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[FREE]Scorpy's GFX place!


Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
Hello everyone!
And welcome to Scorpy's GFX place!!!

☺So first of I want to say hello to the community :D and introduce myself!
I'm a 16 years old boy who's making free GFX for youtubers with over 100 subs!(that's pretty much the only thing I ask)
♦ I started doing GFX about 6 months ago but I really started doing GFX seriously like 3 months ago.
♦ I opened a youtube channel 2 months ago and gained close to 100 subs in that time and over 100 views!!!
♦ Highest youtubers that I made banners for are Edy98 and Andreir52(both with over 10k subs)

So,let's get to the GFX part.
I'm more focused on making banners but I do Avatars and Thumbnails!
So,pretty much full channel art.
GFX designers are the designers that work on the graphics parts,that means anything that is related to photos,photography,banners,wallpapers and so on.

*MFX are the Motion Designers that work on Intros and all that kind of stuf.
Here's a few examples of my work and you can find more on my youtube channel!(Sorry if this is considered advertising)
It's all in the Imgur Album(I uploaded only the banners cuz that's what I'm more focused on): http://imgur.com/a/xsTXn
My channel: http://www.youtube.com/scorpygfx

Some of those are pretty old but in time I got better.
Now,let' get to the requirements part.
♦Have at least 100 active subs(I SAID ACTIVE!)
♦Upload at least 2 clips a week
♦Put your skype here so I can contact you.

Fill in this form after you meet the requirements:
♦Banner Text(what's gonna be written on the banner example your youtube usermane most likely)
♦Banner Text Color(same thing as up there but it's about the color of the text)
♦Do you want a skin render on the banner?(That's your skin render..your mc character)
♦2D text or 3D text(3D texted requests are taking more time since I have to work more in c4D)
♦Background(the background of the banner,most likely a mc background)
♦Any other elements that you would want?(Like something in the character's hand or other things on the banner)
♦Any other information?(anything that's related to the banner and that you forgot to mention)
♦Your skype:
♦Your skin:(not your mc username your skin file)

♦Do you want your skin render on the avatar?(That's your skin render..your mc character with your custom skin)
♦Basic Color(The color that's going to pop up more than other collors,this looks cool if you don't want an minecraft background)
♦Background(the background of the banner,most likely a mc background,or a textured background like a wall or something else)
♦Do you want a text on your avatar(It just looks better without one but meh.)
♦Anything else
♦Your skype
♦Your skin:(not your mc username your skin file)

♦Do you want your skin render
♦Thumnail title(like,Survival Games,Bridges,etc)
♦Anything else
♦Your skype
♦Your skin:(not your mc username your skin file)

That's it!
Now,since the number of requests are high,and I have to record,speed up and render the clips so I can get some videos on my channel,the banners can take up to 1 week(It's not really going to be that long,but it can happen...all you have to do is be patient and not be annoying because after all it's free stuff..)
The requests are going to be made in the order that I got,so,first one in,first one out!

Thank you for your time!


1.Avesu- Done! (http://i.imgur.com/kk7LmMW.jpg)
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Mar 14, 2014
Reaction score
I was going to apply, but then saw the requirements ;-;


Mar 22, 2014
Reaction score
♦Banner Text(what's gonna be written on the banner example your youtube usermane most likely) Avesu
♦Banner Text Color(same thing as up there but it's about the color of the text) Your Choice
♦Do you want a skin render on the banner?(That's your skin render..your mc character) Yes, I would like my skin render.
♦2D text or 3D text(3D texted requests are taking more time since I have to work more in c4D) 2D Please.
♦Background(the background of the banner,most likely a mc background) Something Cool! c:
♦Any other elements that you would want?(Like something in the character's hand or other things on the banner) Sword or something please. It'd be appriciated.
♦Any other information?(anything that's related to the banner and that you forgot to mention)
♦Your skype: immortal_husky
♦Your skin:(not your mc username your skin file) http://mcss.me/Avesu

I must have you know, my YouTube has 7 subscribers, and I have no videos. It is fine if you decline this application, I just want GFX to help start the channel. Also, I have no banner whatsoever on this channel.

Thanks! :D


Oct 29, 2013
Reaction score
♦Banner Text(what's gonna be written on the banner example your youtube usermane most likely) TopOfTheWorldGM
♦Banner Text Color(same thing as up there but it's about the color of the text) green
♦Do you want a skin render on the banner?(That's your skin render..your mc character) Yes
♦2D text or 3D text(3D texted requests are taking more time since I have to work more in c4D) 3d text
♦Background(the background of the banner,most likely a mc background) The map Holiday resort
♦Any other elements that you would want?(Like something in the character's hand or other things on the banner) Holding an iron sword
♦Any other information?(anything that's related to the banner and that you forgot to mention) Add some cool effects in the background, like your first example
♦Your skype: ian.haas68
♦Your skin:(not your mc username your skin file) http://imgur.com/HML5lx7


Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
♦Banner Text(what's gonna be written on the banner example your youtube usermane most likely) Avesu
♦Banner Text Color(same thing as up there but it's about the color of the text) Your Choice
♦Do you want a skin render on the banner?(That's your skin render..your mc character) Yes, I would like my skin render.
♦2D text or 3D text(3D texted requests are taking more time since I have to work more in c4D) 2D Please.
♦Background(the background of the banner,most likely a mc background) Something Cool! c:
♦Any other elements that you would want?(Like something in the character's hand or other things on the banner) Sword or something please. It'd be appriciated.
♦Any other information?(anything that's related to the banner and that you forgot to mention)
♦Your skype: immortal_husky
♦Your skin:(not your mc username your skin file) http://mcss.me/Avesu

I must have you know, my YouTube has 7 subscribers, and I have no videos. It is fine if you decline this application, I just want GFX to help start the channel. Also, I have no banner whatsoever on this channel.

Thanks! :D
Since I need some requests,this time I'm going to make an exception since you're at the beggining and I know that a good channel art is making a good channel :D so,your request is up on my list :)

Very Snazzy!
Thanks :3


Sep 6, 2013
Reaction score
♦Do you want your skin render on the avatar?(That's your skin render..your mc character with your custom skin) Yes
♦Basic Color(The color that's going to pop up more than other collors,this looks cool if you don't want an minecraft background) black
♦Background(the background of the banner,most likely a mc background,or a textured background like a wall or something else) Night/ something Dark that feel bad
♦Do you want a text on your avatar(It just looks better without one but meh.) Yes, Zookrym.
♦Anything else My skin with bad intentions, like a bad person.
♦Your skype Mirkoburlina
♦Your skin:(not your mc username your skin file) http://mcskinsearch.com/download/ExplosiveSloth or http://i.imgur.com/XQwKb6J.jpg
P.S : Your works are awesome, i love it!
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Sep 13, 2013
Reaction score
♦Banner Text: Tekniik or TekniikMC whatever looks cooler in your opinion.
♦Banner Text Color a mix of blue and red. Those colors go well together in my opinion.
♦Do you want a skin render on the banner? Yes please.
♦2D text or 3D text: I guess 2d because I don't wanna make this a hassle for you.
♦Background: Any mcsg map of your choice. All good to me.
♦Any other elements that you would want? whatever you think is cool.
♦Any other information? Nope.
♦Your skype: TekniikMC
♦Your skin: I uploaded it to ask Skindex. Hope that's fine.
EDIT! I changed my skin a bit. Please use this one! http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/4654603/tekniik-v3/
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Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
Avesu's banner is done :D Check the requests part of the topic.
Avesu I hope you're going to like it


Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
♦Banner Text(what's gonna be written on the banner example your youtube usermane most likely): hassercraft105
♦Banner Text Color(same thing as up there but it's about the color of the text) Purple
♦Do you want a skin render on the banner?(That's your skin render..your mc character) Yes 2 Renders Of My Skin 1 Holding A Fishing Rod And 1 Holding A Diamond Sword
♦2D text or 3D text(3D texted requests are taking more time since I have to work more in c4D) 2d
♦Background(the background of the banner,most likely a mc background) Can I Have The Holiday Resort MCSG Map In The Background
♦Any other elements that you would want?(Like something in the character's hand or other things on the banner) In The Renders Hand As I Said Above A Fishing Rod On 1 Render And A Diamond Sword On The Other
♦Any other information?(anything that's related to the banner and that you forgot to mention) No Thank You :)
♦Your skype: I Dont Have Skype Just Send It Through PM Or E-Mail It To Me At [email protected]
♦Your skin:(not your mc username your skin file) http://www.mediafire.com/view/20p576f1jj3j1w8/download (3).png


Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
♦Banner Text(what's gonna be written on the banner example your youtube usermane most likely) TopOfTheWorldGM
♦Banner Text Color(same thing as up there but it's about the color of the text) green
♦Do you want a skin render on the banner?(That's your skin render..your mc character) Yes
♦2D text or 3D text(3D texted requests are taking more time since I have to work more in c4D) 3d text
♦Background(the background of the banner,most likely a mc background) The map Holiday resort
♦Any other elements that you would want?(Like something in the character's hand or other things on the banner) Holding an iron sword
♦Any other information?(anything that's related to the banner and that you forgot to mention) Add some cool effects in the background, like your first example
♦Your skype: ian.haas68
♦Your skin:(not your mc username your skin file) http://imgur.com/HML5lx7
Just saw that you don't meet the requirements.


Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
♦Banner Text(what's gonna be written on the banner example your youtube usermane most likely): hassercraft105
♦Banner Text Color(same thing as up there but it's about the color of the text) Purple
♦Do you want a skin render on the banner?(That's your skin render..your mc character) Yes 2 Renders Of My Skin 1 Holding A Fishing Rod And 1 Holding A Diamond Sword
♦2D text or 3D text(3D texted requests are taking more time since I have to work more in c4D) 2d
♦Background(the background of the banner,most likely a mc background) Can I Have The Holiday Resort MCSG Map In The Background
♦Any other elements that you would want?(Like something in the character's hand or other things on the banner) In The Renders Hand As I Said Above A Fishing Rod On 1 Render And A Diamond Sword On The Other
♦Any other information?(anything that's related to the banner and that you forgot to mention) No Thank You :)
♦Your skype: I Dont Have Skype Just Send It Through PM Or E-Mail It To Me At [email protected]
♦Your skin:(not your mc username your skin file) http://www.mediafire.com/view/20p576f1jj3j1w8/download (3).png
You don't meet the requirements...

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