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Do something nice for someone


Jun 17, 2013
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If you don't know, in the next forty days starting tomorrow, its lent for some religions. This isn't gonna be a religious thread, but Id like to base it off this. This isn't about religion, this is about the right thing to do. Im gonna leave you with a list of things to do, and Id like you guys to think about it. Even if you aren't religious, it's nice to help someone in need. So I encourage you to think about it, and try to do one of these things every day if possible, just to be a nicer person. So yeah here is a list of nice things to do that we got in school, and I'd like to share it.
I also want to take this time to apologize and thank everyone for putting up my b.s. for the past weeks where I've lost myself. Id like to get some stuff off my chest, and Id like to apologize to HyP3rKi113r Zoeticly in particular, and Id like to apologize for all the things I've done to anyone, and Im very sorry, and I really mean it.

Day 1 Right a wrong
Day 2 Keep a promise
Day 3 Count your blessings
Day 4 Mend a fight
Day 5 Spread joy
Day 6 where there is no music, be the song
Day 7 Find a forgotten friend
Day 8 Fix a broken heart
Day 9 Refrain from gossip
Day 10 Be humble in success, patient in hardship, hopeful in disappointment,
generous in prosperity
Day 11 Offer approval
Day 12 See your problems as challenges

Day 13 Encourage an enemy
Day 14 Seek peace
Day 15 Listen to what people have to say
Day 16 Take time to think
Day 17 Apologize if you are wrong
Day 18 Think of someone else first
Day 19 Vist people who are lonely
Day 20 Help sick
Day 21 Laugh
Day 22 Laugh more
Day 23 Say Thank you more often
Day 24 Mean it.
Day 25 Inspire another
Day 26 Take time to say sorry
Day 27 Help someone who is depressed
Day 28 Help an old friend
Day 29 Forget the past
Day 30 Keep moving forward
Day 31 Don't live with regrets
Day 32 Make someone's day better
Day 33 have courage
Day 34 Even when you know your done before you begin, begin anyway
Day 35 mend a relationship
Day 36 be honest with someone
Day 37 Show someone kindness
Day 38 Give to people who need it most
Day 39 never give up on a lost cause
Day 40 Never give up on a lost friend

This might sound cheesy, but it's nice to do the right thing. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you for putting up with me :c


Oct 25, 2013
Reaction score
I told myself I would give 3 different people each a compliment every day.


Jan 20, 2014
Reaction score
I love this thread so much. Thanks alot for thiss<3 I for one am quite religious and look to take these challenges into consideration everyday


District 13
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
Cruel, you Are the best. and I saw that Buttercoll guy again. Lets just say I wrecked him, but very kindly.

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