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bye - Trilexium


Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score
This won't exactly be a conventional bye thread. Not going to use this opportunity to talk about my experience here, or how it's changed my life drastically, or tag and thank endless lists of people. Instead, I'll use my final *for the foreseeable future* post to reinforce an idea/suggestion.

If you haven't done so already, please read my thread on the topic of mod apps before continuing.

Seriously. Introduce some kind of limit on how long people have to have been here for before they can become staff. Don't say "yes we'll look into this when reviewing people's applications", actually make it part of the application. Have it stated as not just a recommendation, but as a requirement.

Staff should (in the ideal world) be active on every platform, and it's fine that some platforms aren't to some staff's tastes, but they should have at least a moderate level of activity/experience with all before even considering applying. They wouldn't have to continue being active on them, but it should be necessary for them to at least have some form of grounding with how to use the platform.

I recommended that for the forums, a person should have a minimum of around 200-250 posts and at least 6 months of active experience. I'll go on to further recommend that a player should have at least had a total time in-game of at least 1 week, or 168 hours. TeamSpeak is where it's a bit tricky, but I'd say being at least familiar with what channels are what and how to use the TeamSpeak client itself would classify as being experienced.

Of course I'd still be all for some form of being able to circumvent these limits through special trials of sorts, but it should be hard for people to make it through- it should be like a good filter: only letting the desired material in, and undesired out.

The staff can choose to ignore my idea if they want, I obviously have no power over that, but they should at least consider what it would do for the community before thinking about what it would do for them. The community's response to my formal suggestion was for the most part in support, with a few heads disagreeing (funnily enough, those people in disagreement would not meet the requirements if they were ever a thing, just something I noticed).

Farewell MCGamer, and please take my idea with a grain of salt.



Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
In my brutally honest opinion, everyone who wants to be hired as a staff member needs a lot of experience as a part of the community before applying for the position. Too often do I see people joining our community and immediately gunning for mod, which is the wrong thing to do. Y'all have to slow down and smell the roses! Not only will it be more enjoyable for you, but when you do decide to apply for staff, you'll be more experienced!

I have a lot of friends who were these types of people who only joined the forums to get mod, and a good few of them are outstanding moderators, but they weren't fully qualified for the position upon their original obtainment of it, and spent a good amount of time learning basic things about the community while as a member of the staff team.

I have submitted multiple suggestions over time for something along these lines of prerequisites, the ball is now in the hands of the Sr. Staff.


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Sad to see you go bro ;-; I wish you the best of luck in the future


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Another reason for #Ceroria4SrMod
Eh, I can just bug some Sr. Mods tirelessly until things get done :)

(That wasn't meant to be offensive to the Sr. Staff, just a giggle)


Jul 7, 2015
Reaction score
This won't exactly be a conventional bye thread. Not going to use this opportunity to talk about my experience here, or how it's changed my life drastically, or tag and thank endless lists of people. Instead, I'll use my final *for the foreseeable future* post to reinforce an idea/suggestion.

If you haven't done so already, please read my thread on the topic of mod apps before continuing.

Seriously. Introduce some kind of limit on how long people have to have been here for before they can become staff. Don't say "yes we'll look into this when reviewing people's applications", actually make it part of the application. Have it stated as not just a recommendation, but as a requirement.

Staff should (in the ideal world) be active on every platform, and it's fine that some platforms aren't to some staff's tastes, but they should have at least a moderate level of activity/experience with all before even considering applying. They wouldn't have to continue being active on them, but it should be necessary for them to at least have some form of grounding with how to use the platform.

I recommended that for the forums, a person should have a minimum of around 200-250 posts and at least 6 months of active experience. I'll go on to further recommend that a player should have at least had a total time in-game of at least 1 week, or 168 hours. TeamSpeak is where it's a bit tricky, but I'd say being at least familiar with what channels are what and how to use the TeamSpeak client itself would classify as being experienced.

Of course I'd still be all for some form of being able to circumvent these limits through special trials of sorts, but it should be hard for people to make it through- it should be like a good filter: only letting the desired material in, and undesired out.

The staff can choose to ignore my idea if they want, I obviously have no power over that, but they should at least consider what it would do for the community before thinking about what it would do for them. The community's response to my formal suggestion was for the most part in support, with a few heads disagreeing (funnily enough, those people in disagreement would not meet the requirements if they were ever a thing, just something I noticed).

Farewell MCGamer, and please take my idea with a grain of salt.

Seya man! Sad to see you leave this community! Your a great pvper! Good luck with what you do next!

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