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Coferic's Introduction Thread (really late)


Jul 20, 2014
Reaction score
Hello, lovely players of MCGamer (or MCSG, whatever you prefer)
I have been seeing a lot of people doing these, so I figured I'd have a go at it.
WHO AM IIII?????!??
My name is: Jeremiah, yea that's about it
My IGNs are: Coferic and Intemper
Prepare for a tear-filled backstory...
There was a day in mid 2011 when a bored Cofey was wandering around his school building. Suddenly, he saw his friend Sean, and they got into deep conversation. Long Story short he told me to play minecraft. SO I DID! I actually started playing on the cracked version (if any of you don't know what that is, it's basically a screwed version of the game that can only really do singleplayer and stuff.) I had a youtube channel back then, but I've decided against saying the name because I was 11 then as well as a complete noob to the game.
Me and my friend James (CreeperScoutMC) played the game for about 2 years before we actually bought accounts, and up until that moment I didn't know how much that would change the game for me. (I decided to be a rebel and bought a Gift Code from OfficeMax then redeemed it.) I chose the name "DarkSoulMC" which seemed okay then, but now I realize that it was an absolutely terrible name.
The first server I joined was the Hive. I instantly went to the survival Games and I played a round, which I surprisingly won. I played the hive for about 3 months, and I actually got pretty good at pvp. I didn't watch many major minecraft youtubers then, so I didn't know about MCGamer at the time. After the hive, I moved on to the Nexus. I played some MCSG every now and then starting in 2013 on a friends account, but didn't actually join MCSG on my account until January of 2014. So, back to the Nexus, I was a huge Bajan fanboy for the first month. Then as I passed my 400th win about 6 months in, I realized he wasn't really that good at all (his content and commentary aren't bad though, it takes skill to get 5m subscribers, even if they're young.) I started playing MCSG more and more close to the end of my Nexus journey, mainly because of the coming of Nexus V2. Once I found out that they reset stats, I switched to MCSG. I lost my records on the nexus and said "Whatever, I'm out"
I started playing MCSG back in the V2 days, with the big room of lobbies that were 1-200 (i think, cant really remember). Back in the day I would always play MCSG with Ace, Force, AshPurdyy (before they were famous), Lennox, Laurence, Ch4oticBlitz and some others, including my good friend Deelan . Ash actually bought me this gold donor like a year ago and I still have it for some weird reason (a.k.a AlpakaWhacker) My first round of stats were absolutely terrible. I had a 146/2200 ratio, so I had my friend Tom buy me a reset in exchange for a total youtube revamp, which he accepted. After that, me and Deelan became total tryhards. We'd win 15 games per day between the two of us, and we both flew up the leaderboards. (He got a LOT higher than me because my pc broke, which I'll talk about here in a sec.) I usually only played 4 days a week then, and I got to 104 wins out of 503 games played, which was a drastic improvement from the old ratio. Later on in 2014, I became an MCGamer Moderator, and I must say that it was one of the greatest experiences i've had with this game. I met so many good people and was able to serve alongside some of the best staff members this server has ever seen.

SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO Ceroria AlpakaWhacker Shelby Equalitee dindavid MattNex Joey duckluv321 Vanicle | Vanessa Nephilim TotalDramaTony
These are only a few, but they have had the biggest impact on my time as a moderator (positive, duh)

I served about 4 months as a moderator when my trusty Toshiba Satellite C55-a5302 (yea, exact model and everything) decided to break down and die. Then I went a couple months without a computer until I had the money to buy a new one, which was the time when I returned to MCSG. I've been playing here and there since, but I haven't really been trying.
If you need proof, look here. Probably doesn't help that I've been playing with 250-400 ping since then. ;-;

But yea, that's my MCSG/MCGamer story. Well, most of it. Idk. I might apply for moderator again. hehehe
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Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
Hi, welcome to the community I guess c:. Enjoy your stay at MCGamer and may the odds be ever in your favour :3


District 13
May 29, 2013
Reaction score
Hello? I would say welcome but you have been here already ;)

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