thinking 'so what who cares just get on with the story' well here you go!
Part 2: My Story
Alright, now for the main reason you clicked on this thread, my story. I'll use minecraft usernames instead of real names just so you know.
It all began at baseball practice on May 17th, 2012. My friend Fir3P0wer239 and I were talking about the new hit map, The Survival Games, and were trying to find a dedicated server we could play on that would play it more than one time. The new kid, Dman2468, overheard us and told us that he played on the Minecraft Survival Games servers, and there were a lot of them we could play on. So, the following morning, Fir3P0wer and I logged on to US26.MCSG.IN and played our first round of survival games on May 18th, 2012. Fir3P0wer got 2nd in that game, and I got 4th. It took me 2 weeks and several games to get the hang of it and win my first game with my first internet friend who I still see every now and then: Bluebird85. We as a team won back-to-back games on that US26 server on The Survival Games 2 arena. We of coarse split the wins, one each. And to this day, US26 is still my favorite server to play on.
Skipping to December....
It was apocalypse day: December 21st, 2012, and The Survival Games 5 map had just been added
that day, and it instantly became one of my favorite maps, and it still is to this day. I won my 25th game on this day on SG1, another milestone made on US26, which was no longer a 48-Player server. This was the day of my longest winning streak to date, 8.
Skipping ahead to February...
V2, the system that's served us for 18 months, began in February of 2013, I played my first game on this on Kharmunrah, and it was a blast, I liked some things, disliked others, but was overall a great thing to look forward to and the many changes that were yet to come were awesome.

Moving on to May...
My birthday came and went, but the surprises were not over! 3 days after my birthday, I met and teamed with ChadTheDJ! Quite the birthday gift from MCSG that year.
In November...
On November 21st, SGClassic came out. I wasn't that excited about it at first, but the fresh leaderboards and old time gameplay made me try it, and I loved it, and have been playing it ever since.
Later, in early December...
During a livestream for the 4 millionth game, I started on a game of forsaken ascension RIGHT next to chad! He was immediately sponsored a bow and 5 arrows and I was shot and killed by the MCSG owner. I only wanted to team ;c
After that, I became more known in the community, I've been participating a lot more in community events, and have been a lot more active on the forums and in-game. I went from completely average, to fairly well known. I am currently an SGClassic top player, and have lots of friends on the forums. I am hoping to get accepted for moderator soon, and will continue to love this community for many more years!
Well, that's it from me, I'm Gecko, and this was my 2 year (and 1 month) celebration thread! Sorry it was so late :/
If you have any questions you would like to ask, I'll answer anything!


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Happy two years! It's cool to see that you've encountered Chad multiple times. I've only typed to him once in a staff chat about something minor (at least I got a response, though :3)

I wish I had played more SGC. I just wasn't as interested in it because it wasn't exactly like V1 because of some minor things like parts of the chat interface, death messages, minor things. But it's cool to know that there are people like you who enjoy the gamemodes we work hard to maintain :)


District 13
May 14, 2015
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Thread locked due to necro post.
Please avoid necro-posting in the future.
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