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DareDevilMan1's Story!

Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
So I have seen lots of doing that so I wanted to try that too: Story time!
I started playing minecraft on alpha version when a friend of my told me about this (glorious , godlike) game. We were playing all the time till 1.0 which I stopped playing with him because of homework and stuff. Then I stopped till 1.3 which I started again. Till 1.5 , I was playing demo , so I decided to buy minecraft. Then I met lots of new people and servers. But one was the best..MCSG! I started playing at 1.6 (At August 2013) and I really liked it so I was playing all the time. Then , I convinced my best friend to buy it too and till now we are making an awesome duo. I don't have anything else to say so I am just gonna say how much I love MCSG. I met new people, some of them are Sage Pickering , Fox , darkai202 , The Arena Master , RC_4777 and more awesome people :)

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