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Bye - For Real This Time :P


District 13
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
Hello Minecraft Survival Games Forums!

As some of you who follow me closely know that my cousin had “played a trick” on me in which he faked my departure from the computer world. While back 2 weeks ago I had no intentions of leaving; now, it is my only option.

Over the past year I have become a builder. I have really progressed too. From where I started out to where I am today I am very proud of myself. In that span I made one map that I was particularly proud of and that some of you probably know of as Zone 85. In February, Tree_TheBigKind informed me that it did well with the map committee and that my chances of seeing the map added were very good. Well, 3 months later map updates arrived, but no Zone 85. I was disappointed at first, but then realized that it wasn’t the end of map updates and that my map could eventually be added. However, after thinking about it there are several maps that are newer and more popular than Zone 85. Even though my map used to be a very popular talk of the community, now more popular maps overshadow it. I hope for the best, but expect the worst and am going to give up hope until hope is shown. If my map is added, I will be back to play, but if not I will forever be contemplating the decisions and credibility of the MCSG staff and what I have done over the past year with my life.

This was the “pushed me over the edge” factor. Other factors include:

· My health is being affected by MCSG. I am sucked in and can’t stop. This is something that I have to fix myself. I lose sleep, I am not active enough, and I don’t do much but sit in my chair for 5+ hours a day.

· My grades are getting worse. Instead of being first priority, like they should be, they have become a second thought. I am at the point in my life where grades are going to strongly affect my future.

· I am becoming an awkward and unsociable human being. I hardly spend time with family, IRL friends, and GIRLS xD. I need to focus on more of this stuff and less of Skyping and Teamspeaking with Internet friends. I am losing social skills and selflessness. I am a self-absorbed and self conscious person, and four years ago when I started “interneting” I was far from these things.

· I am constantly contemplating if I have made the right decision spending so much time on the computer when I can be out doing something that will actually matter to me 10 years down the road. I am tired of questioning my life decisions, I want to know what I am doing is worth while and something that I enjoy.

· It is an addiction not a hobby. When I first started playing it was for fun, but now it is an addiction. I don’t play because I enjoy playing; I play because it is the only thing I have to do; almost like it is my way to feel fulfilled everyday. I really haven’t had fun with it for almost a year now. I shouldn’t have let my self get “too far gone” but now I am planning change.

This is pretty much it. I can’t think of anything more. All I can say is I am done. I appreciate everything this server has done for me and provided me. I appreciate everyone who has helped me along the way in this incredible journey. I appreciate everything that has come from this; I really do. But now, it is time for change. Thanks so much MCSG. I will miss you, but it is for the best. <3

BTW, to prove that this isn’t another “practical joke” of my cousin a video clip can be found here confirming my departure:



District 13
Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
Goodbye my friend :(

You were a great builder, a mature captain, and an amazing friend. I hope you will be able to come back to MCSG one day and we will get you your first win on Zone 85 :)


Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
Goodbye. Well, there's actually nothing 'good' about this 'bye'. Bon voyage!


Dec 2, 2013
Reaction score
This makes me sad. You were always being like "Oh, it's Yello, the guy who's supposed to leave." Just yesterday you said it. I hope one day I can say that about you. For now, it is goodbye, my friend. (,:

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