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CanadianPandah's Goodbye.


Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
Alright, so before we get started this isn't a full out "quitting thread"

So lets start fresh, I started playing on December 31st 2013, I really wasn't good at the game back then (As my stats show) but I really was having fun and didn't know anything back then, I was a little noob having the most fun he ever had playing with friends learning and getting better.

After a little bit of playing I started talking to my first MCSG tryhardish player on skype, My very good friend Hks he was in my class a year older because he was in grade 8 (it was a split) and he taught me and I learned. Everyday I was excited to play because I was having so much fun and I made progress quick, almost overnight I went from having 30/300 to 37/350 even though it wasn't that crazy of a change it was still progress.

Now let's go back to about 4 months ago, I was pretty good at the game and my ratio was around 100/1000 again not the best but still improving, then that's were it happened I was getting more popular on YouTube meeting fans in game and having so much fun, then it went downhill the community was turning into complete rubbish. Instead of having fun I was raging getting mad over nothing and overall having alot of stress I went through many fights with my friends over the most pointless garbage.

2 Months later
I started getting really good after this point because I went very tryhard, I was doing things that I could never do before like kill a three team defend with the fishing rod and use it to my advantage. After that I was watching all the better players and getting taught by Hks and I very fast became good.

By this time the community was getting thrown in the gutter being pummeled and beat down, but I was not quitting and I was really good, me and Hks didn't talk as much because he was into the "Clan" side of MCSG. But then when we did he noticed improvement, then one day I was still a little worse then him but still very good and I beat him this was my peak.

Because MCSG got so boring I started getting really tired of it really fast one day I literally just quit I started playing other games not including Minecraft at all, I didn't touch it for about 2 weeks then when I came back I was really bad and didn't enjoy MCSG at all especially after hearing the news about merging with the AntVenom server then community is going to be dead.

MCSG in general isn't fun at all anymore, I don't think I'll be touching it at all for a long time even though I haven't been around for a long time this is my goodbye.

Here's the people I'd like to thank for making it a fun trip for me (starting from the begging of my career till the end)

Salami345 (Damien) MCSG is the reason we stopped talking but put aside all the bad times I've really enjoyed it with you.

NexusEpson (Eric) You were one of my best friends you were the shy and quiet type but I had a really fun time with you, and I still hope to talk to you.

Hks1218 (Misha) One of my best friends till this day we became friends really quickly and had a very fun time thanks for starting my MCSG career and helping me get better along the way, I really can't explain how thankful I am for you stepping into my life.

Senior_Moustache (Juan) Even though you weren't the best and didn't play much you were so funny to be around and genuinely a very cool guy, I will always be your friend.

Moneyrocks Tessy_baer & xBubbleztea Probably the funniest crew I've ever met also my favorite girl players to this day, even though I didn't spend a long time with you guys I had the funniest experience on MCSG I ever had I would love to talk in the future with you guys!

ByLynx (Austin) You are still one of my best friends to this day and you made my MCSG experience so fun, happy belated birthday.

ReallyOriginal MrCranked & Jiizzlebop, I met you guys all at the same time and had so much fun with my new found really good friends I was having so much fun talking to you guys every day and you brought that spark back into MCSG, after later ditching me for COD (ReallyOriginal & MrCranked) Jiizzlebop has still stuck with me and is one of the funniest people I have ever met, I am glad to have a friend like you Jiizzlebop again happy belated birthday. And a screw you to ReallyOriginal & MrCranked

And that's it sorry if I've left anyone out I noted the people that have I've had a fun time with / remember.
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