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CruelDefiance's minecraft/life story

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Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
So here I am, November 12th, 2013. To be honest I didn't see myself here when I started playing about 13-14 months ago.

My name is Matt, or as some people call me, CruelDefiance. Im 15 years old, and am I freshman in highschool. I started playing minecraft back in late alpha, and early beta. I played on and off, not really knowing what to do. Then in September 2013, my brother showed me MCSG.

He showed me what it was about, and told me how it related to Hunger Games. I had seen the Hunger Games movie, and thought I'd give it a try. This is when I became hooked on MCSG.

-=September=-My first MCSG game. It was on SG2, and I didn't know how to sprint jump. I saw someone with a different color name that game, and wondered what it meant. Turns out it was someone named Egrodo. I hadn't heard of him before, and saw him at corn later that game. He wrecked me, and I had a sapling and some leather pants. This is what got me started.

I then starting JUST spectating games. I watched the greats, Egrodo, Blamph, Tito, OMGjustin, all those players, and I watched how they played. I thought to myself, man, one day I want to win just like they did. So I made it my mission to get better. I played on different servers, trying to improve my pvp. I then stumbled into something that changed my MCSG career. I saw someone named G33ke. G33ke was something called a moderator, a rank I was unaware of until that point of time. I asked him what his rank was, and he told me that he helped the community, etc. I then made it a goal to be a moderator one day.

-=Halloween, 2012=- I had just came home from a Halloween party at school, and I was pretty bored. Knowing I didn't have school the next day, I decided to try to get a win. At about 11 pm, I joined eu16. Back then, I didn't know about region lag, etc. Anyway, I found myself midway through a game on Fortress Pyke with not that much gear, as usual. I then decided, why don't I try to capture corn! There was a guy with full leather, and a diamond sword at corn. I went in, and I hit him once, and he died. He had full iron on him, so he was a 1 hit from the guy with full iron he had just fought. I then had full iron, and a diamond sword. It was a miracle, and I barley managed to take out 2 guys with full iron, and I won. After that, I remember joining the lobby, and freaking out. It was great, I felt so proud, and then got off for the night.

-=November=- I started watching youtube videos. I watched Nate252's videos, and sixzoseven's videos. I still watch them today, and they are very entertaining.

-=December=- After my records were about 10/400 I decided to take a break. I then found a server called the hive. There is something about it that I needed. I joined my first clan. It was an inactive clan, but it had some very good pvp'ers that don't play anymore. I remember trying to be active in the skype chat while on vacation.

After the clan disbanded, I had learned a lot about pvp, and knew my place was at MCSG. After being in different hive clans, I thought I learned how to play. I didn't. I played all January and February on and off, trying to get better. I played late at night by myself, on my dad's 25 fps laptop on tiny. I hoped we'd get a new computer, and I thought I would get better.

-=Life Stuff kinda=-

I've always been a "different" kid. Ive been suffering from Acid Reflex disease since I was seven. Its better than it was back then, but its definitely not gone. This has changed me. Waking up in pain every day, just to go to swim practice, and pain that came with it. I took medicine, and It helped a little. I missed 20 days of school in 4th grade, from stomach aches, and not wanting to go to school. When I did go, I was in the counselor.s office, trying to feel better. 5th grade was better, and I felt better. Sixth grade was the best, I transferred to the public school, and it was amazing. So many cool people, and just fun. My mom pulled me out after that, and sent be back to the catholic school in seventh grade.

There was something I missed about the hive, so I went back for the month of April, and joined another clan. I decided to play in another clan, but it wasn't the same. I returned to MCSG in May. I knew there was something driving me back. I came back, and thats when my problems started again.

I have been bullied before, but not this bad. Dealing with school problems, and life problems, I turned to MCSG. I knew this is where I could escape, where I could feel welcome. I came home from school every day to turn to a fake reality. An escape from the kids picking on me, and escape from my world. I dreaded school, hating myself the seconds that slowly ticked by every day at school. The only thing that kept me going was my best friend Mike. Mike was on my basketball team, and we were really good friends. We sat next to each other in the classes we had together, and stood by each other. This is where my problems started happening.

I was at a new school, with new kids, and a new environment. I was "Mr. Popular" for about the first two months. Then my life went downhill. I felt alone. I felt like I had nothing. Kids picked on me, and my acid reflex became worse, I started feeling depressed. Our basketball team was good, and thats pretty much all I had. The kids hated me, and I hated them. I made friends with a kid named Mike, and he was my best friend.

In the winter, Mike and I stood by each other, stood up to the bullies, and we helped each other along the way. After basketball, in late April, Mike left. He moved, and left me by myself. What did I have now? I computer screen and a mouse. I listened to music and got inspired. I aspired to be as great as I could in everything I did. I wrote music, and sang to avoid my problems. I practiced MCSG, and practiced things that I could do in my free time. With the loss of my best, and one of my only friends, I had to focus on something.

-=May 9th, Language Arts=- I wrote my mod app. After feeling depressed with all the stuff, I decided I could make a name for myself in the community. I spent the day writing my mod app, and saved it until I turned 15. I visited Mike the next day, and missed school. I wanted to leave. I wanted to leave my problems, and run away. I looked at other schools, and decided to finish my 8th grade year where I had started off. Who knew how Cruel some kids could be at the catholic school.

After school ended, and I graduated 8th grade, things got better. I met some cool people, and did some cool things. On June 28th, I submitted my mod app. About a week later, it got denied. I was so mad at myself, and worked this hard for nothing. I sat down that night, and re-wrote it. I remembered how I felt when I wrote it the first time, and was determined to make it better.

My mod app got pending about 3 days later, and I was so happy. I knew I wouldn't be able to do my interview on my computer, because it was broken, so I needed to find another way. My mod app got accepted for an interview my one of the trial sr mods at that time, and I was so happy. I got on phone teamspeak, and got my waiting rank. I spent about 2-3 weeks in the waiting room, and met some cool people.

-=July 26th=- I did my interview. I was on my phone, and Kellie came down to the waiting room and asked if I wanted to go. I knew it was now or never, so I said yes. I got into the interview room, and was scared out of my mind. After about 15 minutes my interview was over. I thought I did a pretty good job, but I knew that I got some stuff wrong. It seemed like forever before they brought me up to give me the news. They totally tricked me, and I ended up getting mod.

-=Why I left and came back the next day=- I had a lot of anxiety, and turned to other things to solve my problems. Once we got a new computer, I pretty much no lifed for wins, and tried to help the community as much as I could. My parents kept fighting about how much time I spent on the computer, and unfortunately, it was enough for me to quit. I really was worried about them, so I stepped down. I regretted it the second I did, and tried to come back as soon as I could. I talked to Chad the next day, and he was very nice about it. He was very understanding about it, and was awesome about it. That just proves how much he cares about his staff.

I did a lot, off and on, and now I have 500 wins. I started with 54 in August, and Im very surprised that I made it this far. MCSG means a lot more to me than just a game. It's been a part of my life, and I want it to stay that way. It helped me through the pain of my best friend leaving, and helped me through a lot. Theres a lot of awesome people who have helped me along the way, and I'm not sure if I want to go into detail.

high school started off the same, with kids making fun of me. It's gotten a lot better. After talking to HyP3rKi113r about random stuff, each day has gotten better. Ive made progress in MCSG too, being a moderator for almost 4 months.

MCSG has helped me through so much, and I hope it stays this way. I know most of you don't know very much about me, so Iv'e decided to make my story.

Thanks for reading my story, I'd like to thank everyone for all they've done for me throughout this past year.
Thanks for reading, I hope you've learned something about me.


May 23, 2013
Reaction score
Truly heartwarming. I'm sorry for being such a jerk to you in game saying "GG" when I betrayed you that time...

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