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Change the filter & the way it works.


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Nov 8, 2014
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Hello, this is my first ever thread here and I joined these forums because I wanted to make my opinions heard, so please read all of this thread before replying. So, lets get started!

The situation of the chat in MCSG and MCGamer in general is... horrible. Now I know that MCGamerv2 is coming out, probably with a slightly improved filter, but I just want to say how I as a player think it would work well as.

There are 2 main points I want to cover, what words it filters, and how it filters them, so let me get right into them.

Filtering certain words.
The words that the MCG filter filters are an extremely short list. They filter about 5 words or so. Ranging from the "C word" to the "F word". Now considering that in the rules it states that misleading players, such as saying "./v 5 for diamonds at start of game", "./lobby kit for your starting kit!" and "Alt+f4 for free stone sword!" surely it can't be that hard to filter such words/phrases? Any phrase such as "Alt+f4" or a command identified by the system with a dot infront of it should be fixable, I mean, I'm no techhead, but surely it can't be that hard to simply make it so that when someone types up such a phrase/word in the chat that it can be... "erased"... Which brings me on to the next point...

How they filer certain words.
Ok, so at the mo' when you type a swear, or something thats against the filter, it will replace it with something along the lines of "@!%$". Now in my personal opinion I think that is useless, let me elaborate. Most people who already know what swears are, know that thats a replacement for it, so they basically know what the player that typed it is meaning. Players who do not know what all the swears mean and simply see the replacement STILL atleast know that the replacement is a sign of anger as children of their perceived young age have probably been brought up in a world where such replacements are used often, and the children will have picked up that that is a sign of anger. So yup, if you don't understand that train of thought read it through again, and hopefully you'll understand soon enough. Anyway, what I propose is that instead of filtering the word that is used, simply not allowing that hole message to be in chat, and in an MCGamer message coming up saying something like
"Please retype your message, making it less profound"

Sidenote: I would add "Please make "eZ" and things against the rules" but with the way MCSG seem to be acting, whats the chances?

Thanks for reading, and I hope you take my message into account
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May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Yes please!

I've posted several threads on making 'eZ' 'rekt' and trashtalking blocked terms too, it'd remove the hostility from the ingame chat :3


Jul 3, 2014
Reaction score
These are some really good points. I hope to see some of these changes implemented into the games.

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