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Fence Post + Lobby Freefalling

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Sep 29, 2013
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Before you ignore this because it's a fence post forum, there is a real glitch in the Survival Games Lobby, if you jump into the void and fall far enough, the game will start and you will die instead of being tp'ed to the arena once the game starts.
- Alright, so today I was playing mcsg and someone abused a weird fence-post eating glitch where you right click on a fence post and auto eat, or something along the lines of that. This got me very angry because I am a good player, (368 wins out of like 960 games) but because this person was able to eat and regen health, they were able to turn around, fight me, eat a gold apple with that glitch, turn and fight AGAIN, and then finally eating one last gold apple using the glitch and finish me off within a minutes time. Now this person was good as well, but with this glitch she was frustratingly over powered. I looked over the forums and people are saying that this is not a ban-able glitch - and I don't understand why. I have some respect for mcsg for not respecting their own rules *Cough*

"9. Do not exploit bugs or glitches:
We want to the servers to be the best that it can be and if a bug or glitch is spotted, report it to staff privately ASAP.

  1. Block glitching
  2. Breaking boats as a spectator
  3. Leaving the map

  • Using a bug or glitch to your advantage is not allowed."
Now - I know that this is a vanilla glitch but nowhere there does it say that the glitches need to be server side, and I know you can't fix this but it should be temp. ban-able or something!
I know that everyone has the ability to do this glitch, BUT, most players don't know this glitch and have no way of learning it, and by the way, some hacks have the same feature.. I really hope that my forum does something, because I don't want people to have unfair advantages JUST because they use these forums and find out how to auto eat.
- Also another thing is, this takes away one of the MAIN fun things about SG. Out running someone to eat, or dying because you have to eat - its what makes it a challenge. Besides, mainly only pros know this glitch, so it isn't helping players who are new, and in fact NEW MEMBERS to mcsg will probably think "Wow there are a lot of hackers on this server!"

Thanks for taking your time to read this, but Please make this temp. ban-able. :\


District 13
Jul 13, 2012
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There have been many threads about this fence post glitch. But because this is a Minecraft glitch (not an MCSG glitch) we have no say on it. And, if everyone is able to do the fence post glitch, the game still remains in balance.

As for the void issue, we are working on that.
Sep 29, 2013
Reaction score
Not to call you out Mod, but it's a Hunger Games (Maybe not MCSG Specific) Glitch. I tried to do this on other servers, it doesn't work because I finally learned how to do it... It doesn't even work on Single Player, or other servers that aren't Hunger Games. Please rethink your decisions... It is a Hunger games specific Glitch, and I believe it should be bannable.


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
Not to call you out Mod, but it's a Hunger Games (Maybe not MCSG Specific) Glitch. I tried to do this on other servers, it doesn't work because I finally learned how to do it... It doesn't even work on Single Player, or other servers that aren't Hunger Games. Please rethink your decisions... It is a Hunger games specific Glitch, and I believe it should be bannable.
That's where you are wrong. It still works on other servers.


Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Not to call you out Mod, but it's a Hunger Games (Maybe not MCSG Specific) Glitch. I tried to do this on other servers, it doesn't work because I finally learned how to do it... It doesn't even work on Single Player, or other servers that aren't Hunger Games. Please rethink your decisions... It is a Hunger games specific Glitch, and I believe it should be bannable.
Ha, I Laugh
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