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ClownCostume's MCSG story


Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Hey Guys this is ClownCostume here and I thought that it would be cool to make my own Story of MCSG so here it is and I hope you enjoy :)

Ok, so back when I first started MCSG I think I was one of the biggest noobs going around from asking randy's to team every time I entered a lobby, to playing with a trackpad. I started about a couple of weeks before V2 had been released and was playing on my friends account, ARM3dPiDgEoN101. I played for what felt like a good 500 games on that account because I didn't have my own, and only got about 6 or so wins (yeah I know bad). I met from what I can remember my first friend on MCSG that I skyped with called SOCCER$LIFE or Ronaldo4Life. We both teamed for ages and he introduced me to this clan that he was in called KCC or KittyCatClan. The leader of this clan was as most of you know NingaristicNinga. After I got my first 20 wins on ARM3dPiDgEoN101 I then joined this clan and met some pretty cool people and got along really well with Ninga. We talked a lot and we also teamed a fair bit as well with the help of some tips he gave me. At this time I looked at the best players on the Au servers like they were gods! These player were Kytria, darkrai202, Billabongboy98, LeMaCderp, DevilicCrafter, DoodleeDood, Elisha_mutang and many more. I looked up to these players as role models and wished to eventually skype or talk to them one day.

I regret to say that I was one of those idiots that teamed with that one group of hackers often. This group as you all know is simonwilson, imBLUNT, turtle_terror, and there group of hackers. This mob were the people that I trusted early on and I feel kind of nooby thinking of it right now. imBLUNT did grow on me a little and I wouldn't consider him as a jerk as of now.

I then at last got my own account which I named after my Xbox GT: Clown Costume. I started to meet more people through other players and was actually forming some chest routes on maps! After KCC ended and V2 was released, I lost communication with Ninga and we never really spoke too much. I actually started playing regularly now since I was getting more wins and was having more fun teaming with people (everyone goes through this stage). I started speaking with LeMaCderp a lot and he taught me some things here and there and I was slowly getting recognized by the community. Eventually, nearly all the good AS players we once knew were gone because the AU servers moved from Singapore to Australia?. They had all wimped out because they were getting a 450 plus ping which was what all us AU players had to play on this whole time. So we never saw them again until they released the AS servers.

Once I got 80 wins on ClownCostume I joined the clan #Phoenix. It was like a dream come true, I was in a clan with nearly all the best players in Au and was speaking with some of them. At this point nearly every game I got into, there was always someone in it that I had skyped with before which slowly became a burden. This was annoying me because I couldn't play solo because these players were seeming to think that if you skype once with them you have some auto truce thing and every time I declined a team/skype/truce request they would take it to heart and target me. I was getting really angry and was starting to rage at these players and taking MCSG more seriously. One player that I would like to point out decided that he would get back at me for deleting him on skype by posting a video of me "hacking" on YouTube for everyone to see even though there were no hacks. This player was lordofworld4. I of course never hacked but I was banned for it anyway because a certain player named NingaristicNinga decided to post it on the forums even after he saw my minecraft.jar and knew that I didn't hack. I was banned for 5 days and interesting enough, the mod that banned me who was one of Ninga's friends was demoted within a week. I had no video footage of me playing that game that I was banned from so I couldn't post a ban dispute/appeal against it. I was then kicked from #Phoenix and I have had the burden of being banned for hacking on my back ever since.

I put all this behind me and just isolated myself from everyone and played solo. This I found was the best way to get better (hint to all the noobs that think that teaming is the better option). So after a while my wins had reached 250 and I was clear from being a noob. I was at my peak, my bounty never dropped below 2000 and I would never lose anymore than 5 games in a row. Life was going good and it got even better once the clan #Apex started. I was one of the first recruits and I was happy. At this time I met some new friends that I teamed with named SideMullet, Gunzla, EPiC_CaRRoT (just to name a few, again my memory isn't to good so I forget some events and people), these players were all really good and they were really chill about the game.

Some of these events might be out of order and what not so I apologize.

With all things that are good, there is always something bad around the corner waiting to happen. I started to go down hill and I was a concern to the clan. I wasn't winning as many games and I was getting easily frustrated with it. And of course what happens but I get kicked from a second clan for another BS reason. I posted something on the Apex MCSG forums page concerning the clan and who may respond to it but Artistic_Walrus. He said some smartass comment to me and I got really pissed of and I may or may not have told him a couple of things that was considered abuse. So Walrus decided that he wants to get me kicked from the clan so he writes a 300 word complaint about what I said to him to the leaders of my clan and how having someone like me in it would ruin the reputation of it. So the Clan leaders kick me from the clan and I quit for 6 weeks. I was just over all the BS of MCSG, getting targeted, killed by teams in DM, hackers, people accusing you of using hacks and bsm and all that crap.

Once I made my return, I was pretty rusty and there was a new breed of MCSG rookies that would soon become good players like most of us. I dropped from rank #213 to #390 in 6 weeks and people like flok, croe97, Punchy_01, Kaine17 all went racing ahead of me of wins by about 400!! I was pretty relaxed at this point and most people had forgotten about me and I even noticed some people quit and others get really good! I grinded myself back to the point where I was good again and swore an oath to never skype team with anyone again. I was now better than ever and was just focused on winning.

There isn't much more I can remember at this point, but I'm pretty sure that this sums up my story. :)

Some players that I would like to thank for being good lads!
hs (forget the numbers after your name sorry)
As I said my memory is shocking and I already know that I am missing some People sp please forgive me.

I would like to make a list of jerks I have run into whilst playing but I know it's not allowed.

In conclusion to my story it was a hard road and very stressful at times but I love the game and I hope it just gets better with time.

Thank you for reading,
Last edited:


Apr 29, 2013
Reaction score
Good story. I don't really know you but good story. I enjoyed reading it.


Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
Just going to put it out there, I disagreed to kicking you out of Apex, i did not like what Artistic_walrus said, but obviously it was 3-1 in vote or else you would be in apex still, but that is only because i wasn't as forceful on the clans reputation as the other leaders were i just wanted to have good members xD, anyway nice story, it was always fun playing with you and you helped me grow as a player and forced me to improve just from playing with you so thanks! :D


Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Just going to put it out there, I disagreed to kicking you out of Apex, i did not like what Artistic_walrus said, but obviously it was 3-1 in vote or else you would be in apex still, but that is only because i wasn't as forceful on the clans reputation as the other leaders were i just wanted to have good members xD, anyway nice story, it was always fun playing with you and you helped me grow as a player and forced me to improve just from playing with you so thanks! :D
And you were one of the players I forgot to chuck on my "good lads" list. Sorry man, and no problem. Thanks for reading :)

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