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Epic animated Minecraft Series on Youtube

May 3, 2012
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What we have here is what can truly be considered to be one of the best Minecraft animated series that has ever existed and I felt that this needed to be shared with you guys, because your awesome.
This series had great humour, great animation, some awesome music, good voice acting and some truly EPIC fight and action sequences.
Seriously If you love Minecraft and/or you like looking up fan made content then you will absolutely LOVE this, trust me. Just be warned that there is some course language used for comedic effect.
Here is episode are the first 3 episodes along with their description (there are 16 out as of this post).

Episode 1: So Blocky, But So Cool!
The story of 3 players and their quest to find a safe community to build things! No pigs or trees were harmed in the making of this.

Episode 2: Under a Creeping Moon.
Our 3 heroes hunker down during the night and watch for the dangers that lurk in neverending Minecraft world.
Will they survive? Or will the mobs overwhelm and kill them?

Episode 3: Cavern Chaos
Abandoning their position at the overrun fort, our 3 heroes venture
down into the caverns hoping to find a route back up to the surface.

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