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Fun Facts- Hawk62


Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
These type of threads seem to be pretty popular so I decided to make one. Here it goes:

1. People seem to like my memes
2. I've been playing on mcsg for over a year
3. I've had donor 3 times and I've never once bought it, I won it each time (thanks again to the people that got it for me)
4. My real name is Jeremy
5. I wish it was Jeremiah
6. I go to an all guys high school ;-;
7. History is by far my best subject
8. I'm 16
9. I'm relatively short at 5 feet 8 inches
10. I do track and swimming
11. I do triathlons during the summer
12. I won the 18 and under age group for the first triathlon I competed in.
13. I should really be studying for finals right now
14. I have a little brother and a little sister
15. I live in Michigan
16. I'm surprisingly good at public speaking
17. I'm also more shy irl
18. My favorite season is winter
19. I'm not a real hawk
20. A lot of people think I look like I beat up small children in my spare time XD
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