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Beginners guide to MCSG! Simple tactics to help get you started.


Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
I figured the forums could use one of these because there are guides but none are really aimed at actual beginners. this might have already been done, if so, i apologies.

Things To Keep In Mind!!!
This Guide focuses on Key and Important Tactics for When Your Playing MCSG.
This is Meant to Help Anyone Out Who is New to MCSG or Who is Looking for Some Tactics for Playing MCSG.
There are 51 Points in this guide.
Just because it is said in the guide, doesn't mean its necessarily correct. This is just what I believe are important.
If you feel something should be added / removed or something needs to be changed, send me a pm or reply to this message and ill see what i can do.

1: Going for the chests at spawn can be a really good thing or can end really badly. Its more of a personal opinion wether someone does or not.

2: Don't sprint all the time. Conserve your sprint for when you need it most.

3: I recommend checking most all chest you find your first few runs. As you get better, you'll learn what chests are more likely to be taken vs. not taken. It still never hurts to check a chest anyways.

3: Pressing F5 can be beneficial when being chased but it takes a little practice. It can help you see how close your enemy is behind you, that way you can tell if you have time to eat or check a chest. Don't run into anything when your looking in behind you or it could be game over:p I suggest only doing it in an open field or similar semi-flat area.

4: Diamond armor is the best you can get, iron is next, then chain, gold, and last leather.
As for weapons, its diamond, iron, stone, wood, then gold. Swords are better then axes made of the equivalent material. But a diamond ax = an iron sword in damage. iron ax = a stone sword in damage. a stone ax = a wood sword in damage. and a wood ax is the worst except for gold.

5: you will never find any diamond armor, a diamond sword / ax, Iron sword / ax, or a gold sword / ax in ANY chest! but that doesn't mean you can't craft them. You will also never get the material to craft a stone sword / ax or a wood sword / ax

6: Even if you have the equipment to craft an ax, I would recommend you craft a sword instead. unless its for the lols

7: I would not attempt any parkour unless you believe you can do it or there is no real danger of dying or loosing lots of health. trying to attempt parkour while your being chased is never a good idea even if your good at it. It doesn't mean it isn't worth a chance if you have no choice or you know your going to die.

8: trying to retreat during a battle when your low on health can be dangerous. Try retreating when your at half health or just a little bit lower. that way, if they hit you, you won't die or come close to dying.

9: A fishing rod can be for more then just catching fish. use it to hit someone away when your being chased. its not easy or necessarily that effective on land, but in water it can save your life. If your teaming with someone and chasing after someone in water, try hitting your friend to get him closer to the enemy. DON'T spam the fishing rod, it never works. take your time and push your opponent away.

10: Teaming is a good thing, but be careful on who you team with during a match. some say they will team but betray you when your not looking. most of the time teams created before the match begins, wont betray you... most of the time.

11: Getting the first hit off when you start a battle is key. If you have full iron armor with a stone sword and you attack a guy with full iron armor and a diamond sword, if you get the first hit off, you'll have a good chance of killing them.

12: Watch out for people with a flint and steel. that item can be brutal during a match. If you have a flint and steel, light your opponent on fire. Flint and Steel can be a real game changer.

13: taking on a one man army if your teamed with someone can still end in his favor if he has good enough equipment. but that doesn't mean you should go for him.

14: Check you hunger level. try to keep it as full as you can unless your really low on food.

15: your health starts regenerating after your hunger reaches 9 bars. you have 10 bars of hunger. also sprinting reduces your hunger

16: Golden apples can be very useful but unless you need it, don't be so quick to eat it.

17: You can craft golden apples if you have a gold ingot and an apple. it does require a crafting bench. craft the ingot into nuggets and with the apple in the center, surround the remaining sides with 8 nuggets. you will have one nugget left.

18: you can find mushrooms across every map. pick them up to craft mushroom stew even if you don't have a bowl. you never know if you'll find one.

19: you can craft mushroom stew in your inventory. meaning you don't need a crafting table.

20: you can eat raw food if you want. but if you have any spare wooden tools and found a furnace, you can cook your raw food. You can use sticks to cook food also but its not recommended for one stick will not cook even one raw piece of food, and sticks can be later used to craft items.

21: If your waring some leather armor and you have a bone. craft the bone into bone meal and use it to dye your leather white to look like iron. this can all be done in your inventory.

22: when running, jump at the same time. You'll go faster.

23: if your chasing someone and he stops in mid air. keep going it most likely that the server is lagging and he will appear in front of you in a few seconds. everyone messes up with this though, even the pros.

24: trying to type while being chased is a bad idea. even if your far enough ahead it's still risky.

25: EVERYONE dies at the beginning of a match every once in a wile. its how the games work. you were just unlucky if it happens to you.

26: If you manage to get a stone sword at spawn. Don't necessarily run to another chest, you have a chance to kill a few people at spawn before they leave.

27: As your exploring a new map. try looking around for a decent root for chests you can use when you play on that map again.

28: usually someone who clearly has better equipment than you wont team, but not always.

29: a bow and arrow can really bring the odds in your favor if you can land a hit or two on your opponent.

30: you can craft arrows if you don't have any. Flint above a stick above a feather. requires a crafting bench.

31: there is always a crafting bench at spawn. but there is usually at least one other on the map somewhere.

32: there is an enchanting table on a lot of maps but 98% of the time you'll never have xp to enchant because there is usually no animals and never any mobs.

33: Unless you really need a weapon, crafting a gold sword is usually a wast of a stick.

34: If you see two people fighting and you have a weapon, running in after one of them dies and attacking the other can be very beneficial because chances are, they have health lost.

35: Watch out for traps in the middle of the ground. on some maps there are holes that you can drop into where you get stuck for the entire match.

36: If your going to check a chest or craft something, take a quick look around and make sure no one is near.

37: crouching makes your name invisible from enemies but that doesn't mean they can't see you

38: you can break leaves, vines, grass, and mushrooms.

39: if you need sticks and you have a boat. crash the boat into something and collect the sticks it drops.

40: if you have shears, you can collect vines and re-use them later.

41: rotten flesh will give you poison most of the time. you can get lucky sometimes though and not get poisoned but don't count on it.

42: a raw chicken also has a chance to poison you, but its a lot less likely than a rotten flesh. its about 50 / 50

43: if you find a building, chances are there is a chest in it, unless your in a town or village. but be careful, some houses are traps.

44: Sponsors refill the chests at midnight in game time. thats half way through the night.

45: placing items you don't want or need in a chest before sponsors refill chests can clear up you inventory and make it so no one else gets it.

46: if you have a flint and steel you can also burn you items. your flint and steel only has a few uses so place everything in a pile and light the pile.

47: its never smart to have a diamond or an iron in your hotbar because if you scroll through your inventory, there is a chance someone else could see it and target you.

48: a diamond sword is only a half a heart of difference in damage than a iron sword.

49: a lot of maps have some sort of puzzle that leads to a few good chests. but most of the time there either a button combination or lever combination. some even kill you if you get it wrong.

50: Lots of people get lost on maps especially there first few times. its nothing to be ashamed of.

51: pressing shift when grabbing stuff out of a chest instantly moves it into your inventory. the same goes for putting on armor.

This guide is only tips. You don't half to follow all of them.
If you liked this post or found it useful, please let me know in the comments or like the post.
I would prefer no criticism even if you found this guide completely useless and pointless. Constructive criticism is fine but don't get carried away :p



Sep 8, 2012
Reaction score
3: Pressing F5 can be beneficial when being chased but it takes a little practice. It can help you see how close your enemy is behind you, that way you can tell if you have time to eat or check a chest.
This is useful, but can also be deadly. I remember the time I ran headfirst into a tree and got slaughtered. xD Overall, these are some nice tips, but you could improve on the thread by editing it into different tabs.

For example:

  1. Eat Golden Apples when you have low HP
  2. Eat before a fight
  3. etc.
[/quote]Hopefully this helps! <3


Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
yeah i just put them in order of when i thought of them. and lmao ive done that too. ill edit the post to adress that ty


District 13
Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Gold swords are better than wooden axes, wooden axes deal 1.5 with 33 durability(or so) while an gold sword deals the same as wood(2 hearts) with same durability as wooden axe(33). Not an huge difference, but can be the difference from life and death.


Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
But it's not necessary to really wast a stick on a gold sword just to get that extra .5 hearts of damage especially when there is a good chance you'll find something better. Plus you ingots ca later be used for golden apples


District 13
Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
But it's not necessary to really wast a stick on a gold sword just to get that extra .5 hearts of damage especially when there is a good chance you'll find something better. Plus you ingots ca later be used for golden apples
I agree with that, but if you get an golden sword in a chest you should use it instead of an wooden axe.


Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
You'll never get a golden sword In a chest. Not yet anyways


Mar 14, 2013
Reaction score
If you want to team to kill a tough competitor in d-match team with another weak competitor in d-match but if you kill him instantly turn on your teammate!

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