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Charlie's MCSG Story [Shortened & Cut-Out]


Jan 19, 2013
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January 2013- I began playing MCSG on January 19th 2013. Here I met MeGa_Mushroom ; we had good times and bad times, happy times and sad times, pretty times and ugly times.. We would talk constantly, we were friends for about 2 months on a whole. You were a good friend, we would text throughout school and talk right after school whenever you got in or I got in, if we could play in the morning, we would, if we could play at night, we would! You were pretty awesome man, we were friends until about March, at least :3

February 2013- I joined Nitride at the start of February, I met echo and to be perfectly honest I didn't like him very much at all because of his voice and irritating lack of grammatical sense. After doing some really dumb things on the MCSwish server to kill _zeX99_, I left out of embarrassment because I was a woman! I then followed METII023 to #FusionPvP, with the leader CharlesYummyegg I thought we were unstoppable! I soon met a guy named Joe, we had similar personalities. I was quite stubborn and cursed a lot, he was just the same. I asked him for a skin and once he had made it we ended up cursing at each other for about 30 minutes, then we started to play MCSG. Joe realised at this point that I was a horrid player, so starting from my 17 wins in 1500, he started to train me, after echo's training this was just enough to make me better! He gave me wins and I gave him wins, we grew together!

March 2013- Here is where I met xXSkyXx and DerpyDash11 . Joe was to go on a ski trip some time at the end of the month (as far as I remember). Us three were great friends, all three of us even applied for Moderator together! I mean, personally when I first applied it was just for a bit of a joke and a laugh to see if they would accept me, I didn't know much.. I guess that I just knew how to format a decent application and gather information for it! When Joe went on his Ski Trip, I gained roughly 100 wins over the 2 week long easter holiday with the help of Dan and Sky.

April 2013- During April 2013 a lot went on, Dan and I stayed decent friends as I also stayed decent friends with Joe! Throughout this month we probably made 4-5 decent clans but ended up disbanding all of them but Reborn, this was simply due to the fact that Sky and I in particular were constantly falling out, we felt that us being in a clan together would never really be a good idea! I also got accepted through to interview.. I was at a party that night as my brother was going away, after a few beers and pints of cider; I realised.. I was in the waiting room. I ran home as quickly as I could and got on, a bit drunk and kind of nervous. I had my interview and to my surprise I was accepted, sure my parents got angry because I was up late but what does that matter? Between the 26th and 31st of April, echo_555 and I became closer and closer, as I branched away from my other friends I only gained new ones!

May 2013 to October 2013- I resigned three times within this period of time and got Moderator back every single time for reasons that I need not discuss, I also lost and regained my friend rank due to the fact that I am a sneaky ninja.

September 2013- I feel like this was without a doubt the best month I have ever had at MCSG! I started hanging out with FantasticTardis Decemberr and Mman1234fcn83i ! We were really good friends and I even dated one of the three, spoiler.. It wasn't Michael. Anyway, on September 21st we split up and I was kind of upset for that week, with MrClacturns there to keep me up with the help of Dave echo_555 and kseniagru whilst they were all such great help to me.

Diana- On September 27th, Ksenia fully introduced me to a girl called Diana. Ksenia showed me a picture of her and I right away noticed her big brown eyes, I realised not only that she was so beautiful that night but also that she was really kind! Within 30 minutes or so she had to leave, we hadn't spoken for long but I managed to grab a spot on her skype friends list and also her kik! On the 28th Diana messaged me early morning, we spoke all day and I will be honest we were just talking as friends, we didn't say much but I did mention how amazing she was once or twice whilst we were texting! Later that day she got home from a birthday party of some close family friends and we began to talk alone on skype. I fell for her almost instantly, from the moment I saw her to this moment I had started to like her, I had one dilemma; I didn't think she'd like me back, and one thing lead to another I told her how I liked her but I didn't want to like her because I was simply afraid of rejection. I heard her say something I really wasn't expecting, Diana asked me, 'Well what if I like you too?'... at this point I was practically dead, like any guy that really likes a girl and falls for them this quickly, I was practically speechless. Eventually we spoke about how I liked her, she liked me, I told her what I liked about her etc.. I then asked her to be my girlfriend :3 fortunately for me, she said yes.
I soon got Moderator back for the third time, and I still have that too. (cool fact)..

People Along The Way-

MeGa_Mushroom If we're going by order, you were definitely the first friend I made in MCSG, we really need to catch up some time!

echo_555 Well Haydn, the only way I can really put this is to say that I love you man. If you were my brother, we would not only make water slides in our survival base; our house would be flooded. You are one of my best friends, and you're so good to me (when you don't irritate me), but yeah you're awesome! :3

JoeJay_ Although I really didn't expect to get along with you at first, we really did have some sort of completely heterosexual spark going on when we met. We had similar personalities and you've been there for me ever since!

xWriterx You are probably one of the most kind, caring people I have met on this network. Although I definitely haven't been the best to you, through all of my pathetic lying and bull...something you have stuck by me. We spoke for about a month, all of the time every single day from when you were introduced to me by Louis to when you went on holiday in Dartmouth; you are pretty damn awesome :)

DerpyDash11 We may not speak so much now, but dude we really need to get things back to how they were, we were doing great! p.s - you won't overtake me on wins ;)

Leech I may not have mentioned you in the story because I did miss out a fair bit but yeah, we have been and will always be great friends (I hope), DayZ? ;) You were the first person on MCSG that truly met my mushy side!

Dave You have been here with me ever since I got Moderator the first time, through thick and thin you've been there. Even when I haven't necessarily been there for you, you've always been there for me, I love you man! Completely heterosexual, don't get any ideas ^.^

kseniagru You introduced me to Diana. I will never be able to thank you enough for the happiness that you potentially brought to me, but thanks :3 You are pretty damn awesome also :3

Decemberr We don't talk much now but you have been there for me and I will be there for you too if you still want me too, cheers Decamber <3

LadyOfLove Shelby, I will always protect you on L4D2, you are freaking awesome shelbabyx ^.^ Stay awesome ;)

Diana.. I think I have said enough about you, you don't have a forum account but I can summarise my feelings for you in three words, this is truly the best that words can explain for me; I love you.

I asked one thing of all mentioned within this post, and that is:
Never change, you're all amazing just the way you are. You have all helped me and many others in more than just one way, and I love you all more than words or even images can fully explain <3

I know that I probably missed out a lot of people and I also missed out a fair bit of the stories, but I have had so many great friends here that I really don't feel the need to list them all, you know who you are! :) I hope that I can meet many, many more great people. I'll be honest though, for now I am just fine where I am :'3

Last edited:


Jul 30, 2012
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Your mushy side<33 I love you man, always here for you <3 The days we would get up early in summer and just talk all day wether it was about problems or whatever. I kinda miss how we dont talk as much anymore, but hay ho. Im glad your happy with Diana now, seeing you so upset in summer sucked balls, but now your happy :D. Still gonna be enjoying the beach again in summer man with your dodgy wetsuit stories ;) GG. DayZ<3 Always here for you #ImGettingMushy


May 12, 2012
Reaction score
Want to get things back to how they were? fine by me, I missed you maaaaan... Chickendipper....
But in all seriousness, let's talk on skype more!


May 3, 2013
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That Diana bit put a smile on my face. Happy for you both :)

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