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Dark Forest - By NyanCatFTW (In-Game Name NyanCaatt)

Would you play on this map?

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Apr 29, 2013
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Alrighty, my name is NyanCatFTW (Pia) (In-game name NyanCaatt) and this is a map I'm working on called "Dark Forest", It's called Dark Forest for obvious reasons, the forest is dark. As you may or may not see this map is not complete, I need to add more forest, but I can only do it one by one so it's gonna be a while, but it should be done in a week or two, once it's finished I'll try edit a link into the finished result thread so you can check it out. Once I'm finished I'll be making a video, and it;s gonna be epic. EPIC!
I also have a few questions.
Q. Do I have to add chests myself?
Q. If I do have to add chests myself, do I have to put things in them myself?
Q. Do you think this map will be awesome.

I'll be adding more detail to the map, once it's done I hope it turns into a real map.
Thankyou for reading... I appreciate it.
Here are some screenshots for you! :) ^-^
Oh and how could I forget, here's a little dialogue to make it sound awesome!

Abandon homes, tall mountains, one blood filled centre. The map is waiting for you to fight, can you make your way through the Dark Forest? A virus unknown killed off everyone who lived or even went into the Dark Forest at it's time, but now it's abandon and the government wants to use it to kill of 23 of the 24 people in the country... Can you take it?Can you climb the mountains taller than the sky? Can you make it out... Alive? Run through the heart pumping forest, go through th
e empty houses, avoid the traps... Will you be able to survive the risks ahead? Only ONE tribute comes out alive, will you be the one?

Thanks :)
Dark Forst Main shot SG Map Small.jpg

Main Shot

House ScreenShot SG Map.png

House area in arena

Tall Mountain Shot SG Map.png

Tallest Mountain in arena


District 13
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
From the looks of it, it looks like a pretty generic map. Trees, mountains, blah. I suggest you add new original structures around the map, and give it more of a story line.

Also, you do have to add the chests yourself, but not put items in them.


District 13
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Thread Status: Locked

This thread is being moved and locked due to the map/idea not having any progression in a large span of time. If you need your thread to be reopened, PM a Staff member if this map/idea is still in the works.

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