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EVERYTHING You need to know to win survival games (long)

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Jun 14, 2012
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There You are standing on a platform 30 seconds left to start, What do you do? A good first move go to your video setting and turn It up to far this will load a good chunk of the map with 10 seconds left turn it back to short, or normal if you have a fast computer. You never want it higher then this because it will make it run slower and pvp will be harder I don't reccomend tiny, because you wont be able to see people until they are pretty close to you. 3, stand at the back of your platform 2, 1, double tap up and hold space right after you see 1, GO go for the corn, PERIOD. It has the best stuff, and you NEED it. As soon as you get in range of the nearest chest open it. look for a sword, fast! If you see a sword, Click on it while holding shift, this will put it in you inventory then go for diamonds, then armor, then everything else. exit the chest. If you got a sword, look for people with good armor and attack them, remember From worst to best it goes leather,gold,chainmail,iron,diamond. If you didn't get a sword, Continue as normal through your chest route, if you don't have one,:eek: Then It would be best to follow someone with a lot of points. Pay attention in the lobby people with a lot of points usually have good routes, even if you die. You will have a good route for next time. And remember Go for people with a lot of points, you can get over 100 points by killing someone with 2000+ you get 5 points for killing someone with 100. anyway, if you see someone a lot stronger then you avoid them if possible, unless you just saw them battle someone almost as, or just as strong as them, because they will be weakened this way. Killing people is KEY to winning, also the most important items when running are bows, arrows, flint and steel, and fishing poles. In 1.5 bows are OP you can easily kill someone stronger then you with a good shot and fishing poles not only hit someone away but really help in water, and flint and steel is great, but only if you are experienced using it. also when running hold space this makes you go faster, unless you have a speed potion 2 or greater but you dont need to worry about that here. When sneaking up on players remember they can't see you name behind a block if you are holding the sneak button. 3 players left 60 seconds till deathmatch What do you do? For one, organize your Inv. , try to find a crafting table. and make as many arrows as possible. when it starts try to hide, and stay unnoticed the second one player dies go in for the kill. The other player will be weakened. I have seen a person with leather beat two people with full iron armor and diamond swords this way. From there, good luck! remember bows are a little OP. use That to your advantage, To keep them away from you while damaging them and remember to eat a golden apple right before one on one sword battling or when almost dead, Not while running away if almost dead. This will give your pursuer a chance to kill you. Happy Hunting! -REALITYsuccz


Oct 5, 2012
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There You are standing on a platform 30 seconds left to start, What do you do? A good first move go to your video setting and turn It up to far this will load a good chunk of the map with 10 seconds left turn it back to short, or normal if you have a fast computer. You never want it higher then this because it will make it run slower and pvp will be harder I don't reccomend tiny, because you wont be able to see people until they are pretty close to you. 3, stand at the back of your platform 2, 1, double tap up and hold space right after you see 1, GO go for the corn, PERIOD. It has the best stuff, and you NEED it. As soon as you get in range of the nearest chest open it. look for a sword, fast! If you see a sword, Click on it while holding shift, this will put it in you inventory then go for diamonds, then armor, then everything else. exit the chest. If you got a sword, look for people with good armor and attack them, remember From worst to best it goes leather,gold,chainmail,iron,diamond. If you didn't get a sword, Continue as normal through your chest route, if you don't have one,:eek: Then It would be best to follow someone with a lot of points. Pay attention in the lobby people with a lot of points usually have good routes, even if you die. You will have a good route for next time. And remember Go for people with a lot of points, you can get over 100 points by killing someone with 2000+ you get 5 points for killing someone with 100. anyway, if you see someone a lot stronger then you avoid them if possible, unless you just saw them battle someone almost as, or just as strong as them, because they will be weakened this way. Killing people is KEY to winning, also the most important items when running are bows, arrows, flint and steel, and fishing poles. In 1.5 bows are OP you can easily kill someone stronger then you with a good shot and fishing poles not only hit someone away but really help in water, and flint and steel is great, but only if you are experienced using it. also when running hold space this makes you go faster, unless you have a speed potion 2 or greater but you dont need to worry about that here. When sneaking up on players remember they can't see you name behind a block if you are holding the sneak button. 3 players left 60 seconds till deathmatch What do you do? For one, organize your Inv. , more on that here http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/how-to-attract-weaker-players-into-a-deathtrap.40187/ try to find a crafting table. and make as many arrows as possible. when it starts try to hide, and stay unnoticed the second one player dies go in for the kill. The other player will be weakened. I have seen a person with leather beat two people with full iron armor and diamond swords this way. From there, good luck! remember bows are a little OP. use That to your advantage, To keep them away from you while damaging them and remember to eat a golden apple right before one on one sword battling or when almost dead, Not while running away if almost dead. This will give your pursuer a chance to kill you. Happy Hunting! -REALITYsuccz
Elisha will say try hard.
If the emeny is under 7 blocks away, eating golden apples is dumb.
Hiding in DM is dumb.


Mar 17, 2013
Reaction score
Aaahh!! Green? Can't you make it like..brown? My eyes are bleeding!

To topic: You can also run away with a carrot and ambush random people and probably die during the process. But hey, just another suggestion. :3


Jun 14, 2012
Reaction score
Aaahh!! Green? Can't you make it like..brown? My eyes are bleeding!

To topic: You can also run away with a carrot and ambush random people and probably die during the process. But hey, just another suggestion. :3
Edit: brown...
EDIT Edit: no brown I'll just make it an ugly dark shade of red...

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