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Jan 8, 2014
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When you think of Equality what do you think of? Men and Women? Races? Humans and Animals? All 3?

Well this thread is going to be on equality of Men and Women, and why i think Women should stop while theyre ahead.

I urge you to read the whole thread before you judge me or anyone commenting, for the reason of you not looking stupid, and so the people who have added their opinion voluntarily don't feel threatened or attacked. Thanks.

So, before i start this thread we have to find out what is equality with Men and Women? I see it has no one being held on the same ground. Women working jobs normally and men being stay at home dads.

But lately, i've been seeing a lot of double standards. Not sure if it is this generation, or just me growing up and understanding more. But imagine this. The girl asks you out, she somewhat overweight. You politely decline stating you prefer skinnier women but would like to stay friends. You, as a man get TONS AND TONS of hate for it right? It doesn't seem correct. But then imagine this. A shorter guy asks out a taller girl. She declines stating she likes taller guys and receives no hate, but instead hears people telling her to like what she likes.

You might be asking yourself this. Why is that such an issue? Seems pretty normal? Well i find the issue is where a person can lose weight but can't grow taller. Not to mention they received hate simply because the person isn't their type.

Another one i see around, and im sure tons of people would agree with. Some women like to think they are stronger than all men, and men don't deserve anything. So if they get mad, they hit the man. Hard, its like punches not slaps. The dude get's pissed and hits her once, and all of a sudden it's a huge deal. And if you don't think this is true, there are social experiments on them, Such as this.

I urge you to watch the full video.

Women, i'll be honest with you. You guys don't want equality, unless you want to be expected to ask out the guy, be rejected for being ugly or fat and men being honest with you. No one stepping up when someone hits you. You are ahead and it's a good thing. You guys aren't expected to work when in a relationship in most cases.

Now this is where i want everyone else to contribute their opinions and thoughts, and i would like the flame to be avoided. MODS IF YOU SPOT FLAME, I ASK YOU REMOVE THE POST, AND EDIT ANY POST QUOTING IT. I ASK YOU DO NOT LOCK THE THREAD. THANK YOU.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I think of Equalitee, not equality.

Edit: To be serious, I saw a social experiment done by (FouseyTube I think?) where they had a guy steal a girl's wallet, then a girl steal a guy's wallet. Funny enough, almost nobody stopped the girl who stole the guy's wallet, but almost every single person stopped the guy who stole the girl's wallet. Either people are thirsty, or a girl stealing a wallet just is much more out of the ordinary and more noticable.


District 13
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
You're a brave one for posting this. Expect some hatred...
Very true.

There is a lot of truth in your post. I'm not going to share my opinion on the matter because I fear a little bit of hate, and because I agree with you a little bit.


Mar 31, 2015
Reaction score
Like said in the OP. A girl asks me out i say no, sorry, i like skinnier girls (giving a reason) but youre a cool person and i want to stay friends.

I'm not saying you say this stuff out of the blue, and im not saying that no girl will date shorter guys. I'm saying that if i reject a girl because i don't like her body, then she shouldn't be able to reject a dude because of his body.

And i'm find with personal experiences as long as they relate to the post, but by you saying make an educated post, i thought you were going to give me links and research papers will relevant, educated answers.
Let me just say this before I go, if you actually say this stuff to anyone^ of any gender then you have no tact or manners. Sorry but I disagree with most of what you are saying. I'm happy to have a debate over this topic some other time but for now I must go out into the real world where chivalrous males (short, fat, skinny, tall, ugly, good looking) are waiting to open doors for me ;)
I'll be back ......


Jan 8, 2014
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There is no race.

There is no separation.

We are all alike, we are all human.
Really wish you had said we are all the same cuz then i woulda made a Inappropriate body part on a male joke.
I agree with you heavily on this.


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
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Jeffrey AthenaaMC: Please clean up the flame, it's a bit out of hand.

I'm all for equality. Everyone—male or female, homosexual or heterosexual, black or white—deserves to be treated fairly. It's when it becomes more than equality when things become unfair. Ultimately, there are things men can do better than women and visa versa. For example, a job which mandates extreme physical activity would be better for physically fit males; however, there are a large number of physically fit females that could probably do the job as well. Male nor female should be denied or accepted based on their gender, but merely their physical strength and other key factors in accepting/declining someone in the workplace. It goes both ways though. Take, for example, a job which takes a lot of flexibility. It could be done by both males and females, but women are generally more flexible than males.

Furthermore, equality shouldn't be limited to that. It should be expanded to crime and law enforcement. If a women is committing prostitution, she should be treated the same as her male counterpart. Same goes for race. A black man selling drugs should be treated the same as a white man doing the same thing.

America is mostly equal. Besides the gender pay gap, which is getting smaller, and some issues with racism, I think we've made tremendous improvements. The cop shootings across the nation aren't racially motivated, their just corruption. In 2012, 123 African Americans were shot dead by police while 326 white men were killed by police the same year. That goes to prove that "racially" motivated shootings aren't actually racially motivated. Their just corruption cases that are blown completely out of proportion.

In reality, it's not a huge issue. Let be reiterate, however, this statement: Everyone—male or female, homosexual or heterosexual, black or white—deserves to be treated fairly.



District 13
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
So this thread seems like a thread to create more flame and so I've deleted the recent flame in it. Please do not create flame among this thread, the way people have been posting on this seems like they're trying to inform the other users, but people are coming off a little bit too strong. If you could try and come off as a little bit less aggressive, that would be awesome :)

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