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Fatalxmodz's journey through MCSG

John jennings

May 13, 2012
Reaction score
Well i guess i should start at day one. In the beginning i wasn't much of a pvper. I played a lot of single player and survival. Then came the Hunger Games movie. i loved the movie and eventually started hearing stuff about Hunger games on minecraft. From there i found MCSG. nothing really happened up to my 15th win. met some people on skype i don't really know anymore until i met a guy named Davis. I dont even remember his minecraft name anymore but we played lots of mcsg and even other minecraft servers together and it was great to have someone to talk to. Then when i got to about 50 wins idk what happened but we just didnt keep in contact any more.
Next a met my old buddy @Halo_0 and @Johan1555 . they became really good friends witth me and i still talk to Johan today. Halo however introduced me to @Hiqhlights and ohh man did me and hiqhlights have some good times. I was going through some depression when i met hiqhlights and it helped me a lot meeting him because i would come home from school everyday and just play the crap out of mcsg with him. Me and hiqhlights' goal was to get into Rebels and we eventually did however i only lasted a week XD. this lasted for maybe 2 months then i ended up losing contact with him as well.
My next group of friends i ran into was @SamitoD and @Yesh (DoodleBob91) This was probably my favorite time on the MCSG servers. Teaming with them was just so much fun and they ended up introducing me to @michael harmon aka Mikeyman209 who i am actually talking to at this very moment. Doodle had found this one faction server and introduced me mikey and sam to it and we were automatically hooked. i almost enjoyed it more than mcsg. Even mikey ended up donating $100 dollars to the server. Me mikey and sam all had a great time on there. Eventually the server shut down and me mikey and doodle went back to MCSG. Somewhere around this time i became friends with @BronxBombers and joined his clan the bombers. Then came Alex. He had the squeakiest voice but he was super cool and was a great artist. He actually made some avatars for me and was in my 400th win video that doodle recorded.
Somewhere in there i joined The Empire and that was great cause i got to meet back up with hiqhlights and i became friends @Fearzon and @tkt24freak. The clan didnt last to long but it was fun while it lasted.
From there i joined Primeval with all the same guys from Empire. It however to went down and i joined the Youtube group The ToastyDino's. Sadly we only put up like 5 videos then our leader hiqhlights left to start his own youtube, ImHiqhlights which he still records on today.
After that I took a break for awhile and when i came back i joined the clan Sovereign with my old friend Mikey and a new friend @Epic_Frog_Song that clan also went down and that leads me to where i am today.
I decided i wanted to join the Rebels and now i hangout on their teamspeak with mikey, doodle, @Branbob83 , @Cupcake , Johan, @piranga , @TheKidz101 , @mikefroot , @LiningHawk1702 , and @Undead_99 . Some of my best friends include Mikey, Hiqhlights, Doodle, Johan, and Fearzon. These are the friends i hang out today and i wouldnt have it any other day.
Today Fatalxmodz is at 580 and i plan on growing those wins. For those i forgot to mention i apologize but i still love you <3


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Aww man, all the good old times... Man, I miss BronxBombers, SamitoD, and all the old Bombers :c

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