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Clan Matchmaking | Season 1

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Dec 30, 2014
Reaction score

The purpose is to let clan have some fun! Let clans compete against each other to see what clan is the best clan of MCSG. All clans are able to apply, but we will be accepting the ones that we want in the tourney. Best of luck to all clans who are competing in this tournament lets hope this goes good!

Double Elimination Tournament
This means that to be eliminated you must lose twice.

Bracket will be posted here: http://challonge.com/ClanMatchmaking

Prize this season:
Clan Banner

Staff desions are always final
All games are going to be first to 4 instead of finals, The finals will be first to 5
Don't disrespect the clan you are going against
Be Fair (Don't cheat makes it less fun)
All battles will have to be a 5v5+ (If a team has less than 5, they can forfeit or they can play with a disadvantage)

- No use of banned items (including but not limited to the Stone Sword Tree On Valleyside University).
- Spectating is not allowed.
- Once a lobby has entered into pre-game, the match will be officially in motion, EXCEPT in the case which a team is represented by a disadvantage in lobby and has taken this disadvantage into pre-game. In this scenario, the disadvantaged team will be allowed to pull out of the server DURING pre-game to redo the round. If the disadvantaged team does not pull out after pre-game, the round must go on.
- The battle will go to 4. The finals / Semi finals will go to 5.
- The minimum amount of people per battle is a 6v6, while the maximum amount is 8v8. If a team lacks the amount of people at the date of the battle, they are allowed to reduce the player amount to a minimum of 6 until they are able to get more players on. However, a concerted effort must be made to get more players on, and if any players do arrive, they must be played. If a team is unable to field 6 players, they must play with a disadvantage.
- Any maps may be chosen, but must be agreed upon by both teams. If maps cannot be decided, then the default maps will be: Valleyside University, SG4, TSG2, Holiday, SG Highway, Turbulence, and Alaskan Village.
- Each team will be able to veto one map from the pool before the beginning of the battle. This map cannot be picked by either team for the duration of the battle. If they wish, teams may choose not to veto a map.
- The team that lost the previous round gets to choose the next map (with the exception of map vetos).
Survival Games 4
Valleyside University
Teweren Survival Games 2
Survival Games Highway
Holiday Resort
Holiday Resort 2
If any of the rules are broken, then these will occur

First Round will not count and will be redone.
Second Round will be a Disqualification

Third Round will be a auto forfeit.

There will be 8 clans participating.

= Past Winners
1. Desolate (xDesolate)
2. The Flow (zDezpi_g0d)
3. Nobility (Crinkle)
4. Vacent
5. Rebels (Maxypie)
6. Clique (myruhh7)
7. Vendetta (Skill)
8. Ancient (AncientMCSG)

Clan Application - Closed
Tag either: eRmac , Jawshy , RockstarFilms , Sportz , Zeno

Clan Name:
Clan Leader Skype:
Clan Forum Page:
Clan Teamspeak (Its ok if you don't have one):
Clan Leader Forum Name:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ref Application - Closed
Private Message Application to: eRmac , Jawshy , RockstarFilms , Sportz , Zeno

Past Experiences with events like this:
Why do you want to be ref:

Position | IGN | Forum Acc. | Clan

Owner - GodErmac - eRmac -
- - - - -
Administrator - Jawshy - Jawsh - Saints
Administrator - Zenocrafter - Zeno - Rebels
Adminstrator - Techaton - Techaton - Vendetta

- - - - -
Senior Referee - Rockky - RockstarFilms - Clique
Senior Referee - Sportz - Sportz - Vendetta

- - - - -
Referee - Kronsity - Kronsity - Desolate
Referee - Maxy - Maxypie - Rebels
Referee - Skill - Skill - Vendetta
Referee - Boxyy - Boxyy - Vendetta
Referee - UpdatinStatus - UpdatinStatus - Rebels

- - - - -

Season 1: TBD

Blacklisted Clans:

Thread Revamped by Sportz
Last edited:


Nov 13, 2014
Reaction score
tf why r we blacklisted dumbnuts. if ppl think we are hacking then im done
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