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Aug 24, 2013
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In reference to my previous post.

First of all thank you for your response.

I understand your reasons, and if I could change the name to me would do it, but I cannot.

I have aSuicide in Minecraft.net, youtube, gmail, all games that I play, and even in this forum...and this is the first time that ban to me for that reason.

On the other hand, like father, it seems more inappropriate all Free Sex, Mentions to Drugs and Images that I often see in Internet. Much more that my name.

I understand that for many, it's a touchy subject that could bring up painful memories. My mother died of cancer and the hospitals bring very bad memories to me. My uncle died on crash accident and the cars and the roads bring very bad memories to me....and the movies are 90% inappropriates, except Dreamwork's and Disney's movies.

Ok , this is your server, your rules, no problem, but with all the respect, it seems to me an absurd rule. You cannot clean Internet, the only thing that are obtained with this is to put patches.

The kids and teens are fed up to see of all as much in Internet as in the real life. Suicide is a word of the dictionary that is not illegal and that is used quite often. It does not seem to me so serious. Words like Hitler, genocide, pedophilia, violation they seem to me serious and inappropriate to use like name.

I repeat, never in years I have been banned by this, so I will have to look for another server for the hunger games. Also fodder that would have to be banned of the forum, surely there are people who bring bad memories to him in this forum.

Lock this names ... planes, towers, trains, new york, water, missile...this is absurd

And now, I dont want the unban. This is not my place.

Thanks for all.



Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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If it is any consolation, Mojang is preparing for the feature of name-changing some time soon, people are guessing in 1.8 - the next update. You could always dispute your ban after changing your name, if you still enjoy our style of Hunger/Survival Games.

My question is, why would a father even have a username like that in the first place? I can only assume that you hadn't realized that some people might consider it offensive.
While it's true - you can't completely clean the internet of all things foul, we can at least put forth effort. Would you rather have a (virtual) city with a crime rate of 50, or 100? (I'm not sure how crime rates are measured) You can't eliminate all crime, but you can have a police force that deals with as much of it as they can.

You have to think about the age group that Minecraft is often aimed at. Kids and teens. Yes, they are often exposed to things that are intended for adults, but are they supposed to be? No.

Allow me to make a personal example.
I was once depressed, and "may or may not have" attempted suicide. (I have to say it like that so that I don't get sent to a mental facility.) Bringing it up can trigger memories that I've tried to hide, mental scars that are still not completely healed. Even making this post isn't easy for me. If I were to have a minor relapse of depression, a sort of slump in my week where I'm not feeling all too good, seeing a username like yours might cause me to fall farther. I sometimes use video games as a temporary escape, a momentary haven. Seeing something like that in the one place that I considered "safe" could do a surprising amount of harm...

Just think about it.


Jul 28, 2014
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I don't get how the title is related to the content? Am I missing something?

You must remember that this is a kids game. Simply being exposed to certain topics is unacceptable, and I'd agree that suicide could very well be one of them.
Having heard many stories of suicide, and also being in contact with a few people who had relatives or close friends commit suicide, I know it's not an isolated thing. It happens all over, to all sorts of people. Seeing the name could trigger a memory of a story that they heard, perhaps something such as Amanda Todd's story, or something similar. It might trigger some more thoughts of suicide - not necessarily of committing suicide, but just suicide and depression in general. Who knows how it could snowball from there?


Jul 8, 2014
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Nothing wrong with this name. Get off the internet if you're that sensitive. Stop making video games an escape from your depression if you are sensitive or even just depressed honestly. No one wants to hear your dramatic story of how you were abused or you saw something or you're trying to escape the horrors of your past. No one cares. No one. Leave him alone, it's his name, and there's nothing wrong with it.


Sep 10, 2012
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Nothing wrong with this name. Get off the internet if you're that sensitive. Stop making video games an escape from your depression if you are sensitive or even just depressed honestly. No one wants to hear your dramatic story of how you were abused or you saw something or you're trying to escape the horrors of your past. No one cares. No one. Leave him alone, it's his name, and there's nothing wrong with it.
Considering your name is "I_Hate_Teams", and that you made a thread about how you hate teams, you seem pretty sensetive yourself. Anyway, teams are an issue within a game, suicide however, is a way bigger issue, and your lack of respect from depressed people honestly scares me. Please tell me you don't treat people this way in real life...

Anyway, as someone else noted, the word might trigger memories. Obviously those can be memories from a good book or something, but in the long run, you will end up meeting people who will react negatively.

The world today generally works this way: Tragedy leads to more safety. You could think back to any big tragedy where lives where lost, and you will always see that the tragedy somehow had an impact on how things were done, everything from airport security, to new age restrictions. In this case, MCGamer is doing the opposite. Safety leads to less tragedy. The rule is set, even before they have seen proof that they need it. Who knows, maybe we would never see any issues if the rule was never set, but we are better safe than sorry.

Now, as Mooclan said, you could be patient and wait for the new Minecraft update comes out to change your name, but it seems as if you're already leaving, so I wish you good luck on whatever the future may bring you! Have a great day. :)
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