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au revoir :3


Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
it would mean a lot if y'all read this, and i just wanna start this off by saying thank you to all of the people involved in the mcsg community. :)
in around the end of april 2013, i started playing on this server, not really as a regular thing, but i would get on it occasionally. probably at the beginning of june when i got out of school for the summer, i began to play more consistently. (this is also around the time i started skype teaming with people.) anyways, i managed developed this amazing group of friends by the time june was ending, and i honestly think i had some of the best times of my life with you guys. (skype calls for hours, para's birthday, pink slime, etc.) from there, me and my closest friend from mcsg sort of lost connection with our "group", which was horrible, but at the same time, we met some really great new people. throughout this whole time period, i always felt like i actually kinda belonged somewhere, which wasn't something i experienced at all in real life. the last month of my summer break was extremely hectic, but also just absolutely perfect. i went through some drama with some of my closest friends, which caused of my other friends to somewhat abandon me, which sucked, but i understand now that it was a touchy situation that they really couldn't get around. before all the drama happened though, my friend introduced me to the most amazing person on earth and one of my literal twins. i swear, i've never met a person before that has understood me so well and has had basically the exact personality as me. thankfully, he was there for me even after everything that happened. in that one month, i met so many great people who i'm so lucky to have/have had in my life. at the end of summer break, i was lucky enough to have my two closest mcsg friends back again, and my twins. surprisingly, i continued to manage playing and skyping with people even after school had started, but about two weeks into the year, i decided that mcsg just wasn't that fun for me anymore. i still played some games by myself every now and then, but i usually just got bored 1-2 minutes into the game, and left, and basically stopped skyping with people other than my irl friends. along with just not getting pleasure out of playing anymore, i also realized that it was just too much to handle playing on this server and being kind of known. to me, it was just, put on this fake persona every time i log on, sit around in the hub for a few hours doing nothing really, and checking skype from time to time. and so, i came to the conclusion that i was quitting mcsg.


again, i just wanna say how grateful i am to have been able to be in the mcsg community. i've honestly met some of my closest friends today here, and i can't even begin to explain how amazing that is.

some people who have made a huge impact on my life, love you guys. :

para; ermagerd para, i love you so much. you're one of the funniest, nicest, and just overall greatest person i've ever met, and i hope we can still stay in touch. twerk buddies forever :)

summer & marina; you guys are honestly like sisters to me. i can always go to you if i need advice, and i know you're always there for me. thanks for being amazing guys. <3

hanna, jem, fuzy, cam, ashleigh, herp & ryan; some of the funniest, and most caring people i've met. i miss our old skype calls so much! love y'all.

oscar, zach, mia, jenna & chris; oh my lorrrd. y'all are like so freaking hilarious. all of our memories on shmoopie's server, ahahaha. anyways, i love you guys & i hope we can have one of our skype calls again some night. :)

sydney, keegan, johnathan, anakin, kitty & lizard; you're the only people who were there for me when i pretty much had no other friends, and that means so much to me. i know that a few of us had a bit of drama, but i'm still so happy that i met you guys. you got me a through a lot of stuff, and i knew i could always count on you. miss you guys, hope we can talk soon.

alex; my second twin. you understand me SO WELL, and i can always talk to you extremely easily. i feel like we met and quickly became great friends, and even though we hadn't talked in like a month, we're right back to where we left off. i reeeeeally hope i get to meet you someday, and i love you bby. <3

sofie; girl, you've been with me since the beginning. i remember when kellie first told me that there was this girl sofie who was at camp, and i was like her replacement for now. initially, i wanted to make sure you never came back home, but i had no clue that we would all become so close in the end. we've been through so much together. drama, tragedies & a bunch of really personal stuff. i feel like i've told you everything about me, and you've never judged me once. you're such an amazing person, and i look up to you so much. thank you for coming into my life. love you <3

robert; (since no one cares, you can be second.) robert my first twin. i can't even explain our friendship. when i met you, it took about five minutes for us to become best friends. i know i say i hate you all the time, but really, you're so important to me. i feel like we have so much in common, and i know i can tell you anything & you won't judge me whatsoever. okay, you probably will, but i know you're just joking. most of the time anyways. throughout everything that i've been through, you've stuck with me, and i know how hard that's been at some times. i want you to know that i love you so much, and us becoming friends has made me the person i am today. ho.

kellie; and lastly, kellie. this is gonna take me a while. kellie, you're the first person i really ever connected to on mcsg, and became real friends with. we met june 19th, 2013. that's exactly 113 days, and i wouldn't take back one of them. the memories we have together are endless. you've stuck with me through thick and thin, and even though some of that was drama, we managed to get back to the way we used to be. i know i've done a lot of things to hurt you, but i can't begin to think of what i would do to go back in time and fix those things. you made this summer- no, this year probably the best year of my life. i can't thank you enough for always being there for and accepting me for who i am. even though we only met a few months ago, i feel like i've known you for a lifetime. i know things aren't exactly how they were at the beginning of summer, but i hope that we can find a way to make them. oh and not to mention, you're one of the funniest people i've ever met. our inside jokes are so freaking hilarious. and kellie, you're so pretty. i seriously envy you so much sometimes. i know that we both have a lot of things we need to get through, but i want us to stay friends forever. i promise that i won't EVER do anything to hurt you again. i love you so much kellie, thanks for being amazing. <3

to kind of conclude this, i wanna make it clear that i'll still be on skype occasionally, and i do still play minecraft, just usually with my irl or really close friends and on a different server. again, a HUGE thanks to the mcsg community for being a great impact on my life. i've made some of the my most memorable friendships on here and i can't wait to look back on this experience and be able to say that these were some of the best times of my life.



May 18, 2013
Reaction score
it would mean a lot if y'all read this, and i just wanna start this off by saying thank you to all of the people involved in the mcsg community. :)
in around the end of april 2013, i started playing on this server, not really as a regular thing, but i would get on it occasionally. probably at the beginning of june when i got out of school for the summer, i began to play more consistently. (this is also around the time i started skype teaming with people.) anyways, i managed developed this amazing group of friends by the time june was ending, and i honestly think i had some of the best times of my life with you guys. (skype calls for hours, para's birthday, pink slime, etc.) from there, me and my closest friend from mcsg sort of lost connection with our "group", which was horrible, but at the same time, we met some really great new people. throughout this whole time period, i always felt like i actually kinda belonged somewhere, which wasn't something i experienced at all in real life. the last month of my summer break was extremely hectic, but also just absolutely perfect. i went through some drama with some of my closest friends, which caused of my other friends to somewhat abandon me, which sucked, but i understand now that it was a touchy situation that they really couldn't get around. before all the drama happened though, my friend introduced me to the most amazing person on earth and one of my literal twins. i swear, i've never met a person before that has understood me so well and has had basically the exact personality as me. thankfully, he was there for me even after everything that happened. in that one month, i met so many great people who i'm so lucky to have/have had in my life. at the end of summer break, i was lucky enough to have my two closest mcsg friends back again, and my twins. surprisingly, i continued to manage playing and skyping with people even after school had started, but about two weeks into the year, i decided that mcsg just wasn't that fun for me anymore. i still played some games by myself every now and then, but i usually just got bored 1-2 minutes into the game, and left, and basically stopped skyping with people other than my irl friends. along with just not getting pleasure out of playing anymore, i also realized that it was just too much to handle playing on this server and being kind of known. to me, it was just, put on this fake persona every time i log on, sit around in the hub for a few hours doing nothing really, and checking skype from time to time. and so, i came to the conclusion that i was quitting mcsg.

again, i just wanna say how grateful i am to have been able to be in the mcsg community. i've honestly met some of my closest friends today here, and i can't even begin to explain how amazing that is.

some people who have made a huge impact on my life, love you guys. :

para; ermagerd para, i love you so much. you're one of the funniest, nicest, and just overall greatest person i've ever met, and i hope we can still stay in touch. twerk buddies forever :)

summer & marina; you guys are honestly like sisters to me. i can always go to you if i need advice, and i know you're always there for me. thanks for being amazing guys. <3

hanna, jem, fuzy, cam, ashleigh, herp & ryan; some of the funniest, and most caring people i've met. i miss our old skype calls so much! love y'all.

oscar, zach, mia, jenna & chris; oh my lorrrd. y'all are like so freaking hilarious. all of our memories on shmoopie's server, ahahaha. anyways, i love you guys & i hope we can have one of our skype calls again some night. :)

sydney, keegan, johnathan, anakin, kitty & lizard; you're the only people who were there for me when i pretty much had no other friends, and that means so much to me. i know that a few of us had a bit of drama, but i'm still so happy that i met you guys. you got me a through a lot of stuff, and i knew i could always count on you. miss you guys, hope we can talk soon.

alex; my second twin. you understand me SO WELL, and i can always talk to you extremely easily. i feel like we met and quickly became great friends, and even though we hadn't talked in like a month, we're right back to where we left off. i reeeeeally hope i get to meet you someday, and i love you bby. <3

sofie; girl, you've been with me since the beginning. i remember when kellie first told me that there was this girl sofie who was at camp, and i was like her replacement for now. initially, i wanted to make sure you never came back home, but i had no clue that we would all become so close in the end. we've been through so much together. drama, tragedies & a bunch of really personal stuff. i feel like i've told you everything about me, and you've never judged me once. you're such an amazing person, and i look up to you so much. thank you for coming into my life. love you <3

robert; (since no one cares, you can be second.) robert my first twin. i can't even explain our friendship. when i met you, it took about five minutes for us to become best friends. i know i say i hate you all the time, but really, you're so important to me. i feel like we have so much in common, and i know i can tell you anything & you won't judge me whatsoever. okay, you probably will, but i know you're just joking. most of the time anyways. throughout everything that i've been through, you've stuck with me, and i know how hard that's been at some times. i want you to know that i love you so much, and us becoming friends has made me the person i am today. ho.

kellie; and lastly, kellie. this is gonna take me a while. kellie, you're the first person i really ever connected to on mcsg, and became real friends with. we met june 19th, 2013. that's exactly 113 days, and i wouldn't take back one of them. the memories we have together are endless. you've stuck with me through thick and thin, and even though some of that was drama, we managed to get back to the way we used to be. i know i've done a lot of things to hurt you, but i can't begin to think of what i would do to go back in time and fix those things. you made this summer- no, this year probably the best year of my life. i can't thank you enough for always being there for and accepting me for who i am. even though we only met a few months ago, i feel like i've known you for a lifetime. i know things aren't exactly how they were at the beginning of summer, but i hope that we can find a way to make them. oh and not to mention, you're one of the funniest people i've ever met. our inside jokes are so freaking hilarious. and kellie, you're so pretty. i seriously envy you so much sometimes. i know that we both have a lot of things we need to get through, but i want us to stay friends forever. i promise that i won't EVER do anything to hurt you again. i love you so much kellie, thanks for being amazing. <3

to kind of conclude this, i wanna make it clear that i'll still be on skype occasionally, and i do still play minecraft, just usually with my irl or really close friends and on a different server. again, a HUGE thanks to the mcsg community for being a great impact on my life. i've made some of the my most memorable friendships on here and i can't wait to look back on this experience and be able to say that these were some of the best times of my life.

Oh no! Im gonna miss you so much ;-; you were so nice and funny. our asdfghjkl; language and all. Bye girl <3 message me sometime.

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