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Elch0110's MCSG Story.


Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score
My name is elch0110.
And this is my mcsg story.​
I started playing mcsg in october 2012.
Thoose who showed me the server was my good freinds Nerfwarrior1 , thatpear , RogerBjursell , Intel_1337 .
And i thought it was awesome. I was a big neb in the start. I pvped like a poop,but i still enjoyed playing it. I dident play that often. But i remember that i thought it was so exiting to play every round. I think it was my most funny gaming time in my life. And i joined StCamel 's teamspeak. I started to know Hugge201 ,StCamel , tjafuling ,kakdeg and Domilz . Thoose guys where pretty cool i thought.
Later on i meet other people. It was wheen mcsg v2 came. I thought it was so new and epic.
This was the time when i started hang out on the mcsg teamspeak. I meet people like Builda_Br3tt and AngryJEW10 . And i just loved mcsg. Now is it Mars/April 2013 i think. And i started to get to the forums more. And I heard about build teams. I so wanted to be in one. So i applyed to many of them. But dident get in to anyone of them. Then i met huggaren99. He told me that he had a youtube channel with 20 subscribers. So i decided to make a youtube channel myself. Called "elchoGamez" Just becuse huggaren99's channel had the name "LazerGam3z". But i dident upload anything.
In this time I also started talk to toklasse . He was/is a good freind of mine.
And now,it is the end of may. The summer holiday had just started.
And i heard about that Gravey4rd had a server.So i was looking after the ip and joined.
There i met bubski1 . I added him on skype. And we started to get freinds. I talked to him every day.
And we decided to make some minecraft videos on youtube.He made a channel called bubski1MC.
And this was so fun. Then i started uploading on my youtube channel. Most random videos with bubski1. Then for some reason i got like 20 subs. And i just "wow". So i started to upload full gameplays and commenterys. And in the summer i reached 100 subscribers. I got so praud. I got so lucky. And my subscribers have been growing up to 300 after that.
Well now im going to get back to the story.
July-2013 i joined a clan called "Paradox" . The owner was MinecraftBrutal . And i thought it was so fun. So after 2 weeks i left "Paradox" and made my own clan called "TheBoxes". And i really enjoyed it.
I met people like WeWiZ , BaronHarry , williambro ,TheOliver and MrChicken1337 , thecreepycow , Jullzthepig . We had some problem with clan wars. But i really enjoyed it all.
Now is it augusti 2013. And me and bubski1 started to know Rock_Killers. And he got an awesome friend to.
Well,now is it October. And im not talking that often to bubski1 anymore. And i started talk to emilpiva14 . We got freinds and i joined Hyperz. This was another epic moment for me. I started to know KotteN , _DestinyyHD , and Biffedvin , Sebastian_Swe
Thoose guys got really good freinds to me which im talking to today. This was the time when people thought we where immature 12 year old swedish squekers. And emilpiva14 had like 100 subscribers on youtube.
Well as every clan. We disbanded.
And now comes the time when i started know Ryska_ryssen .
I was in a skype call with Dan | TheLunaticz and Ryska_ryssen .
We where playing some sg and talked about making a clan called #ThePiglets.
This was of course a joke.
But later on ryska actually made a clan called #ThePiglets.
I joined it and started to know AngryJEW10 MahxiXBL @Ryska_ryssen,Glasgowdude and Dan | TheLunaticz, Zaikurun more and more. Well,then lunaticz left. Ryska made the clan name in to "Zenith". And now people started to join. It was a really funny time of my life. Then Zenith disbanded. So i decided to join "Hyperz" again. And one night we got bored of hyperz. Me and emilpiva14 made a new clan called.... #Enderatiq. This clan was a big mistake. It disbanded after 3 days.
And after it disbanded i joined ryskas new clan #ZenithV2. That was awesome.
After this i have been joining Cynix and UnderRated,Regicide.
Now is it november 2013.
My youtube channel got 300 subscibers. I uploaded mcsg weekly.
But one day i dident feel fore uploading anymore. I deleted all my videos and thought that i should start over again.
The day when i should start record again my computer broke.
And i just feelt like. "No youtube or mcsg".
February 2014. My computer is fixed. I could play.
But i dont feel like it anymore.

So this is my mcsg story. Sorry for my bad english. (Swedish squeker u know).

Here is some people i want to give credit to:
Dan | TheLunaticz

And i think that was all.

And thank you minecraft survivial games to make a year of my life to a dream.

Last edited:


Dec 10, 2013
Reaction score
My name is elch0110.
And this is my mcsg story.​
I started playing mcsg in october 2012.
Thoose who showed me the server was my good freinds Nerfwarrior1 , thatpear , RogerBjursell .
And i thought it was awesome. I was a big neb in the start. I pvped like a poop,but i still enjoyed playing it. I dident play that often. But i remember that i thought it was so exiting to play every round. I think it was my most funny gaming time in my life. And i joined StCamel 's teamspeak. I started to know Hugge201 ,StCamel , tjafuling ,kakdeg. Thoose guys where pretty cool i thought.
Later on i meet other people. It was wheen mcsg v2 came. I thought it was so new and epic.
This was the time when i started hang out on the mcsg teamspeak. I meet people like Builda_Br3tt and AngryJEW10 . And i just loved mcsg. Now is it Mars/April 2013 i think. And i started to get to the forums more. And I heard about build teams. I so wanted to be in one. So i applyed to many of them. But dident get in to anyone of them. Then i met huggaren99. He told me that he had a youtube channel with 20 subscribers. So i decided to make a youtube channel myself. Called "elchoGamez" Just becuse huggaren99's channel had the name "LazerGam3z". But i dident upload anything.
In this time I also started talk to toklasse . He was/is a good freind of mine.
And now,it is the end of may. The summer holiday had just started.
And i heard about that Gravey4rd had a server.So i was looking after the ip and joined.
There i met bubski1 . I added him on skype. And we started to get freinds. I talked to him every day.
And we decided to make some minecraft videos on youtube.He made a channel called bubski1MC.
And this was so fun. Then i started uploading on my youtube channel. Most random videos with bubski1. Then for some reason i got like 20 subs. And i just "wow". So i started to upload full gameplays and commenterys. And in the summer i reached 100 subscribers. I got so praud. I got so lucky. And my subscribers have been growing up to 300 after that.
Well now im going to get back to the story.
July-2013 i joined a clan called "Paradox" . The owner was MinecraftBrutal . And i thought it was so fun. So after 2 weeks i left "Paradox" and made my own clan called "TheBoxes". And i really enjoyed it.
I met people like WeWiZ , BaronHarry , williambro ,TheOliver and MrChicken1337 , thecreepycow . We had some problem with clan wars. But i really enjoyed it all.
Now is it augusti 2013. And me and bubski1 started to know Rock_Killers. And he got an awesome friend to.
Well,now is it October. And im not talking that often to bubski1 anymore. And i started talk to emilpiva14 . We got freinds and i joined Hyperz. This was another epic moment for me. I started to know KotteN , _DestinyyHD , and Biffedvin , Sebastian_Swe
Thoose guys got really good freinds to me which im talking to today. This was the time when people thought we where immature 12 year old swedish squekers. And emilpiva14 had like 100 subscribers on youtube.
Well as every clan. We disbanded.
And now comes the time when i started know Ryska_ryssen .
I was in a skype call with Dan | TheLunaticz and Ryska_ryssen .
We where playing some sg and talked about making a clan called #ThePiglets.
This was of course a joke.
But later on ryska actually made a clan called #ThePiglets.
I joined it and started to know AngryJEW10 MahxiXBL @Ryska_ryssen,Glasgowdude and Dan | TheLunaticz, Zaikurun more and more. Well,then lunaticz left. Ryska made the clan name in to "Zenith". And now people started to join. It was a really funny time of my life. Then Zenith disbanded. So i decided to join "Hyperz" again. And one night we got bored of hyperz. Me and emilpiva14 made a new clan called.... #Enderatiq. This clan was a big mistake. It disbanded after 3 days.
And after it disbanded i joined ryskas new clan #ZenithV2. That was awesome.
After this i have been joining Cynix and UnderRated,Regicide.
Now is it november 2013.
My youtube channel got 300 subscibers. I uploaded mcsg weekly.
But one day i dident feel fore uploading anymore. I deleted all my videos and thought that i should start over again.
The day when i should start record again my computer broke.
And i just feelt like. "No youtube or mcsg".
February 2014. My computer is fixed. I could play.
But i dont feel like it anymore.

So this is my mcsg story. Sorry for my bad english. (Swedish squeker u know).

Here is some people i want to give credit to:
Dan | TheLunaticz

And i think that was all.

And thank you minecraft survivial games to make a year of my life to a dream.

I will miss you man ;( Good luck in the future and we must meet irl, DREAMHACK 2014 FTW


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Good bye elch0! I never got to know you much, but you seemed always like a nice guy. I hope you do well in life and yeah, good bye !


Aug 22, 2013
Reaction score
Man har ju också slutat sin karriär. Gjorde det när jag låg på toppen (Var SÄMST).
Elcho, jag vet att MCSG är skit tråkigt men det är inte alla som har insett det.
Det var modigt av dig att sluta. Trotts alla konsekvenser (inga).
Men alla måste någon gång lämna sitt förflutna och växa upp till en man!
Och det har du och jag gjort. Vi är två stora män nu!!!!!!!!
Och det vet både du, jag och alla andra!
Någon gång kommer alla att sluta med MCSG. (Men dem där 02: orna vettejagfan. Dem verkar aldrig tröttna).
Vissa blir män när dem är 13, vissa vid 16, några vid 25 och resten vid 40. (Dem där 02: orna slutar nog när dem dör).
Men du Elcho, du ska veta att man kan vara män trotts att man är väldigt kort! (som vi).
Du har börjat ditt nya äventyr som en man nu och visst känns det AMAZING!
Jag är stolt över dig din unga man. Det var det jag ville att du skulle veta!

"Må bra, ät hälsosamt, dö inte. Biffedvin signing out!"
Last edited:


Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
Axel :)
Synd att du slutar, det har varit väldigt roligt att lira med dig :) :*
Allt som vi har stått ut med tillsammans! Men jag tror att du kommer komma tillbaka senare, (jag hoppas iallafall)!
Hörs på skype!

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