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(Discussion) The cogs and gears of MCgamer


Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
Ive seen many people discussiong how the network are and how the community is and the state of both for good and for bad. Its a topic thats been discussed and argued about in every corner of the network. This is a discussion about not how the community is now, but what formed the community and kept it alive from beta to now. Its something i havent seen talked about before, and i thought it would be interesting for others to talk about sorry for the massive amount of words.

Im a very old player here, ive been around since beta and seen the community change in many ways, and have delved into most corners of the community so these are my thoughts on how the commmunity was kept alive from beta to now.

It all started with a single map, a movie, and an idea. ChadTheDJ and Vareide started this community from its core, the Hunger games map built by Vareide had its gameplay smoothed out by developers for a new network of servers, one that would be called Minecraft Survival Games.

when the servers game out in beta people swarmed to try this new idea, fueled by youtubers playing the game, it was a fad and lit like wildfire and some fell in love with it, one of those people being me. the servers began to grow and quickly the low number of servers that MCSG had could not hold the number of people so it was increased to 30 servers for US and EU and 7 servers for AU. just getting into a game without donor was a hassle, watching the servers section of the forums for a game to go into lobby, but it made every game that much more exhilarating. The staff began to grow and become a semi-solid function, the rules where basic and enforcing them was a job many of the first mod team grew to doing with ease.

As some of the initial flame of the new gametype started to die down a bit and MCSG V1 had been officially released. the community was basically people skype teaming together creating small networks of players who enjoyed playing the game for different reasons. From these community's the clans began to take form, these groups grew quickly, and as the servers began to become more competitive it was a fight for the top of the leaderboards. Clans where new, fun and chaotic ways of playing, large numbers of good players sweeping through games for wins, trying to find other good players to give them a challenge. you either where good with a sword or had a great aim with a bow, those where your 2 keys to victory, and of course having a good route. As problems started to surface new rules where made and the basic moderating times where leaving quickly, as more rules where needed, it became a bit more complicated for moderators, but overall being in staff was still something a lot of people sought to do, as it was a chance to keep the servers you loved as fun and carefree as possible.

With the release of MCSG V2 a massive change happened, Vareide and Clank(original main developer) both left to create there own new network, The Hive was born and began to split the community in two, those who wanted to stay and those who wanted a new chance to run their way up the leaderboards and who had gotten tired of mcsg. Staff, clans and community alike saw giant influxes of people leaving for this new server. even though it was a hard time for all in the community, MCSG made it through. During this time 2 of chads networks, MCTF2 and MCSG formed together to create MCGamer, the network we know today.

Then the arrival of the Youtubers began, Bajancanadian to JoeyGraceffa and many other youtubers began to surface, and with them came masses of new players, seeking to see their favorite youtubers and play in the same game as them. The servers grew rapidly and more servers where once again needed to occupy the influx of people and with it came the release of the Hub, a central area for everybody to easily find servers in lobby and for people to just chat and talk. this changed the community massively, as there was now a central area to communicate and talk within the servers itself, which means even those who didnt necessarily like the game as much, could still be around for the community. new rules made being a member of staff a lot harder, but the introduction of the friend rank made it all worth the effort of keeping the servers good, and with this came the long needed idea in staff of training new mods so less mistakes would be made.

As some of these bigger youtubers began to die out and leave, a new group of people where formed, the PVP god's, People who formed channels and entire community's around simply their skill in pvp, people began to look up to their skill and wanted to get better as well. with that a new love of the game itself grew in new members, instead of trying to find your favorite youtuber you wanted to play like them, strategy and cunning, Ping and cleaning up began to take over the overall skill of playing, the sword became more of a brute force weapons where as the FnS, and Rod became your tools of strategy. You won games by knowing your way around and being able to take advantage of others bad fortune, every heart matters and 1 can be the differences between death and a win. The staff began to influx out of playing the game to win and more moderating it and playing it for fun, while there where still staff who would play competitive, these where few and far in between.

as much as a lot of these overlap and things, and are not neccisarily in perfect order, its a basic rundown of how i feel its been over the nearly 2 and a half years this server has been around

people seem to think that the servers have gone bad or gotten better for different reasons, i personally think that the servers change with the times, as does the community and the servers, if you look at how the community thrived you can begin to see how things became the way they where and the way they are.

Its just some food for thought and id love to hear others opinions on it, this is a discussion tell me im wrong i dont mind, just please try not to flame. So how do you think the community has been influenced by certain things and how do you think it will continue to be influenced.
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Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry to correct you but there were 7 AU servers not 12.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Alright, so here's my pitch.

You made your points well and clear. One I'd like to touch upon is the YouTube paragraph. Seeing as we've had the "hyper popular" YouTubers like Joey, Bajan, etc. as well as the PvP based commentators such as Love, Huahwi, others of that genre, I see the next generation of YouTubers as the down to earth players who have a developed commentating skill and rise up from the MCG community based on their dedication to MCSG.

There are some rising starts nearing 1-2k subscribers
that are very level headed and active in the community that I can see gaining quick subs in the near future. (Hopefully that'll be me one day c: )

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