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COMEPLETE Survival Guide for MCSG


Jun 2, 2013
Reaction score
Hello friends, Mini_Curly here showing you some helpful tips and strategies to simple survival.

STEP 1: Run to the Cornucopia, grab a chest, run away quickly. The reason to run away quickly is people will get swords and start to kill people at spawn right away.

ProTip#1 NEVER show a diamond. If people see that you have a diamond, they will target you, and you will even get punched to death.

STEP 2: Organize a chest route that you will remember and use every time you play that map. I recommend the chest route has at least 5+ chests to it.

STEP 3: Once you find a weapon from your chest route, go kill people for better weapon and armor upgrades.

ProTip#2 Planning sneak attacks on your enemy is a good way to catch them by surprise and get the head start to killing them.

STEP 4: As you may know, chests refill at night. DO NOT go to spawn for refill unless you have very good gear such as iron or diamond swords with chain and iron armor. If you are teamed however, you might stand a good chance to getting the spawn chests.

ProTip#3 If you feel you are not strong enough to go to spawn chests, try to find a place with a lot of chests! For example, on SG4, Airfield has many chests.

STEP 5: Once you gear up from the refill, you will notice there are only about 4 or 5 players left. After a couple die, the game goes into deathmatch. In deathmatch, targeting the strongest person first is the key to winning. Once you kill the strong person, the weaker person is a quick cool down.

ProTip#4 Always try to get the others to fight each other first before joining the fight. One person will be eliminated, and the person who won the fight will be weak.

I guarantee you this guide will help you to win games. However, I do not promise that you will win 100% of the time.

Thank you for reading my Survival Guide for MCSG. Please take these steps and tips into mind when you are playing games, it will gelp tremendously. Thanks again! -Mini_Curly


Jun 2, 2013
Reaction score
Oh yes, one more thing, DO NOT RAGE. Raging makes you look stupid and it just frustrates you and discourages you not to play more.


Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Always try to get refill, some times you will be able to get it even if you don't have much. For deathmatch, the smartest thing to do is to run to the outsides hoping that the other two people fight, if they do you can get a free kill on the weak survivor. The most important tip I can suggest about chest routes is knowing which chests are tier 2s. If you are unable to get refill try to line up some tier twos, the more the better.

When you find a weapon, I would suggest that you continue to loot the chests on your route, it is a less dangerous way to get better armor and weapons. The less you engage with opponents the greater your chances of winning are. There are of course some low percentage battles that are necessary for you to win.

Be aware of your surroundings, whenever I kill someone and I can't pick up all the loot immediately I will run away a little and see if there is anyone around. I very rarely get sneak attacked because I am constantly f5ing and looking around. Another good way to prevent getting sneak attacked is to through away the items that you don't need, that extra leather chest plate is absolutely no use to you.

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