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Darkrai's guide to being amazing at PvP.


Aug 24, 2012
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Hey Guys, Darkrai here. I feel all the players making guides saying the same things over and over are a bit repetitive, so I'm going to go out of the ordinary.

NOTE: This will not help you become a better MCSG player, only a good PvPer. I have no talent when it comes to playing smart, just PvP.

So, first off. We're placed in a corn with 23 tributes, you're kinda forced to fight to the death, yes FIGHT. Not SURVIVE till the death. So, you're not going to win the game by killing pigs and camping in a tree the whole game, you have to know how to fight.

I'm splitting this guide up into 5 tiers of fighting, and my general PvP style against them. Just imagine you have gold/chain armor and a stone sword, a bow and one flint and steel.

Badly decked:

Nothing really to say, you see a guy with a leather helmet and a wooden sword, unless you know he's good, or he hacks you should have no trouble with fighting him. Basically just strafe to take minimal hits and have a good aim.

Decently decked:

Cool, you see a guy with the same equiptment as you, you're going to actually try now, when I see a person who is better off than me in armor/weapon wise, no I don't run. Let's face it, what's running going to do? Get you away to only have to fight him when he's better off? Hope you run into someone with better boots than you so you can get a little more armor? Go loot some more chests? Personally none of these ideas come into my head, I just charge at them. I generally run through my opponents, get a few hits on them and depending if they back off, I run a little place one block of fire down, they generally run into it, I get a lot of sword hits, aaaaand dead. If they keep fighting and I've gotten more hits from the start, I generally just strafe and use my sword, occasionally backing up to get a bow shot or maybe a flint and steel onto them, this is only if they have an upper hand though.

Fully decked:

Oh cute, you see a guy in full iron, ggnore I lose? Nope, that's an idiots thought, you should NEVER give up, and this is my #1 rule. NEVER lose hope. You can always find a way to turn an opponent with good stuff against him, and get better odds of winning. Generally people in good stuff think they can beat anyone, and turn stupid. If you can get some bow shots onto them and bring them down a bit, you can just use some flint and steel, or just fight them. If you don't have either of these, don't worry. You can always make a guy in full iron run into someone else, when he's lost a chunk of health and won/lost the fight against someone else, attacking will then generally kill them.


God, this is what I don't get. WHY is everyone so scared of teams? It's like taking on one, decked stupid player. The general of teams is they think they're unbeatable, this is what makes me laugh, a strategic place of flint and steel can make the team cripple and burn, then you can just use any PvP style you want and fight them. Bows are generally crucial for team fights, as YOLO'ing is with a sword is really not going to work in your favour.


Now, I'm more likely to be scared of a pro than a guy in full iron and a diamond sword, this is because of one simple reason. PROS KNOW HOW TO PLAY THE GAME RIGHT. They generally have a good amount of tactics and knowledge to help them, but generally utilising your weapons, swords, bows, flint and steels, fishing rods can easily take them down. This is one thing about most pros, they're always cocky and generally think they can demolish a decked player. This is what I find to be their biggest downfall, and mine aswell.

In most competitive PvP games, people always think they're the best and can win everything, this is what generally influences rage, people saying "WTF I WAS SO BETTER THAN THAT 1337 NOOB HE PROBS HACKS OMG" just because they weren't good enough, now. You can use this against people, using cockyness and arrogance against them.

Anyway, a terrible guide I put together on my phone while waiting at a restaurant, have fun guys. c:


May 21, 2012
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GUYS, I'VE GOT A BEAUTIFUL GUIDE I CREATED, I've poured tons of effort into this. If you could take a look, It's huge. It offers everything you need to know to get better and improve your game. It's packed with tons of info, that i didn't even know until i had to research it. I would really appreciate some feedback on the thread Thanks Guys and Gals :3 Lav ya all <3 Click on my signature to view the guide or the Link:http://www.scribd.com/doc/132835018/xPzL-s-MCSG-Survival-Guide


Aug 24, 2012
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GUYS, I'VE GOT A BEAUTIFUL GUIDE I CREATED, I've poured tons of effort into this. If you could take a look, It's huge. It offers everything you need to know to get better and improve your game. It's packed with tons of info, that i didn't even know until i had to research it. I would really appreciate some feedback on the thread Thanks Guys and Gals :3 Lav ya all <3 Click on my signature to view the guide or the Link:http://www.scribd.com/doc/132835018/xPzL-s-MCSG-Survival-Guide
I read the first page, didn't read the rest.

Also, leeching people off other topics is dog, if you're a veteran you should know how to make your own topic.


May 21, 2012
Reaction score
I read the first page, didn't read the rest.

Also, leeching people off other topics is dog, if you're a veteran you should know how to make your own topic.
Sorry, But It's a struggle to get it seen as I feel the Strategies Forums are neglected. I believe it to be one of the most valuable Sections. All Players should Start in 'Strategies Forum'

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