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Forums Rules/Tips and tricks

Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score

Forum Tips and Tricks
Here are a few condensed forum rules, as well as some general advice for posting and browsing the forums!

Post some useful information that has a purpose or message.
Try to be serious at the appropriate times. Humor is okay, but don't over-do it.
You can tag people by putting an "@" (Shift+2) in front of their forum name, such as "@ ChadTheDJ"
Make posts that surprise and interest people; make them unique!
Do not like-spam, as it is unfair to regular members who put effort into their posts.
Don't post on a staff member's wall asking for them to read a Ban Dispute/Moderator Application/Abuse Report, as this will accomplish anything - they go through the reports and disputes in chronological order.
In addition, don't post a Ban Dispute/Moderator application/Abuse Report on their wall, as it is not the proper place to post it.
Try to be professional in your posts, as this will leave a good impression on people and can contribute towards gaining respect within the community.
Do not Necro-Post/Gravedig. Necro-posting is when an old (1 month since last post) thread that is no longer relevant is posted on.
Do not Multi-Post.
Multi-Posting is when a user sends multiple messages (2+) in a row, with little time in between. To avoid this, you can quote multiple people within one post, and you can also go back and edit your previous posts.
Don't advertise or post any links to rude, inappropriate, or potentially offensive websites or content.
Also, do not post links to other servers, networks, video games, or communities without reason, as that can be considered advertising.
Do not back-talk the staff.
If you feel that a Moderator is incorrect, contact a Senior Moderator. If you think a Senior Moderator is incorrect, contact an Administrator. If it is a minor, honest mistake, then politely correct them and move on.
Try to use regular grammar. Sometimes people struggle with grammar due to language barriers, age, or simply hitting the wrong key. If you aren't confident in your grammatical skills, a good idea is to proof-read it or have a friend review it for you.
If you intend to apply for a Staff position, try talking to a few current and ex-staff members in order to make sure that you're suited for the role, and also for tips and advice on how to apply.
Make your posts organized. If you have a lot of ideas to state, separate them by paragraphs. You don't need to use annoying transition words, but try to put your ideas in an order that flows.
Be respectful. Try to imagine why someone else would have a different opinion than you. People don't necessarily disagree with you because they are stupid or ignorant, but often because they have a different background.
Don't tear someone's post to pieces. If you go through someone's post and use small phrases as evidence against their opinion, you will look more like both a scumbag and someone who is trying too hard. Instead of disagreeing with a small phrase or sentence, disagree with a whole paragraph or group of ideas. Sometimes we type things that we don't exactly mean, so you can get the wrong idea if you examine something too closely.
Don't disagree with someone because of who they are. For example, in the threads about stat resets, the "no voters" have disregarded other users' opinions because they have bad stats, therefore arguing that everybody who wants a stat reset has awful stats. However, they have completely ignored what they have said, even after counterarguers have listed users with good stats who want a stat reset. This form of disagreement is second from the bottom on the pyramid of disagreement, above only name-calling.
Be positive. Don't shoot down everything you see just because you are in a bad mood. Even 11-year-olds can have good ideas sometimes, if you listen to them. If you are going to criticize someone, make sure you are constructive and have good justification for what you are saying. Don't say someone is wrong just because your opinion is different. In fact, I would recommend not posting at all if you are in a terrible mood. :p
This is my BitoBain favourite one, and it even has a quote to go with it! "Don't argue with idiots. They bring you down to their level, where they can slaughter you." If someone is disagreeing with you and they appear to be excessively angry, ignorant, stupid, or unwilling to have a civilized discussion, don't even go there. In fact, I would recommend using bigger words and referencing obscure events in order to filter out people who don't know what they're talking about from responding. People who sincerely want to discuss something won't mind doing a little research, and should be mature enough to get what you are saying.

Helpers for making this thread:
(Mods: write down your name here if you helped, so that you can get full credit)
Last edited:


Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
Rules and tips and tricks of the forum
Don't necro. (Don't comment on a post that has had no replys for more than a month)
Avoid flame
Don't use profanity
Don't double post you can edit posts
Be respectful to players
MCGamer Forums is not a place to sell stuff
*Staff feel free to edit this thread
Tips and tricks
Post some useful information
Try to be serious (you can be funny at times)
If you are using someone name you can tag them like
@ poop (poop is there name) (no space)
Helpers for making this thread
(Mods right down your name here if you helped so you can get full credit)

its all in white a tip is dont do that maybe since people cant see it


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for copying the rules from the rules page into a thread
That probably wasn't the nicest thing to say... Some of them are forum rules but some aren't.
Lots of people need to know to be professional, use proper grammar, and how to tag people, and those are not in the rules... Some of them may be basic forum rules, but newer people getting a little refresh wouldn't hurt sometimes.


Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
That probably wasn't the nicest thing to say... Some of them are forum rules but some aren't.
Lots of people need to know to be professional, use proper grammar, and how to tag people, and those are not in the rules... Some of them may be basic forum rules, but newer people getting a little refresh wouldn't hurt sometimes.
I agree that I could've said it in a better manner, but still the post is basically 75% made out of the general rules. I'd suggest the creator to make a different lay out. Something along of the lines "this are some tricks and also don't forget to follow the rules, which are : ..."


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
I agree that I could've said it in a better manner, but still the post is basically 75% made out of the general rules. I'd suggest the creator to make a different lay out. Something along of the lines "this are some tricks and also don't forget to follow the rules, which are : ..."
Secondly its not 75% Its about 1/3. If I highlight all the ones he said that are in the rules its not actually that many...
Tips and tricks of the forum

Tips and tricks
Post some useful information
Try to be serious (you can be funny at times)
If you are using someone name you can tag them like
@ poop (poop is there name) (no space)
Make posts that surprise people
Don't likespam (I have done that so many times but it was a joke to Mooclan)

Don't say this on a Sr. Mod wall I was banned please Un-ban me or look at my dispute
it just annoys them and they will delay it.

Try to be professional in post this will make a good impression on people and you will gain respect from the community
Don't necro
Don't double post edit the post
Don't link any rude websites
Don't backchat the staff or you will get forum-banned

Use Grammar I struggle with this sometimes the best way to deal with this situation is to proofread
*Any mods/ex-mods please PM ways to make a good application for becoming a mod

Helpers for making this thread
(Mods right down your name here if you helped so you can get full credit)


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