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[Breeze Island] Deathmatch Strategy

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Apr 10, 2013
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Let's say you have a bow, a couple of arrows, and some terrible armor and a sword.
First things first. If your enemies happen to be a team, no biggie. If your enemies aren't a team.. no biggie. If you have terrible armor or no sword, that's no issue.

10 seconds. 9 seconds. 8 seconds.
Prepare yourself; make sure you have all the right equipment you need in your hotbar (sword, fishing rod for hitting people back, bow, and your arrows so you know when you run out).

7 seconds. 6 seconds. 5 seconds.
Run through the below strategy again. Ask if they are a team. If they don't respond, you know they probably are one.

4 seconds. 3 seconds. 2 seconds. 1 second.
Eat a golden apple if you have one. Prepare to sprint-jump into the water and onto the cornucopia.

The next steps may be a little tricky. Sprint-jump into the water and get onto the cornucopia! Notch an arrow in your bow, and start firing away at your foes in the water. If your opponents are battling each other, take the opportunity to quickly check the chests, while being aware of where your opponents are. If they aren't battling and are instead coming for you, keep launching those arrows at one person! Use your fishing rod to hit the other person back; always remember to be aiming at one person, not both!
Run out of arrows? No problem. Your enemies will probably have low health by now. Jump into the water, and start attacking the player with low health. If the other player with full health comes close, just simply hit him away with your fishing rod! If you are running out of health, use your fishing rod to hit your enemies away, and get onto land to start running away for regeneration to happen. Run a few steps, and then jump back into the water and onto the cornucopia. Sprint-jump and attack your enemies, taking them by surprise. By now you'd probably have won. Congrats :).


Nov 2, 2012
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Don't eat a golden apple, it only allows you to be hit faster since you are probably already full health. I voted to some degree, but I never tried it. Worst way to lose a game is probably because you are under geared in deathmatch, if you have made it to deathmatch you should have at least 5 armor score and an iron sword. I would suggest jumping in the water and pulling out a fishing rod so you can hit anyone who is shooting arrows at you, your health will fall easily to someone who is a decent shot.


Aug 24, 2012
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Don't eat a golden apple, it only allows you to be hit faster since you are probably already full health. I voted to some degree, but I never tried it. Worst way to lose a game is probably because you are under geared in deathmatch, if you have made it to deathmatch you should have at least 5 armor score and an iron sword. I would suggest jumping in the water and pulling out a fishing rod so you can hit anyone who is shooting arrows at you, your health will fall easily to someone who is a decent shot.
I believe only God Apples make you get hit faster, not normal golden apples.


Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Never noticed that. :/
Well, I can't be certain but I heard of this from sixzoseven, and he is a pretty knowledgeable player. I believe that it is true, and it would make sense seeing as how god apples have a similar effect.


Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
Let's say you have a bow, a couple of arrows, and some terrible armor and a sword.
First things first. If your enemies happen to be a team, no biggie. If your enemies aren't a team.. no biggie. If you have terrible armor or no sword, that's no issue.

10 seconds. 9 seconds. 8 seconds.
Prepare yourself; make sure you have all the right equipment you need in your hotbar (sword, fishing rod for hitting people back, bow, and your arrows so you know when you run out).

7 seconds. 6 seconds. 5 seconds.
Run through the below strategy again. Ask if they are a team. If they don't respond, you know they probably are one.

4 seconds. 3 seconds. 2 seconds. 1 second.
Eat a golden apple if you have one. Prepare to sprint-jump into the water and onto the cornucopia.

The next steps may be a little tricky. Sprint-jump into the water and get onto the cornucopia! Notch an arrow in your bow, and start firing away at your foes in the water. If your opponents are battling each other, take the opportunity to quickly check the chests, while being aware of where your opponents are. If they aren't battling and are instead coming for you, keep launching those arrows at one person! Use your fishing rod to hit the other person back; always remember to be aiming at one person, not both!
Run out of arrows? No problem. Your enemies will probably have low health by now. Jump into the water, and start attacking the player with low health. If the other player with full health comes close, just simply hit him away with your fishing rod! If you are running out of health, use your fishing rod to hit your enemies away, and get onto land to start running away for regeneration to happen. Run a few steps, and then jump back into the water and onto the cornucopia. Sprint-jump and attack your enemies, taking them by surprise. By now you'd probably have won. Congrats :).
Well unless they went to corn with you or shoot you to death


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
Never noticed that. :/
The higher the effect of regeneration, the faster you can take damage. This is, I believe, a counter that's present in vanilla minecraft to people going into a fight acting as a complete wall from the regen, and an attempt to keep it more for hit and run strategies, so that you have to be at least slightly strategic and not just overpowered. For regeneration 1, I'd highly suggest not going into a fight with it, that extra hit makes a difference when you only have 5 seconds of it. (golden apple.) However, if you eat a god apple, there's really nothing stopping you from being a complete wall, since the sheer knockback you receive causes you to regen to full before the person gets to you again.


Dec 19, 2012
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what I did once is I had no hunger bars and only a fishing rod for my weapon and I kept hitting the people back and the lightning killed them :)

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